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Community AWS Community Accelerate Modern Application Development with Containers

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AWS Community Key Takeaways • Understand the goal of building with modern approach • Understand the overall essential container services on AWS • How to use AWS Copilot to deploy your application • How to deploy another service with AWS Copilot • How to integrate services

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AWS Community Modern Application. The combination of modern technologies, architectures, software delivery practices, and operational processes that lead teams to deliver value more quickly, frequently, consistently, and safely.

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AWS Community Goal of Modern Application Value for Customers Build better products Release features faster Experiment and Innovate more often Focus on business logic Decouple software systems

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AWS Community Developers provision infrastructure on demand and deploy in minutes Software delivery is automated via continuous delivery pipelines Applications are fully instrumented for metric and log collection Organizations standardize on tools and best practices Security best practices are baked in to every application and service Developers wait days/weeks for infrastructure to be provisioned Tooling is inconsistent across teams and business units Software is manually deployed on an ad-hoc basis Security is configured ad-hoc for each application Developers lack visibility into applications running in production Challenge Solution From Challenges to Solutions

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Why containers?

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AWS Community Code Code packages Operating system packages Runtime Applications aren’t just code, they have dependencies

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AWS Community Code Code packages Operating system packages Container image Runtime Containers turn applications into one deployable artifact

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AWS Community Local Laptop Staging / QA Production On-Prem Four environments, same container

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AWS Community Running containers in production is hard Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS Server Guest OS

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AWS Community AWS Container Services Landscape Management Deployment, scheduling, scaling, and management of containerized applications Hosting Where the containers run Image Registry Container image repository

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AWS Community Simplicity + Serverless = 🚀

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AWS Community Introducing AWS Copilot CLI • How do I deploy applications? • How to check the applications? • How do I add a service & integrate with AWS services? • How can I test without affecting productions? • How do I release applications? • How about cleaning up? • ...and more! ✅ Solve all of these challenges

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AWS Community DEMO Deploy API with AWS Copilot You will learn how to : 1. Install AWS Copilot 2. Initialize your first app 3. Create environment 4. Deploy your API

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AWS Community Diagram Architecture

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AWS Community DEMO Deploy Web, Integrate with API and Database You will learn how to : 1. Create and deploy a new service 2. Change HTTP path routing 3. Synchronous communication using service discovery

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AWS Community Diagram Architecture

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AWS Community 🤘

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Community Download the PPT Code Repo + Demo AWS Community