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TDD Testing anti-patterns

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Matheus Marabesi Hello there, you can call me Marabesi, But my name is Matheus Marabesi, I work at Codurance as a Software craftsperson. I enjoy talking about anything related to: testing, patterns and gamification. You can find me at @MatheusMarabesi or Codurance Crafting Code

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1. Intro - Background 2. Excessive setup 3. The Liar 4. The giant 5. The slow poke 6. Wrapping up Crafting code Agenda

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1. Background Warming up Getting started

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When Test Driven Development Goes Wrong Dave Farley - by Continuous Delivery

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The Liar The Giant The Mockery The Inspector Generous Leftovers The Local Hero The Nitpicker The Secret Catcher The Dodger The Loudmouth Anti patterns The Greedy Catcher Excessive Setup The Sequencer Hidden Dependency The Enumerator The Stranger The Operating System Evangelist Success Against All Odds The Free Ride The One The Peeping Tom The Slow Poke James Carr - TDD Anti-Patterns

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The Liar 4 The Giant 5 The Mockery The Inspector Generous Leftovers The Local Hero The Nitpicker The Secret Catcher The Dodger The Loudmouth Anti patterns The Greedy Catcher Excessive Setup 3 The Sequencer Hidden Dependency The Enumerator The Stranger The Operating System Evangelist Success Against All Odds The Free Ride The One The Peeping Tom The Slow Poke 6

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SSD 14/16: Test Patterns and Anti-Patterns Yegor Bugayenko

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2. Excessive setup - 🏆3 A test that requires a lot of work setting up in order to even begin testing. Sometimes several hundred lines of code is used to setup the environment for one test, with several objects involved, which can make it difficult to really ascertain what is tested due to the “noise” of all of the setup going on. Crafting code

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jest.mock('compression') jest.mock('connect') jest.mock('serve-static') jest.mock('serve-placeholder') jest.mock('launch-editor-middleware') jest.mock('@nuxt/utils') jest.mock('@nuxt/vue-renderer') jest.mock('../src/listener') jest.mock('../src/context') jest.mock('../src/jsdom') jest.mock('../src/middleware/nuxt') jest.mock('../src/middleware/error') jest.mock('../src/middleware/timing') Jest - javascript - Nuxtjs

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describe('server: server', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.spyOn(path, 'join').mockImplementation((...args) => `join(${args.join(', ')})`) jest.spyOn(path, 'resolve').mockImplementation((...args) => `resolve(${args.join(', ')})`) connect.mockReturnValue({ use: jest.fn() }) serveStatic.mockImplementation(dir => ({ id: 'test-serve-static', dir })) nuxtMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-nuxt-middleware', ...options })) errorMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-error-middleware', ...options })) createTimingMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-timing-middleware', ...options })) // piece of code hidden }) Jest - javascript Jest - javascript - Nuxtjs

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describe('server: server', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.spyOn(path, 'join').mockImplementation((...args) => `join(${args.join(', ')})`) jest.spyOn(path, 'resolve').mockImplementation((...args) => `resolve(${args.join(', ')})`) connect.mockReturnValue({ use: jest.fn() }) serveStatic.mockImplementation(dir => ({ id: 'test-serve-static', dir })) nuxtMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-nuxt-middleware', ...options })) errorMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-error-middleware', ...options })) createTimingMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-timing-middleware', ...options })) // piece of code hidden }) Jest - javascript Jest - javascript - Nuxtjs

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describe('server: server', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.spyOn(path, 'join').mockImplementation((...args) => `join(${args.join(', ')})`) jest.spyOn(path, 'resolve').mockImplementation((...args) => `resolve(${args.join(', ')})`) connect.mockReturnValue({ use: jest.fn() }) serveStatic.mockImplementation(dir => ({ id: 'test-serve-static', dir })) nuxtMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-nuxt-middleware', ...options })) errorMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-error-middleware', ...options })) createTimingMiddleware.mockImplementation(options => ({ id: 'test-timing-middleware', ...options })) // piece of code hidden }) Jest - javascript Jest - javascript - Nuxtjs

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test('should construct server', () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() // piece of code hidden let server = new Server(nuxt) expect(server.nuxt.hook).toBeCalledWith('close', expect.any(Function)) // piece of code hidden const closeHook = server.nuxt.hook.mock.calls[0][1] server.close = jest.fn() expect(server.close).not.toBeCalled() closeHook() expect(server.close).toBeCalledTimes(1) // piece of code hidden server = new Server(nuxt) expect(server.publicPath).toBe( }) Jest - javascript - Nuxtjs

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test('should construct server', () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() // piece of code hidden let server = new Server(nuxt) expect(server.nuxt.hook).toBeCalledWith('close', expect.any(Function)) // piece of code hidden const closeHook = server.nuxt.hook.mock.calls[0][1] server.close = jest.fn() expect(server.close).not.toBeCalled() closeHook() expect(server.close).toBeCalledTimes(1) // piece of code hidden server = new Server(nuxt) expect(server.publicPath).toBe( }) Jest - javascript - Nuxtjs

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const Wrapped = ( code, test, testCaseTests, sourceCodeTests, guideContent, whenDoneRedirectTo, waitCodeToBeExecutedOnStep, enableEditorOnStep, trackSection, testCaseStrategy, sourceCodeStrategy, disableEditor, introContent, enableIntroOnStep, editorOptions, attentionAnimationTo = [] ) => { } Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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const Wrapped = ( code, test, testCaseTests, sourceCodeTests, guideContent, whenDoneRedirectTo, waitCodeToBeExecutedOnStep, enableEditorOnStep, trackSection, testCaseStrategy, sourceCodeStrategy, disableEditor, introContent, enableIntroOnStep, editorOptions, attentionAnimationTo = [] ) => { } Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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test('should accept editor options by parameter', () => { const HoC = Rocket( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'my-section', null, null, null, null, { [SOURCE_CODE]: { readOnly: true }, [TEST_CODE]: {} } ); const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.instance().state.editorOptions[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('EditorManager').props().options[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toEqual(true); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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test('should accept editor options by parameter', () => { const HoC = Rocket( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'my-section', null, null, null, null, { [SOURCE_CODE]: { readOnly: true }, [TEST_CODE]: {} } ); const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.instance().state.editorOptions[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('EditorManager').props().options[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toEqual(true); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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test('should accept editor options by parameter', () => { const HoC = Rocket( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'my-section', null, null, null, null, { [SOURCE_CODE]: { readOnly: true }, [TEST_CODE]: {} } ); const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.instance().state.editorOptions[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('EditorManager').props().options[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toEqual(true); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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test('should accept editor options by parameter', () => { const HoC = Rocket( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'my-section', null, null, null, null, { [SOURCE_CODE]: { readOnly: true }, [TEST_CODE]: {} } ); const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.instance().state.editorOptions[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('EditorManager').props().options[SOURCE_CODE].readOnly).toEqual(true); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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The automation server

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/** * Makes sure the use of "localhost" in the Hudson URL reports a warning. */ @Test public void localhostWarning() throws Exception { HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().goTo("configure"); HtmlInput url = p.getFormByName("config").getInputByName("_.url"); url.setValueAttribute("http://localhost:1234/"); assertThat( p.getDocumentElement().getTextContent(), containsString("instead of localhost") ); } Junit - Java - Jenkins

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/** * Makes sure the use of "localhost" in the Hudson URL reports a warning. */ @Test public void localhostWarning() throws Exception { HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().goTo("configure"); HtmlInput url = p.getFormByName("config").getInputByName("_.url"); url.setValueAttribute("http://localhost:1234/"); assertThat( p.getDocumentElement().getTextContent(), containsString("instead of localhost") ); } Junit - Java Junit - Java - Jenkins

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/** * Makes sure the use of "localhost" in the Hudson URL reports a warning. */ @Test public void localhostWarning() throws Exception { HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().goTo("configure"); HtmlInput url = p.getFormByName("config").getInputByName("_.url"); url.setValueAttribute("http://localhost:1234/"); assertThat( p.getDocumentElement().getTextContent(), containsString("instead of localhost") ); } Junit - Java Junit - Java - Jenkins

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/** * Makes sure the use of "localhost" in the Hudson URL reports a warning. */ @Test public void localhostWarning() throws Exception { HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().goTo("configure"); HtmlInput url = p.getFormByName("config").getInputByName("_.url"); url.setValueAttribute("http://localhost:1234/"); assertThat( p.getDocumentElement().getTextContent(), containsString("instead of localhost") ); } Junit - Java Junit - Java - Jenkins

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/** * Makes sure the use of "localhost" in the Hudson URL reports a warning. */ @Test public void localhostWarning() throws Exception { HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().goTo("configure"); HtmlInput url = p.getFormByName("config").getInputByName("_.url"); url.setValueAttribute("http://localhost:1234/"); assertThat( p.getDocumentElement().getTextContent(), containsString("instead of localhost") ); } Junit - Java Junit - Java - Jenkins

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/** * Makes sure the use of "localhost" in the Hudson URL reports a warning. */ @Test public void localhostWarning() throws Exception { HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().goTo("configure"); HtmlInput url = p.getFormByName("config").getInputByName("_.url"); url.setValueAttribute("http://localhost:1234/"); assertThat( p.getDocumentElement().getTextContent(), containsString("instead of localhost") ); } Junit - Java Junit - Java - Jenkins

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● Adding tests after the source code ● Lack of SOLID principles ● Object Calisthenics? Root cause

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3. The liar - 🏆4 An entire unit test that passes all of the test cases it has and appears valid, but upon closer inspection it is discovered that it doesn’t really test the intended target at all. Crafting code

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test('the data is peanut butter', () => { function callback(data) { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', () => { function callback(data) { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', () => { function callback(data) { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', done => { function callback(data) { try { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', done => { function callback(data) { try { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', done => { function callback(data) { try { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', done => { function callback(data) { try { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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test('the data is peanut butter', done => { function callback(data) { try { expect(data).toBe('peanut butter'); done(); } catch (error) { done(error); } } fetchData(callback); }); Jest - javascript

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@Test fun `update user`() { val userId = 999 service.updateUserCustomAttributes( userId, mapOf(UserCustomAttribute.JOB to "MANAGER") ) } @Test fun `delete user`() { val userId = UserId.fromUuidString("e080-c8a-41bb-8ef-415124637e99") service.deleteUser(userId) } Junit - kotlin

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@Test fun `update user`() { val userId = 999 service.updateUserCustomAttributes( userId, mapOf(UserCustomAttribute.JOB to "MANAGER") ) } @Test fun `delete user`() { val userId = UserId.fromUuidString("e080-c8a-41bb-8ef-415124637e99") service.deleteUser(userId) } Junit - kotlin

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@Test fun `update user`() { val userId = 999 service.updateUserCustomAttributes( userId, mapOf(UserCustomAttribute.JOB to "MANAGER") ) } @Test fun `delete user`() { val userId = UserId.fromUuidString("e080-c8a-41bb-8ef-415124637e99") service.deleteUser(userId) } Junit - kotlin

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● Wow, async - watch out! ● Test without assertions Points of attention

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● Lack of practice on TDD ● Oriented to coverage Root cause

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4. The giant - 🏆5 A unit test that, although it is validly testing the object under test, can span thousands of lines and contain many many test cases. This can be an indicator that the system under tests is a God Object. Crafting code

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namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared; class ConverterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function testUnitConversions() { $values = array(); $values[] = 0; // zero value $values[] = rand(1, 100) / 100; // fraction number $values[] = rand(1, 100); // integer foreach ($values as $value) { $result = Converter::cmToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::cmToInch($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared; class ConverterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function testUnitConversions() { $values = array(); $values[] = 0; // zero value $values[] = rand(1, 100) / 100; // fraction number $values[] = rand(1, 100); // integer foreach ($values as $value) { $result = Converter::cmToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::cmToInch($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared; class ConverterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function testUnitConversions() { $values = array(); $values[] = 0; // zero value $values[] = rand(1, 100) / 100; // fraction number $values[] = rand(1, 100); // integer foreach ($values as $value) { $result = Converter::cmToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::cmToInch($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared; class ConverterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function testUnitConversions() { $values = array(); $values[] = 0; // zero value $values[] = rand(1, 100) / 100; // fraction number $values[] = rand(1, 100); // integer foreach ($values as $value) { $result = Converter::cmToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::cmToInch($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared; class ConverterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function testUnitConversions() { $values = array(); $values[] = 0; // zero value $values[] = rand(1, 100) / 100; // fraction number $values[] = rand(1, 100); // integer foreach ($values as $value) { $result = Converter::cmToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::cmToInch($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::cmToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 96, $result); $result = Converter::cmToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::cmToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 2.54 * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::inchToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::inchToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::inchToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 96, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::cmToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 96, $result); $result = Converter::cmToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::cmToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 2.54 * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::inchToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::inchToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::inchToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 96, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::cmToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 96, $result); $result = Converter::cmToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::cmToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 2.54 * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::inchToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::inchToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::inchToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 96, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::cmToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 96, $result); $result = Converter::cmToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::cmToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 2.54 * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::inchToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::inchToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::inchToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 96, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::cmToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 96, $result); $result = Converter::cmToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::cmToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 2.54 * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::inchToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::inchToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::inchToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 96, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::cmToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 96, $result); $result = Converter::cmToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 2.54 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::cmToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 2.54 * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::inchToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::inchToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::inchToPixel($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 96, $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::inchToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 72, $result); $result = Converter::inchToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::pixelToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 9525), $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::inchToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 72, $result); $result = Converter::inchToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::pixelToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 9525), $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::inchToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 72, $result); $result = Converter::inchToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::pixelToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 9525), $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::inchToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 72, $result); $result = Converter::inchToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::pixelToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 9525), $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::inchToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 72, $result); $result = Converter::inchToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::pixelToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 9525), $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::inchToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value * 72, $result); $result = Converter::inchToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 96 * 9525), $result); $result = Converter::pixelToTwip($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 1440, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToCm($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 2.54, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToPoint($value); $this->assertEquals($value / 96 * 72, $result); $result = Converter::pixelToEmu($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value * 9525), $result); PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::degreeToAngle($value); $this->assertEquals((int) round($value * 60000), $result); $result = Converter::angleToDegree($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 60000), $result); } } PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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$result = Converter::degreeToAngle($value); $this->assertEquals((int) round($value * 60000), $result); $result = Converter::angleToDegree($value); $this->assertEquals(round($value / 60000), $result); } } PHPUnit - PHPOffice/Word

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● How many test cases do I have? ● Lacks feedback from the test ● Data provider / Parameterized tests Points of attention

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● Test after, instead of test first Root cause

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5. The slow poke - 🏆6 A unit test that runs incredibly slow. When developers kick it off, they have time to go to the bathroom, grab a smoke, or worse, kick the test off before they go home at the end of the day. Crafting code

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Slow poke?

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Asynchronous Behavior Eradicating Non-Determinism in Tests Martin Fowler, 2011

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test('should show Buggy on user interaction by keyboard', done => { const wrapper = mount( ); setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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test('should show Buggy on user interaction by keyboard', done => { const wrapper = mount( ); setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(0); done(); }, 500); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(0); done(); }, 500); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(0); done(); }, 500); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(0); done(); }, 500); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(1); const keypress = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {keyCode: 37}); document.dispatchEvent(keypress); wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('BuggySleepy').length).toBe(0); done(); }, 500); }); Jest - Javascript - Reactjs

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● CRON jobs ● Leap year / any time related ● Lack of control over non-determinism Points of attention

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Focus more on integration test instead of unit, this can lead to slow suites. This also can happen when focusing too much on coverage instead of having it as a side effect. Points of attention

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No content

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Trying to reverse engineer the TDD flow. It often happens when there is no tests on the code and as soon as developers start to add them, it goes back to integration test and coverage. Points of attention

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Ice cream cone Testing is Good. Pyramids are Bad. Ice Cream Cones are the Worst - Stephen H Fishman

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Pyramid Testing is Good. Pyramids are Bad. Ice Cream Cones are the Worst - Stephen H Fishman

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Crafting code Testing is Good. Pyramids are Bad. Ice Cream Cones are the Worst - Stephen H Fishman

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6. Wrapping up We are almost done! Crafting code

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● The liar ● Excessive setup ● The giant ● The slow poke ● and many more! What we covered

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Most of the anti-patterns presented are related to test last Test last

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If it's hard to test, take a step back. Hard to test

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Working skeleton Growing object oriented software, guided by tests Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce Crafting code

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Matheus Marabesi Hello there, you can call me Marabesi, But my name is Matheus Marabesi, I work at Codurance as a Software craftsperson. I enjoy talking about anything related to: testing, patterns and gamification. You can find me at @MatheusMarabesi or Codurance Crafting Code