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@josevalim / Plataformatec Concurrency Ruby in

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About me

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•Started with Ruby in 2006 About me

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•Started with Ruby in 2006 •Open Source Contributor About me

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•Started with Ruby in 2006 •Open Source Contributor •Joined Rails Core in 2010 About me

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•Started with Ruby in 2006 •Open Source Contributor •Joined Rails Core in 2010 •Author of About me

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No content

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•Why concurrency? Topics

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•Why concurrency? •The problem today Topics

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•Why concurrency? •The problem today •Learning from others Topics

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Why concurrency?

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Server Server Server Server

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50 cores $2600

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It is no longer about the future, it is about now

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In Ruby, we talk about threads

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We need our applications to be thread-safe

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The problem

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class User def self.current_user=(user) @@current_user = user end def self.current_user @@current_user end end

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post "/do_something" do User.current_user = user_from_request # some work Mailer.deliver_to( User.current_user) end

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1. Assign current_user 2. Do some work 3. Get current_user to send an e-mail

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz matz jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz matz jose jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz matz jose jose jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz matz jose jose jose jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz matz jose jose jose jose jose jose

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thread 1 current_ user thread 2 jose jose matz matz jose jose jose jose jose jose

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User.current_user is shared mutable state (global)

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ActionMailer::Base.from ActionController::Base.logger Devise.password_length SimpleForm.form_options

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What is Ruby?

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Ruby is a programming language with different implementations

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Rails 2.2 threadsafe

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Not really ...

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Thread-safety means different things for different implementations

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class ActionController::Base prepend_view_path("app/views") ) end

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# It finds Rails templates and # caches them in between requests class ActionView::Resolver def initialize @cached = { ... } end end

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@cached[template] =

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Thread-safe YARV Yes JRUBY No RBX 2.0 No Hashes

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global virtual machine lock (YARV) @cached[template] = static VALUE env_aset(VALUE obj, VALUE nm, VALUE val) { ... hash.c

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global virtual machine lock (YARV) @cached[template] = static VALUE env_aset(VALUE obj, VALUE nm, VALUE val) { ... hash.c

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Without the GVL, other Ruby implementations may try to change the same Hash at the same time, corrupting it

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Very low-level abstractions

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Code maintainability

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Code maintainability YARV performance

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Code maintainability YARV performance Developer happiness

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• Class definitions • Instance variables • Class variables • Data structures ...

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We need to define proper semantics and provide better abstractions

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Learning from others

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thread.rb Thread Mutex ConditionVariable Queue SizedQueue

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java.util.concurrent ArrayBlockingQueue ConcurrentHashMap ConcurrentLinkedQueue ConcurrentSkipListMap ConcurrentSkipListSet CopyOnWriteArrayList CopyOnWriteArraySet CountDownLatch CyclicBarrier DelayQueue Exchanger FutureTask LinkedBlockingDeque LinkedBlockingQueue PriorityBlockingQueue PriorityQueue Semaphore SynchronousQueue

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java.util.concurrent ArrayBlockingQueue ConcurrentHashMap ConcurrentLinkedQueue ConcurrentSkipListMap ConcurrentSkipListSet CopyOnWriteArrayList CopyOnWriteArraySet CountDownLatch CyclicBarrier DelayQueue Exchanger FutureTask LinkedBlockingDeque LinkedBlockingQueue PriorityBlockingQueue PriorityQueue Semaphore SynchronousQueue ETOOMANYCLASSES

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No content

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“There are heaps of non thread-safe usage of Hashes in Rails and the surrounding gems”

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Using hashes as a cache is an extremely common pattern in Ruby

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@cached[template] =

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Thread-safe YARV Yes JRUBY No RBX 2.0 No Hashes

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- @cached = {} + @cached =

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- @cached = {} + @cached =

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Ruby under a microscope “How hashes scale from one to one million elements”

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One class to rule them all!

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Proposal #1

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1. add Hash#concurrent_read and Hash#concurrent_write Proposal #1

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1. add Hash#concurrent_read and Hash#concurrent_write 2. allow implementations to have different default values Proposal #1

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# YARV hash = hash.concurrent_read #=> true hash.concurrent_write #=> true # JRUBY hash = hash.concurrent_read #=> false hash.concurrent_write #=> false # RBX hash = hash.concurrent_read #=> ? hash.concurrent_write #=> ?

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# When you need thread safety # in any implementation: hash = hash.concurrent_read! hash.concurrent_write!

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class User def name=(name) @name = name end def name @name end end user =

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10.times do { = "Hello #{rand}" } end Threadsafe?

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Defining Updating YARV Yes Yes JRUBY Yes No RBX 2.0 ? ? Instance variables

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class User def initialize @name = end def name @name.get end def name=(name) @name.set(name) end end

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class User atomic_accessor :name end

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class User def initialize # Provide a default # lazily calculated value @name = do expensive_calculation end end end

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Defining Updating YARV Yes Yes JRUBY Yes No RBX 2.0 ? ? Instance variables

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Proposal #2

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1. updating instance variables are declared unsafe Proposal #2

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1. updating instance variables are declared unsafe 2. any thread-safe Ruby code needs to treat them as such Proposal #2

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Proposal #2

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3. implementations like YARV can still provide safe semantics due to technical limitation Proposal #2

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3. implementations like YARV can still provide safe semantics due to technical limitation 4. but code that relies on such behavior works by “accident” Proposal #2

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Proposal #2

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5. add AtomicReference to thread.rb Proposal #2

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5. add AtomicReference to thread.rb Proposal #2 AtomicReference#new(&default) AtomicReference#set(value) AtomicReference#get()

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AtomicReference #get_and_set(new) AtomicReference #compare_and_swap(old, new)

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compare_and_swap is the first step required for implementing lock-free data structures

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Go shows us we can go a long way with simple (but powerful) abstractions and great education

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“Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating”

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is_done = false { # do something expensive is_done = true # do something else } sleep(0.5) until is_done # a bit more work puts :DONE

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Go made Channels and Goroutines first-class citizens of the language

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done := make(chan bool, 1) go func() { // do something expensive done <- true // do something else }() <-done // a bit more work

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queue = { # do something expensive queue << true # do something else } queue.pop # a bit more work puts :DONE

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Ruby already has Queues! Let’s do more on top of it!

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select { case <-ch: // a read from ch has occurred case <-done: // the done channel is done }

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thread.rb Thread Mutex ConditionVariable Queue SizedQueue

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But there is something more...

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Both Erlang and Go have lightweight concurrent primitives, scheduled by the language

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How much does a thread cost in Ruby?

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Erlang -> Processes Go -> Goroutines Ruby -> ?

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Proposal #3

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1. Let’s make our Queue more powerful (with sizes and de-multiplexing) Proposal #3

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Proposal #4

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1. Provide lightweight, concurrent scheduled primitives Proposal #4

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Finally, what about the Actor model?

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The Actor model is about building systems. Ruby should make it easier for them to flourish.

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The different semantics existing in different implementations makes concurrency in Ruby harder

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We are also not used to think about concurrency. We need more education on how to “think concurrently”

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We need...

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We need... • well-defined semantics

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We need... • well-defined semantics • a thread-safe stdlib (example: Hash#concurrent_write!)

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We need... • well-defined semantics • a thread-safe stdlib (example: Hash#concurrent_write!) • high-level abstractions & education (example: atomic, queues)

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My goal is not to propose final solutions but instigate discussion. I hope I have fulfilled it!

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Thank you! @josevalim / Plataformatec