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Director, External Relations, AKADEMIYA2063 Day 1 Recap and Day 2 Program Objectives Ms. Tsitsi Makombe November 28

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Conference Objectives 1. Discuss research evidence and recommendations presented in the 2023 ATOR on the performance of Africa’s food systems under the CAADP/Malabo agenda 2. Examine opportunities for accelerating a sustainable transformation of Africa’s food systems in relation to key thematic areas 3. Assess progress in promoting mutual accountability through the CAADP Biennial Review (BR) process 4. Review progress in the implementing CAADP national and regional agriculture investment plans 5. Evaluate the status of CAADP implementation and progress toward achieving key goals and targets

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Recap of Day 1: Monday, November 27 1. Side Events o Climate Change Initiatives in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation o Harnessing Artificial Intelligence, Remote Sensing, and Data Analytics for African Food Systems Transformation 2. Official Opening of the 2023 ReSAKSS Conference o Dr. Ousmane Badiane, Executive Chairperson, AKADEMIYA2063 o Ms. Mia Beers, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security, USAID o Dr. Maximo Torero, Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) o H.E. Ambassador Josefa L. C. Sacko, Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission (AUC) o Hon. Mr. Eric Rwigamba, Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda

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Recap of Day 1: Monday, November 27…cont 3. Keynote Presentation: “African Food Systems Transformation and the Post-Malabo Agenda: Megatrends and Knowledge Requirements to Inform Action” o Dr. Ousmane Badiane, Executive Chairperson, AKADEMIYA2063 4. Overview of the 2023 ATOR o Ms. Julie Collins, Senior Associate Scientist, AKADEMIYA2063, Co- editor of the 2023 ATOR 5. High-level Panel Discussion: Reflections on the CAADP Experience 6. Plenary Discussion 7. Concluding Remarks

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Program for Day 2– Tuesday, November 28 1. Plenary Session II– Taking Stock, Tracking and Measuring Progress Under Malabo o Presentations of two 2023 ATOR Chapters (10 mins each) o Plenary Discussion (20 mins) o Panel Discussion (40 mins) o Plenary Discussion (30 mins) Coffee Break (20 mins) 2. Plenary Session III–Analyzing Food Systems and Accelerating Transformation: Approaches, Tools, and Methodologies o Presentations of three 2023 ATOR Chapters (10 mins each) o Plenary Discussion (30 mins) o Panel Discussion (40 mins) o Plenary Discussion (30 mins) Lunch Break (1 hour)

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Program for Day 2– Tuesday, November 28…cont 3. Plenary Session IV–Consolidating Knowledge in Emerging Themes o Presentations of four 2023 ATOR Chapters (10 mins each) o Plenary Discussion (30 mins) o Panel Discussion (40 mins) o Plenary Discussion (30 mins) Concluding Remarks (10 mins)

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2023 ATOR, Presentations & Social Media • 2023 ATOR will soon be available online: full report and individual chapters: • Conference presentations will be made available on the AKADEMIYA2063’s SlideShare website soon after conference • • Conference recording will be made available on AKADEMIYA2063’s YouTube channel • Share conference deliberations and your views on social media #2023ATOR #2023ReSAKSS

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Thank You! Murakoze!