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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 1/44 Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods Audrey Repetti⋆, Emilie Chouzenoux†, and Jean-Christophe Pesquet† ⋆ Heriot-Watt University – Edinburgh – UK † Universit´ e Paris-Est Marne la Vall´ ee – France 11 March 2016 – L2S

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 2/44 In collaboration with E. Chouzenoux J.-C. Pesquet

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 3/44 Motivation: Inverse problems z = H Observation matrix x Original signal + w Additive noise Objective: Find an estimation ˆ x ∈ RN of x from z. Observation model

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 3/44 Motivation: Inverse problems z = H Observation matrix x Original signal + w Additive noise Objective: Find an estimation ˆ x ∈ RN of x from z. Observation model x z ˆ x

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 3/44 Motivation: Inverse problems z = H Observation matrix x Original signal + w Additive noise Objective: Find an estimation ˆ x ∈ RN of x from z. Observation model x z ˆ x

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 4/44 Motivation: Variational formulation Define estimate ˆ x as a solution to Argmin x∈RN f1(x) + f2(x). Minimization problem ⋆ f1 is a data fidelity term related to the observation model ⋆ f2 is a regularization term related to some a priori assumptions on the target solution • e.g. an a priori on the smoothness of an image, • e.g. an a priori on the sparsity of a signal, • e.g. a support constraint, • etc...

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 4/44 Motivation: Variational formulation Define estimate ˆ x as a solution to Argmin x∈RN f1(x) + f2(x). Minimization problem ⋆ f1 is a data fidelity term related to the observation model ⋆ f2 is a regularization term related to some a priori assumptions on the target solution In the context of large scale problems, how to find an optimization algorithm able to deliver a reliable numerical solution in a reasonable time, with low memory requirement ? ?

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 5/44 Minimization problem Find x ∈ Argmin x∈RN f(x) = h(x) + g(x) Optimization problem where ◮ g: RN →] − ∞, +∞] is proper, lsc, bounded from below by an affine function, and the restriction to its domain is continuous, ◮ h: RN →] − ∞, +∞[ is β-Lipschitz differentiable , ◮ f is coercive.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 6/44 Forward-Backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ proxγkg (xk − γk ∇h(xk )) Let g: RN →] − ∞, +∞] be proper, lsc, and bounded from below by an affine function. The proximity operator of g at x ∈ RN is defined by prox g (x) = Argmin y∈RN g(y) + 1 2 y − x 2.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 6/44 Forward-Backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ proxγkg (xk − γk ∇h(xk )) Let g: RN →] − ∞, +∞] be proper, lsc, and bounded from below by an affine function. The proximity operator of g at x ∈ RN is defined by prox g (x) = Argmin y∈RN g(y) + 1 2 y − x 2. ⋆ When g is convex , then prox g (x) is reduced to a singleton.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 6/44 Forward-Backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ proxγkg (xk − γk ∇h(xk )) Let g: RN →] − ∞, +∞] be proper, lsc, and bounded from below by an affine function. The proximity operator of g at x ∈ RN is defined by prox g (x) = Argmin y∈RN g(y) + 1 2 y − x 2. ⋆ When g is convex , then prox g (x) is reduced to a singleton. ⋆ When g = ιC is the indicator function of the non empty closed convex set C ⊂ RN , then proxιC (x) = ΠC (x) = argmin y∈C y − x 2.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 6/44 Forward-Backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ proxγkg (xk − γk ∇h(xk )) Let g: RN →] − ∞, +∞] be proper, lsc, and bounded from below by an affine function. Let U ∈ RN×N be a symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix. The proximity operator of g at x ∈ RN is defined by prox U,g (x) = Argmin y∈RN g(y) + 1 2 y − x 2 U , where x 2 U = x | Ux . ⋆ When g is convex , then prox g (x) is reduced to a singleton. ⋆ When g = ιC is the indicator function of the non empty closed convex set C ⊂ RN , then prox ιC (x) = ΠC (x) = argmin y∈C y − x 2.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 6/44 Forward-Backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ proxγkg (xk − γk ∇h(xk )) Convergence results: ⋆ Convergence of (xk )k∈N to a minimizer of f is ensured when h and g are convex, and 0 < inf k∈N γk sup k∈N γk < 2β−1. [Combettes & Wajs – 2005]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 6/44 Forward-Backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ proxγkg (xk − γk ∇h(xk )) Convergence results: ⋆ Convergence of (xk )k∈N to a minimizer of f is ensured when h and g are convex, and 0 < inf k∈N γk sup k∈N γk < 2β−1. [Combettes & Wajs – 2005] ⋆ Convergence of (xk )k∈N to a critical point of f is ensured when h and/or g are nonconvex, and 0 < inf k∈N γk sup k∈N γk < β−1. [Attouch, Bolte & Svaiter – 2011] Proof based on Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 7/44 Kurdyka-Lojasiewizc inequality Function f satisfies the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality i.e., for every ξ ∈ R, and, for every bounded subset E of RN , there exist three constants κ > 0, ζ > 0 and θ ∈ [0, 1) such that ∀t ∈ ∂f(x) t κ|f(x) − ξ|θ, for every x ∈ E such that |f(x) − ξ| ζ. ⋆ Note that other forms of the KL inequality can be found in the literature [Bolte et al. - 2007][Bolte et al. - 2010]. ⋆ Satisfied for a wide class of functions : • real analytic functions • semi-algebraic functions • ...

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 8/44 How to make the Forward-Backward algorithm efficient for large scale optimization in the nonconvex case? ? ⋆ Variable metric strategy

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 9/44 Variable metric forward-backward algorithm ⋆ Introduce preconditioning symmetric positive definite (SDP) matrices. Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ and Ak (xk ) ∈ RN×N an SPD matrix. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k Ak(xk), g xk − γkAk (xk ) −1∇h(xk )

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 9/44 Variable metric forward-backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ and Ak (xk ) ∈ RN×N an SPD matrix. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k Ak(xk), g xk − γkAk (xk ) −1∇h(xk ) Convergence results: ⋆ Convergence of (xk )k∈N to a minimizer of f when h and g are convex [Combettes & V˜ u - 2014] No automatic method for the choice of the preconditioning matrices

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 9/44 Variable metric forward-backward algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. Let, for every k ∈ N, γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ and Ak (xk ) ∈ RN×N an SPD matrix. For k = 0, 1, . . . xk+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k Ak(xk), g xk − γkAk (xk ) −1∇h(xk ) Convergence results: ⋆ Convergence of (xk )k∈N to a minimizer of f when h and g are convex [Combettes & V˜ u - 2014] No automatic method for the choice of the preconditioning matrices ⋆ Convergence of (xk )k∈N to a critical point of f when h and/or g are nonconvex [Chouzenoux et al. - 2014] Automatic method for the choice of the preconditioning matrices

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 10/44 Majorize-Minimize strategy [Jacobson & Fessler – 2007] For every k ∈ N, there exists an SPD matrix Ak (xk ) ∈ RN×N such that (∀x ∈ RN ) q(x, xk ) = h(xk ) + x − xk | ∇h(xk ) + 1 2 x − xk 2 Ak (xk ) is a majorant function of h at xk on dom g, i.e., h(xk ) = q(xk , xk ) and (∀x ∈ dom g) h(x) q(x, xk ). h xk q(·, xk )

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 10/44 Majorize-Minimize strategy [Jacobson & Fessler – 2007] For every k ∈ N, there exists an SPD matrix Ak (xk ) ∈ RN×N such that (∀x ∈ RN ) q(x, xk ) = h(xk ) + x − xk | ∇h(xk ) + 1 2 x − xk 2 Ak (xk ) is a majorant function of h at xk on dom g, i.e., h(xk ) = q(xk , xk ) and (∀x ∈ dom g) h(x) q(x, xk ). h is differentiable with a β-Lipschitzian gradient on a convex subset of RN Ak (xk ) ≡ β IN satisfies the majorization condition [Bertsekas - 1999]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 11/44 How to make the Forward-Backward algorithm efficient for large scale optimization? ? ⋆ Variable metric strategy ⋆ Block-coordinate method

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 12/44 Block separable structure ◮ g is an additively block separable function.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 12/44 Block separable structure ◮ g is an additively block separable function. x ∈ RN x(1) ∈ RN1 x(2) ∈ RN2 · · · · x(J) ∈ RNJ N = J j=1 Nj (∀˙  ∈ {1, . . . , J}) g˙  : RN˙  →] − ∞, +∞] is a proper, lsc function, continuous on its domain and bounded from below by an affine function. g

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 12/44 Block separable structure ◮ g is an additively block separable function. x x(1) x(2) · · · · x(J) = J j=1 gj(x(j)) (∀˙  ∈ {1, . . . , J}) g˙  : RN˙  →] − ∞, +∞] is a proper, lsc function, continuous on its domain and bounded from below by an affine function. g = g

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 13/44 Block coordinate approach Find x ∈ Argmin x∈RN f(x) = h(x) + J j=1 gj(x(j)) Optimization problem ⋆ Principle At each iteration k ∈ N, update only a subset of components (∼ Gauss-Seidel methods) ⋆ Advantages • more flexibility, • reduce computational cost at each iteration, • reduce memory requirement.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k where (∀k ∈ N) x(k ) k = x(1), . . . , x(k −1), x(k +1), . . . , x(J) .

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k Convergence results: ⋆ Blocks updated according to a random rule in the convex case when A˙ k (xk ) ≡ IN˙ k [Combettes & Pesquet – 2014]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k Convergence results: ⋆ Blocks updated according to a random rule in the convex case when A˙ k (xk ) ≡ IN˙ k [Combettes & Pesquet – 2014] ⋆ Blocks updated according to a cyclic rule in the nonconvex case when A˙ k (xk ) ≡ IN˙ k [Bolte et al. – 2013] and when A˙ k (xk ) is a general SPD matrix [Frankel et al. – 2014]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k Convergence results: ⋆ Blocks updated according to a random rule in the convex case when A˙ k (xk ) ≡ IN˙ k [Combettes & Pesquet – 2014] ⋆ Blocks updated according to a cyclic rule in the nonconvex case when A˙ k (xk ) ≡ IN˙ k [Bolte et al. – 2013] and when A˙ k (xk ) is a general SPD matrix [Frankel et al. – 2014] ⋆ Blocks updated according to a quasi-cyclic rule in the nonconvex case when A˙ k (xk ) is a general SPD matrix [Chouzenoux et al. – 2014]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k ⋆ Cyclic rule: update sequentially blocks 1, 2, . . . , J. ⋆ Quasi-cyclic rule: there exists K J such that, for every k ∈ N, {1, . . . , J} ⊂ {˙ k , . . . , ˙ k+K−1 }.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k ⋆ Cyclic rule: update sequentially blocks 1, 2, . . . , J. ⋆ Quasi-cyclic rule: there exists K J such that, for every k ∈ N, {1, . . . , J} ⊂ {˙ k , . . . , ˙ k+K−1 }. Example: J = 3 blocks denoted {1, 2, 3} • K = 3: • cyclic updating order: {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, . . .} • example of quasi-cyclic updating order: {1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, . . .}

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 14/44 Block coordinate VMFB algorithm Let x0 ∈ dom g. For k = 0, 1, . . .      Let ˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}, A˙ k (xk ) ∈ RN˙ k ×N˙ k and γk ∈ ]0, +∞[ . x( ˙ k ) k+1 ∈ prox γ−1 k A˙ k (xk ), g˙ k x( ˙ k ) k − γk A˙ k (xk ) −1∇˙ k h(xk ) x(k ) k+1 = x(k ) k ⋆ Cyclic rule: update sequentially blocks 1, 2, . . . , J. ⋆ Quasi-cyclic rule: there exists K J such that, for every k ∈ N, {1, . . . , J} ⊂ {˙ k , . . . , ˙ k+K−1 }. Example: J = 3 blocks denoted {1, 2, 3} • K = 3: • cyclic updating order: {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, . . .} • example of quasi-cyclic updating order: {1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, . . .} • K = 4: possibility to update some blocks more than once every K iteration • {1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, . . .}

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 15/44 Nonconvex BC-VMFB algorithm: Convergence results ◮ ∃(ν, ν) ∈ ]0, +∞[2 such that (∀k ∈ N) νIN Ak (xk ) νIN and (∀˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}) A˙ k (xk ) satisfies the MM assumption at x( ˙ k) k for the restriction of h to the block ˙ k : y ∈ RN˙ k → h x(1) k , . . . , x( ˙ k −1) k , y, x( ˙ k+1) k , . . . , x(J) k . ◮ Blocks (˙ k )k∈N updated according to a quasi-cyclic rule . ◮ f satisfies the KL inequality . ◮ The step-size is chosen such that: • ∃(γ, γ) ∈ ]0, +∞[2 such that (∀k ∈ N) γ γk 1 − γ. • g is convex and ∃(γ, γ) ∈ ]0, +∞[2 such that (∀k ∈ N) γ γk 2 − γ.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 15/44 Nonconvex BC-VMFB algorithm: Convergence results ◮ ∃(ν, ν) ∈ ]0, +∞[2 such that (∀k ∈ N) νIN Ak (xk ) νIN and (∀˙ k ∈ {1, . . . , J}) A˙ k (xk ) satisfies the MM assumption at x( ˙ k) k . ◮ Blocks (˙ k )k∈N updated according to a quasi-cyclic rule . ◮ f satisfies the KL inequality . ◮ The step-size is chosen such that: • ∃(γ, γ) ∈ ]0, +∞[2 such that (∀k ∈ N) γ γk 1 − γ. • g is convex and ∃(γ, γ) ∈ ]0, +∞[2 such that (∀k ∈ N) γ γk 2 − γ. ◮ Global convergence ⋆ (xk )k∈N converges to a critical point x of f. ⋆ (f(xk ))k∈N is a nonincreasing sequence converging to f(x). ◮ Local convergence If (∃υ > 0) such that f(x0 ) inf x∈RN f(x) + υ, then (xk )k∈N converges to a solution x to the minimization problem.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 16/44 Illustrating examples ⋆ Phase retrieval problem

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 17/44 Phase retrieval problem z = H ∈ CS×M y ∈ RM + w ∈ [0, +∞[S Complex observation measurements Observation matrix: H ∈ CS×M is the composition of ⋆ a matrix modeling S = 23400 Radon projections from • 128 parallel acquisition lines • 180 angles regularly distributed on [0, π[ ⋆ a complex-valued blur operator Approximate version of the tomography model proposed in [Davidoiu et al. – 2012]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 17/44 Phase retrieval problem z = H ∈ CS×2M y y = (yR , yI ) ∈ R2M + w ∈ [0, +∞[S Complex observation measurements Original image is complex valued? yR ∈ RM real part yI ∈ RM imaginary part

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 17/44 Phase retrieval problem z = H W ∈ R2M×(4M+4M) x x = (xR , xI ) ∈ R4M+4M + w Synthesis approach xR (resp. xI ) is an overcomplete Haar decomposition of yR (resp. yI ). yR xR

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 18/44 Proposed Criterion Observation model: z = |HWx| + w Objective: Find an estimate x of x from z Deduce an estimation y = Wx of the original image y

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 18/44 Proposed Criterion Observation model: z = |HWx| + w minimize x∈RN f(x) = h(x) + g(x) ⋆ h(x) = S s=1 ϕs [HWx](s) where (∀s ∈ {1, . . . , S})(∀u ∈ C) ϕs(u) = 1 2 (z(s))2 + |u|2 − z(s)(|u|2 + δ2)1/2 with δ > 0. • Smooth approximation of the usual least squares criterion.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 18/44 Proposed Criterion Observation model: z = |HWx| + w minimize x∈RN f(x) = h(x) + g(x) ⋆ h(x) = S s=1 ϕs [HWx](s) where (∀s ∈ {1, . . . , S})(∀u ∈ C) ϕs(u) = 1 2 (z(s))2 + |u|2 :=ϕs,1(|u|) convex −z(s) |u|2 + δ2 1/2 :=ϕs,2(|u|) concave with δ > 0. • Smooth approximation of the usual least squares criterion.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 18/44 Proposed Criterion Observation model: z = |HWx| + w minimize x∈RN f(x) = h(x) + g(x) ⋆ h(x) = S s=1 ϕs [HWx](s) where (∀s ∈ {1, . . . , S})(∀u ∈ C) ϕs(u) = 1 2 (z(s))2 + |u|2 :=ϕs,1(|u|) convex −z(s) |u|2 + δ2 1/2 :=ϕs,2(|u|) concave with δ > 0. ⋆ g(x) = 4M p=1 gp(x(p) R , x(p) I ) where (∀u ∈ R2) gp(u) =      ι{(0,0)} (u) if p ∈ E ϑp u if p ∈ E ∪ {M + 1, . . . , 4M} ϑp u − ω(p) 2 if p ∈ E ∪ {1, . . . , M} with ϑp ∈ ]0, +∞[ and ω(p) ∈ R2.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 19/44 Algorithm implementation ⋆ Choice of the preconditioning matrices: Let (∀x ∈ RN ) h(x) = h1 (x) + h2 (x) such that • h1 (x) = S s=1 ϕs,1 [HWx](s) is majorized at x ∈ RN by q1 (x, x) = h1 (x) + x − x | ∇h1 (x) + 1 2 x − x 2 B where B is a diagonal matrix chosen using the Jensen inequality. • h2 (x) = − S s=1 ϕs,1 [HWx](s) is majorized at x ∈ RN by its tangent function.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 19/44 Algorithm implementation ⋆ Choice of the preconditioning matrices: Let (∀x ∈ RN ) h(x) = h1 (x) + h2 (x) such that • h1 (x) = S s=1 ϕs,1 [HWx](s) is majorized at x ∈ RN by q1 (x, x) = h1 (x) + x − x | ∇h1 (x) + 1 2 x − x 2 B where B is a diagonal matrix chosen using the Jensen inequality. • h2 (x) = − S s=1 ϕs,1 [HWx](s) is majorized at x ∈ RN by its tangent function. ⋆ Choice of the blocks: Haar decomposition Block indices

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 20/44 Numerical results Reconstruction of the real part • Original unknown image yR Reconstructed image obtained with • our method SNR = 21.27 dB. • an ℓ0 regularized version of the Fienup algorithm SNR = 14.45 dB. [Mukherjee et al., 2012]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 20/44 Numerical results Reconstruction of the imaginary part • Original unknown image yI Reconstructed image obtained with • our method SNR = 21.27 dB. • an ℓ0 regularized version of the Fienup algorithm SNR = 14.45 dB. [Mukherjee et al., 2012]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 20/44 Numerical results ◮ Block Coordinate Variable Metric algorithm ◮ Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization (PALM) [Bolte et al. – 2014] Non preconditioned version of BCVMFB 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 10−2 10−1 100 Time (s) xk − x / x

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 21/44 Illustrating examples ⋆ Phase retrieval problem ⋆ Seismic blind deconvolution problem [Collaboration with L. Duval from IFPEN and M. Q. Pham]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 22/44 Seismic blind deconvolution problem 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 −0.8 −0.4 0 0.4 y = 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 −0.8 −0.4 0 0.4 k ∗ s + 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 w where ⋆ y ∈ RN1 observed signal (N1 = 784) ⋆ s ∈ RN1 unknown sparse original seismic signal ⋆ k ∈ RN2 unknown original blur kernel (N2 = 41) ⋆ w ∈ RN1 additive noise: realization of a zero-mean white Gaussian noise with variance σ2

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 23/44 Sparsity in blind deconvolution problems Problem: Choose a sparsity measure leading to a good estimation of s.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 23/44 Sparsity in blind deconvolution problems Problem: Choose a sparsity measure leading to a good estimation of s. ℓ0 • Nonsmooth and nonconvex • Difficult to manage

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 23/44 Sparsity in blind deconvolution problems Problem: Choose a sparsity measure leading to a good estimation of s. ℓ0 ℓ1 • Nonsmooth and convex • Do not lead to a good estimation of s in the context of blind deconvolution problems [Benichoux et al. – 2013]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 23/44 Sparsity in blind deconvolution problems Problem: Choose a sparsity measure leading to a good estimation of s. ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ1/ℓ2 • Nonsmooth and nonconvex • Efficient in the context of blind deconvolution problems [Benichoux et al. – 2013] • Difficult to manage

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 23/44 Sparsity in blind deconvolution problems Problem: Choose a sparsity measure leading to a good estimation of s. ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ1/ℓ2 ℓ1,α/ℓ2,η Solution: Use a smooth approximation of the ℓ1 /ℓ2 penalization function. • (∀s ∈ RN ) ℓ1,α (s) = N1 n=1 (s(n))2 + α2 − α , where α ∈ ]0, +∞[ • (∀s ∈ RN ) ℓ2,η (s) = N1 n=1 (s(n))2 + η2, where η ∈ ]0, +∞[

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 23/44 Sparsity in blind deconvolution problems Problem: Choose a sparsity measure leading to a good estimation of s. ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ1/ℓ2 ℓ1,α/ℓ2,η log ℓ1,α+β ℓ2,η Solution: Use a smooth approximation of the ℓ1 /ℓ2 penalization function. • (∀s ∈ RN ) ℓ1,α (s) = N1 n=1 (s(n))2 + α2 − α , where α ∈ ]0, +∞[ • (∀s ∈ RN ) ℓ2,η (s) = N1 n=1 (s(n))2 + η2, where η ∈ ]0, +∞[

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 24/44 Proposed criterion Observation model: y = k ∗ s + w minimize s∈RN1 ,k∈RN2 (f(s, k) = h(s, k) + g1(s) + g2(k)) ⋆ h(s, k) = 1 2 k ∗ s − y 2 data fitelity term + λ log ℓ1,α(s) + β ℓ2,η(s) smooth regularization term for (α, β, η, λ) ∈]0, +∞[4. ⋆ g1(s) = ι[smin,smax]N1 (s), with (smin, smax ) ∈]0, +∞[2. ⋆ g2(k) = ιC (k), with C = {k ∈ [kmin, kmax ]N2 | k δ}, for (kmin, kmax, δ) ∈]0, +∞[3.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 25/44 Numerical results 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 −0.8 −0.4 0 0.4 ⋆ Continuous red line: s ⋆ Dashed black line: s 1 10 20 30 40 −0.5 0 0.5 1 ⋆ Continuous red line: k ⋆ Dashed black line: k 0 100 200 300 400 500 15 30 60 120 180 Ks Time (s.) Ks: number of iterations on s for one iteration on k

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 26/44 How to make the Forward-Backward algorithm efficient for large scale optimization in the convex case? ? ⋆ Introduce stochasticity

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 27/44 Minimization problem Let F be the set of solutions to the problem minimize x(1)∈H1,...,x(p)∈Hp p j=1 fj(x(j)) + q l=1 gl p j=1 Ll,j x(j) Optimization problem (∀j ∈ {1, . . ., p})(∀l ∈ {1, . . . , q}) ◮ Hj and Gl real separable Hilbert spaces ◮ fj ∈ Γ0 (Hj ) ◮ gl : Gl → R convex, µ−1 l -Lipschitz differentiable, with µl ∈ ]0, +∞[ ◮ Ll,j : Hj → Gl is linear and bounded We assume that F = ∅ and min1 l p p j=1 Ll,j 2 > 0.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 28/44 Random block-coordinate forward-backward splitting [Combettes & Pesquet – 2015] for k = 0, 1, . . .       for j = 1, . . . , p     y(j) k = ε(j) k x(j) k − γk q l=1 L∗ kl,j ∇gl ( p j=1 Ll,j x(j) k ) + b(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + ε(j) k λk proxγkfj (y(j) k ) + a(j) k − x(j) k

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 28/44 Random block-coordinate forward-backward splitting [Combettes & Pesquet – 2015] for k = 0, 1, . . .       for j = 1, . . . , p     y(j) k = ε(j) k x(j) k − γk q l=1 L∗ kl,j ∇gl ( p j=1 Ll,j x(j) k ) + b(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + ε(j) k λk proxγkfj (y(j) k ) + a(j) k − x(j) k where ◮ (εk )k∈N identically distributed D-valued random variables with D = {0, 1}p+q {0} binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 28/44 Random block-coordinate forward-backward splitting [Combettes & Pesquet – 2015] for k = 0, 1, . . .       for j = 1, . . . , p     y(j) k = ε(j) k x(j) k − γk q l=1 L∗ kl,j ∇gl ( p j=1 Ll,j x(j) k ) + b(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + ε(j) k λk proxγkfj (y(j) k ) + a(j) k − x(j) k where ◮ (εk )k∈N binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated ◮ x0 , (ak )k∈N , and (bk )k∈N H-valued random variables, with H = H1 × . . . × Hp (ak )k∈N and (bk )k∈N : error terms

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 28/44 Random block-coordinate forward-backward splitting [Combettes & Pesquet – 2015] for k = 0, 1, . . .       for j = 1, . . . , p     y(j) k = ε(j) k x(j) k − γk q l=1 L∗ kl,j ∇gl ( p j=1 Ll,j x(j) k ) + b(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + ε(j) k λk proxγkfj (y(j) k ) + a(j) k − x(j) k where ◮ (εk )k∈N binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated ◮ (ak )k∈N and (bk )k∈N error terms ◮ (γk )k∈N sequence in ]0, 2ϑ[ such that infk∈N γk > 0 and sup k∈N γk < 2ϑ with ϑ =   q l=1 µ−1 l p j=1 Ll,j L∗ l,j   −1 stepsize

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 28/44 Random block-coordinate forward-backward splitting [Combettes & Pesquet – 2015] for k = 0, 1, . . .       for j = 1, . . . , p     y(j) k = ε(j) k x(j) k − γk q l=1 L∗ kl,j ∇gl ( p j=1 Ll,j x(j) k ) + b(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + ε(j) k λk proxγkfj (y(j) k ) + a(j) k − x(j) k where ◮ (εk )k∈N binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated ◮ (ak )k∈N and (bk )k∈N error terms ◮ (γk )k∈N stepsize ◮ (∀k ∈ N) λk ∈ ]0, 1] such that infk∈N λk > 0

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 28/44 Random block-coordinate forward-backward splitting [Combettes & Pesquet – 2015] for k = 0, 1, . . .       for j = 1, . . . , p     y(j) k = ε(j) k x(j) k − γk q l=1 L∗ kl,j ∇gl ( p j=1 Ll,j x(j) k ) + b(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + ε(j) k λk prox γkfj (y(j) k ) + a(j) k − x(j) k Let (Ω, F, P) be the underlying probability space. Set (∀k ∈ N) Xk = σ(xk′ )0 k′ k . Assume that ◮ k∈N E( ak 2 |Xk ) < +∞ and nk∈N E( bk 2 |Xk ) < +∞. ◮ For every k ∈ N εk and Xk are independent. ◮ εk are identically distributed such that (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) P[ε(j) k = 1] > 0. ◮ (xk )k∈N converges weakly a.s. to an F-valued random variable. Proof: Based on properties of quasi-Fej´ er stochastic sequences

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 29/44 How to make the Forward-Backward algorithm efficient for large scale optimization in the convex case? ? ⋆ Introduce stochasticity ⋆ Use a primal-dual approach

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 30/44 Primal-dual problem Let F be the set of solutions to the problem minimize x(1)∈H1,...,x(p)∈Hp p j=1 fj (x(j)) + hj (x(j)) + q l=1 gl ll p j=1 Ll,j x(j) Primal problem (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p})(∀l ∈ {1, . . . , q}) ◮ fj ∈ Γ0 (Hj ) and gl ∈ Γ0 (Gl ) ◮ hj : Hj → R convex, µ−1 j -Lipschitz differentiable, with µj ∈ ]0, +∞[ ◮ ll ∈ Γ0 (Gl ) ν−1 l -strongly convex, with νl ∈ ]0, +∞[ ◮ Ll,j : Hj → Gl is linear and bounded ◮ Ll = j ∈ {1, . . . , p} Ll,j = 0 = ∅, and L∗ j = l ∈ {1, . . ., q} Ll,j = 0 = ∅. Inf-convolution: gl ll : H → [−∞ + ∞]: u → infv∈Gl gl (v) + ll (u − v) ⋆ If ll = ι{0} , then gl ι{0} = gl

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 30/44 Primal-dual problem Let F be the set of solutions to the problem minimize x(1)∈H1,...,x(p)∈Hp p j=1 fj (x(j)) + hj (x(j)) + q l=1 gl ll p j=1 Ll,j x(j) Primal problem Let F∗ be the set of solutions to the problem minimize v(1)∈G1,...,v(q)∈Gq p j=1 (f∗ j h∗ j ) − q l=1 L∗ l,j v(l) + q l=1 g∗ l (v(l)) + l∗ l (v(l)) Dual problem Conjugate function: f∗ j : H → [−∞, +∞]: u ∈ H → sup x∈Hj x | u − fj (x) ◮ Assume that there exists (x(1), . . . , x(p)) ∈ H1 × . . . × Hp such that (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) 0 ∈ ∂fj (x(j)) + ∇hj (x(j)) + q l=1 L∗ l,j (∂gl ∂ll ) Ll,j x(j) . Objective: Find an F × F∗-valued random variable (x, v).

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 31/44 Random block-coordinate proximal primal-dual algorithm For k = 0, 1, . . .                for l = 1, . . . , q     u(l) k = ε(p+l) k prox Ul,g∗ l v(l) k + Ul ( j∈Ll Ll,j x(j) k − ∇l∗ l (v(l) k ) + d(l) k ) + b(l) k v(l) k+1 = v(l) k + λk ε(p+l) k (u(l) k − v(l) k ), for j = 1, . . . , p      y(j) k = ε(j) k prox Wj ,fj x(j) k − Wj ( l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j (2u(l) k − v(l) k ) + ∇hj (x(j) k ) + c(j) k ) + a(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + λk ε(j) k (y(j) k − x(j) k )

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 31/44 Random block-coordinate proximal primal-dual algorithm For k = 0, 1, . . .                for l = 1, . . . , q     u(l) k = ε(p+l) k prox Ul,g∗ l v(l) k + Ul ( j∈Ll Ll,j x(j) k − ∇l∗ l (v(l) k ) + d(l) k ) + b(l) k v(l) k+1 = v(l) k + λk ε(p+l) k (u(l) k − v(l) k ), for j = 1, . . . , p      y(j) k = ε(j) k prox Wj ,fj x(j) k − Wj ( l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j (2u(l) k − v(l) k ) + ∇hj (x(j) k ) + c(j) k ) + a(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + λk ε(j) k (y(j) k − x(j) k ) where ◮ (εk )k∈N identically distributed D-valued random variables with D = {0, 1}p+q {0} binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 31/44 Random block-coordinate proximal primal-dual algorithm For k = 0, 1, . . .                for l = 1, . . . , q     u(l) k = ε(p+l) k prox Ul,g∗ l v(l) k + Ul ( j∈Ll Ll,j x(j) k − ∇l∗ l (v(l) k ) + d(l) k ) + b(l) k v(l) k+1 = v(l) k + λk ε(p+l) k (u(l) k − v(l) k ), for j = 1, . . . , p      y(j) k = ε(j) k prox Wj ,fj x(j) k − Wj ( l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j (2u(l) k − v(l) k ) + ∇hj (x(j) k ) + c(j) k ) + a(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + λk ε(j) k (y(j) k − x(j) k ) where ◮ (εk )k∈N binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated ◮ x0 , (ak )k∈N , and (ck )k∈N H-valued random variables, v0 , (bk )k∈N , and (dk )k∈N G-valued random variables with H = H1 × . . . × Hp and G = G1 × · · · × Gq (ak )k∈N , (bk )k∈N , (ck )k∈N , and (dk )k∈N : error terms

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 31/44 Random block-coordinate proximal primal-dual algorithm For k = 0, 1, . . .                for l = 1, . . . , q     u(l) k = ε(p+l) k prox Ul,g∗ l v(l) k + Ul ( j∈Ll Ll,j x(j) k − ∇l∗ l (v(l) k ) + d(l) k ) + b(l) k v(l) k+1 = v(l) k + λk ε(p+l) k (u(l) k − v(l) k ), for j = 1, . . . , p      y(j) k = ε(j) k prox Wj ,fj x(j) k − Wj ( l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j (2u(l) k − v(l) k ) + ∇hj (x(j) k ) + c(j) k ) + a(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + λk ε(j) k (y(j) k − x(j) k ) where ◮ (εk )k∈N binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated ◮ (ak )k∈N , (bk )k∈N , (ck )k∈N , and (dk )k∈N : error terms ◮ (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) Wj : Hj → Hj and (∀k ∈ {1, . . . , q}) Ul : Gk → Gk strongly positive self-adjoint preconditioning linear operators such that 1− p j=1 q k=1 U1/2 l Ll,j W1/2 j 2 1/2 > 1 2 max{( Wj µj )1 j p , ( Ul νl )1 k q }.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 31/44 Random block-coordinate proximal primal-dual algorithm For k = 0, 1, . . .                for l = 1, . . . , q     u(l) k = ε(p+l) k prox Ul,g∗ l v(l) k + Ul ( j∈Ll Ll,j x(j) k − ∇l∗ l (v(l) k ) + d(l) k ) + b(l) k v(l) k+1 = v(l) k + λk ε(p+l) k (u(l) k − v(l) k ), for j = 1, . . . , p      y(j) k = ε(j) k prox Wj ,fj x(j) k − Wj ( l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j (2u(l) k − v(l) k ) + ∇hj (x(j) k ) + c(j) k ) + a(j) k x(j) k+1 = x(j) k + λk ε(j) k (y(j) k − x(j) k ) where ◮ (εk )k∈N binary variables signaling the blocks to be activated ◮ (ak )k∈N , (bk )k∈N , (ck )k∈N , and (dk )k∈N : error terms ◮ (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) Wj : Hj → Hj and (∀k ∈ {1, . . . , q}) Ul : Gk → Gk strongly positive self-adjoint preconditioning linear operators ◮ (∀k ∈ N) λk ∈ ]0, 1] such that infk∈N λk > 0.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 31/44 Random block-coordinate proximal primal-dual algorithm For k = 0, 1, . . .            for l = 1, . . . , q u(l) k = ε(p+l) k prox Ul,g∗ l v(l) k + Ul (Ll xk − ∇l∗ l (v(l) k ) + d(l) k ) + b(l) k v(l) k+1 = v(l) k + λk ε(p+l) k (u(l) k − v(l) k ), yk = prox W,f xk − W( l∈L∗ L∗ l (2uk − vk ) + ∇h(xk ) + ck + ak xk+1 = xk + λk (yk − xk ) Remark: ⋆ when p = 1 randomized version of the primal-dual algorithm proposed in [Condat – 2013][V˜ u – 2013] ⋆ when p = 1 and (∀k ∈ N) ε(p+l) k = 1 the primal-dual algorithm proposed in [Condat – 2013][V˜ u – 2013] is recovered

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 32/44 Random block-coordinate primal-dual algorithm Let (Ω, F, P) be the underlying probability space. Set (∀k ∈ N) Xk = σ(xk′ , vk′ )0 k′ k . Assume that ◮ k∈N E( ak 2 |Xk ) < +∞, k∈N E( bk 2 |Xk ) < +∞, k∈N E( ck 2 |Xk ) < +∞, and k∈N E( dk 2 |Xk ) < +∞ a.s. ◮ The variables (εk )k∈N are identically distributed such that (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) P[ε(j) 0 = 1] > 0. ◮ For every k ∈ N, εk and Xk are independent. ◮ For every l ∈ {1, . . . , q} and k ∈ N, j∈Ll ω ∈ Ω ε(j) k (ω) = 1 ⊂ ω ∈ Ω ε(p+l) k (ω) = 1 . ◮ (xk )k∈N converges weakly a.s. to an F-valued random variable. ◮ (vk )k∈N converges weakly a.s. to an F∗-valued random variable.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 32/44 Random block-coordinate primal-dual algorithm Let (Ω, F, P) be the underlying probability space. Set (∀k ∈ N) Xk = σ(xk′ , vk′ )0 k′ k . Assume that ◮ k∈N E( ak 2 |Xk ) < +∞, k∈N E( bk 2 |Xk ) < +∞, k∈N E( ck 2 |Xk ) < +∞, and k∈N E( dk 2 |Xk ) < +∞ a.s. ◮ The variables (εk )k∈N are identically distributed such that (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) P[ε(j) 0 = 1] > 0. ◮ For every k ∈ N, εk and Xk are independent. ◮ For every l ∈ {1, . . . , q} and k ∈ N, ε(p+l) k = max 1 j p ε(j) k l ∈ L∗ j . ◮ (xk )k∈N converges weakly a.s. to an F-valued random variable. ◮ (vk )k∈N converges weakly a.s. to an F∗-valued random variable.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 33/44 Random block-coordinate primal-dual algorithm ⋆ In the case when (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , p}) fj ≡ 0 : For k = 0, 1, . . .                         for j = 1, . . . , p         η(j) k = max ε(p+l) k l ∈ L∗ j s(j) k = η(j) k x(j) k − Wj ∇hj(x(j) k ) + a(j) k y(j) k = η(j) k s(j) k − Wj l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j v(l) k for l = 1, . . . , q v(l) k+1 = ε(p+l) k proxU−1 l g∗ k v(l) k + Ul j∈Ll Ll,j y(j) k − Ul ∇l∗ k (v(l) k ) + c(l) k + b(l) k for j = 1, . . . , p x(j) k+1 = ε(j) k s(j) k − Wj l∈L∗ j L∗ l,j v(l) k weak a.s. convergence is ensured under less restrictive conditions on preconditioning operators (Wj )1 j p and (Ul )1 l q .

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 34/44 Illustration of the random sampling strategy Variable selection (∀k ∈ N) x1,k activated when ε1,k = 1 x2,k activated when ε2,k = 1 x3,k activated when ε3,k = 1 x4,k activated when ε4,k = 1 x5,k activated when ε5,k = 1 x6,k activated when ε6,k = 1 How to choose (∀k ∈ N) the variable εk = (ε1,k , . . . , ε6,k )?

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 34/44 Illustration of the random sampling strategy Variable selection (∀k ∈ N) x1,k activated when ε1,k = 1 x2,k activated when ε2,k = 1 x3,k activated when ε3,k = 1 x4,k activated when ε4,k = 1 x5,k activated when ε5,k = 1 x6,k activated when ε6,k = 1 How to choose (∀k ∈ N) the variable εk = (ε1,k , . . . , ε6,k )? P[εk = (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.1

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 34/44 Illustration of the random sampling strategy Variable selection (∀k ∈ N) x1,k activated when ε1,k = 1 x2,k activated when ε2,k = 1 x3,k activated when ε3,k = 1 x4,k activated when ε4,k = 1 x5,k activated when ε5,k = 1 x6,k activated when ε6,k = 1 How to choose (∀k ∈ N) the variable εk = (ε1,k , . . . , ε6,k )? P[εk = (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.1 P[εk = (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.2

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 34/44 Illustration of the random sampling strategy Variable selection (∀k ∈ N) x1,k activated when ε1,k = 1 x2,k activated when ε2,k = 1 x3,k activated when ε3,k = 1 x4,k activated when ε4,k = 1 x5,k activated when ε5,k = 1 x6,k activated when ε6,k = 1 How to choose (∀k ∈ N) the variable εk = (ε1,k , . . . , ε6,k )? P[εk = (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.1 P[εk = (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.2 P[εk = (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)] = 0.2

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 34/44 Illustration of the random sampling strategy Variable selection (∀k ∈ N) x1,k activated when ε1,k = 1 x2,k activated when ε2,k = 1 x3,k activated when ε3,k = 1 x4,k activated when ε4,k = 1 x5,k activated when ε5,k = 1 x6,k activated when ε6,k = 1 How to choose (∀k ∈ N) the variable εk = (ε1,k , . . . , ε6,k )? P[εk = (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.1 P[εk = (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)] = 0.2 P[εk = (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)] = 0.2 P[εk = (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)] = 0.5

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 35/44 Illustrating example ⋆ 3D mesh denoising problem [ANR Graphsip]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 36/44 Valued graph Valued graph (∀n ∈ N) v(1) v(2) e(1,2) v(4) e(2,4) v(3) e(2,3) v(6) e(3,6) v(5) e(5,6) v(7) e(6,7) v(8) e(7,8) ⋆ V = v(i) i ∈ {1, . . . , M} set of vertices = objects v(i) ∈ V ↔ i ∈ {1, . . . , M} ⋆ E = e(i,j) (i, j) ∈ E set of edges = object relationships e(i,j) ∈ E ↔ (i, j) ∈ E

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 36/44 Valued graph Valued graph (∀n ∈ N) v(1) v(2) e(1,2) v(4) e(2,4) v(3) e(2,3) v(6) e(3,6) v(5) e(5,6) v(7) e(6,7) v(8) e(7,8) ⋆ V = v(i) i ∈ {1, . . . , M} set of vertices = objects v(i) ∈ V ↔ i ∈ {1, . . . , M} ⋆ E = e(i,j) (i, j) ∈ E set of edges = object relationships e(i,j) ∈ E ↔ (i, j) ∈ E ⋆ (xi)1 i M : weights on vertices (scalars or vectors) ⋆ weights on a vertex ≡ a block ⋆ M = p

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 37/44 3D mesh denoising problem Original mesh x Observed mesh z Undirected nonreflexive graph with: V the set of vertices of the mesh E the set of edges of the mesh Objective: Estimate x = (x(i))1 i M from noisy observations z = (z(i))1 i M where, for every i ∈ {1, . . . , M}, x(i) ∈ R3 is the vector of 3D coordinates of the i-th vertex of a mesh ⋆ H = R3M

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 37/44 3D mesh denoising problem Objective: Estimate x = (x(i))1 i M from noisy observations z = (z(i))1 i M where, for every i ∈ {1, . . . , M}, x(i) ∈ R3 is the vector of 3D coordinates of the i-th vertex of a mesh Cost function: Φ(x) = M j=1 ψj(x(j) − z(j)) + ιCj (x(j)) + ηj (x(j) − x(i))i∈Nj 1,2 where (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , M}), ⋆ ψj : R3 → R: ℓ2 − ℓ1 Huber function • robust data fidelity measure • convex, Lipschitz differentiable function ⋆ Cj: nonempty convex subset of R3 ⋆ Nj: neighborhood of j-th vertex ⋆ (ηj)1 j M : nonnegative regularization constants.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 37/44 3D mesh denoising problem Objective: Estimate x = (x(i))1 i M from noisy observations z = (z(i))1 i M where, for every i ∈ {1, . . . , M}, x(i) ∈ R3 is the vector of 3D coordinates of the i-th vertex of a mesh Cost function: Φ(x) = M j=1 ψj (x(j) − z(j)) + ιCj (x(j)) + ηj (x(j) − x(i))i∈Nj 1,2 Implementation details: a block ≡ a vertex ⇒ p = M = |V| Case 1: q = M (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , M}) ⋆ hj = ψj (· − z(j)) ⋆ fj = ιCj (∀l ∈ {1, . . . , M})(∀x ∈ R3M ) ⋆ gl (Ll x) = (x(l) − x(i))i∈Nl 1,2 ⋆ ll = ι{0} Case 2: q = 2M (fj ≡ 0) (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , M}) ⋆ hj = ψj (· − z(j)) (∀l ∈ {1, . . . , M})(∀x ∈ R3M ) ⋆ gl (Ll x) = (x(l) − x(i))i∈Nl 1,2 ⋆ gM+l (LM+l x) = ιCl (x(l)) ⋆ ll = ι{0}

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 38/44 Simulation results (algorithm type I) ⋆ V = V1 ∪ V2 with |V1 | ≫ |V2 |. ⋆ additive independent noise with distribution V1 N(0, σ2 1 ), V2 π N(0, σ2 2 ) + (1 − π) N(0, (σ′ 2 )2), π ∈ (0, 1). ⋆ variable activation (∀j ∈ {1, . . . , M})(∀n ∈ N) P(εj,n = 1) = p if j ∈ V1 1 otherwise. Original mesh, M = 22998, Noisy mesh, MSE = 1.08 × 10−6. |V1| = 18492 and |V2| = 4506.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 38/44 Simulation results (algorithm type I) Proposed reconstruction Laplacian smoothing MSE = 2.19 × 10−7 MSE = 2.95 × 10−7

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 39/44 Complexity (algorithm type I) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 35 40 45 50 55 p C(p)

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 40/44 Simulation results (algorithm type II) ⋆ positions of the original mesh are corrupted through an i.i.d. zero-mean Gaussian mixture noise model. ⋆ a limited number r of variables can be handled at each iteration, where r = p j=1 ε(j) k = r p. ⋆ mesh decomposed into p/r non-overlapping blocks. Original mesh, M = 100250. Noisy mesh, MSE = 2.89 × 10−6.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 40/44 Simulation results (algorithm type II) Proposed reconstruction Laplacian smoothing MSE = 8.09 × 10−8 MSE = 5.23 × 10−7

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 41/44 Complexity behavior (algorithm type II) 100 101 102 103 5 150 300 600 1200 2400 Time (s.) p/r 50 55 60 65 70 Memory (Mb) ⋆ dashed line: required memory ⋆ continuous line: reconstruction time

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 42/44 Conclusion Variable Metric Forward-Backward algorithm ⋆ Choice of the preconditioning matrices based on an MM strategy. ⋆ Convergence results in the nonconvex case. Extension to a Block-Coordinate version ⋆ Choice of the blocks according to a noncyclic updating rule.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 42/44 Conclusion Variable Metric Forward-Backward algorithm ⋆ Choice of the preconditioning matrices based on an MM strategy. ⋆ Convergence results in the nonconvex case. Extension to a Block-Coordinate version ⋆ Choice of the blocks according to a noncyclic updating rule. Stochastic Primal-Dual algorithms ⋆ Variable splitting (block-coordinate algorithms) ⋆ Function splitting ⋆ Hypergraph structure for distributed optimization ⋆ Almost sure convergence results

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 42/44 Conclusion Applications ⋆ Phase reconstruction problem in the context of tomography. ⋆ Blind deconvolution problem in the context of seismic data. [Collaboration with L. Duval from IFPEN and M. Q. Pham] ⋆ 3D mesh denoising problem. [ANR Graphsip]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 42/44 Conclusion Applications ⋆ Phase reconstruction problem in the context of tomography. ⋆ Blind deconvolution problem in the context of seismic data. [Collaboration with L. Duval from IFPEN and M. Q. Pham] ⋆ 3D mesh denoising problem. [ANR Graphsip]

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 43/44 ◮ E. Chouzenoux, J.-C. Pesquet, et A. Repetti. Variable metric forward-backward algorithm for minimizing the sum of a differentiable function and a convex function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 162, no. 1, pp 107–132, July 2014. ◮ E. Chouzenoux, J.-C. Pesquet, et A. Repetti. A block coordinate variable metric forward-backward algorithm, Accepted for publication in Global Optimization, 2015. ◮ A. Repetti, M. Q. Pham, L. Duval, E. Chouzenoux et J.-C. Pesquet. Euclid in a taxicab: sparse blind deconvolution with smoothed ℓ1/ℓ2 regularization, Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 539–543, May 2015. ◮ A. Repetti, E. Chouzenoux et J.-C. Pesquet. A nonconvex regularized approach for phase retrieval. In Proceeding of ICIP, pp. 1753–1757, Paris, France, 27-30 Oct. 2014.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 43/44 ◮ E. Chouzenoux, J.-C. Pesquet, et A. Repetti. Variable metric forward-backward algorithm for minimizing the sum of a differentiable function and a convex function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 162, no. 1, pp 107–132, July 2014. ◮ E. Chouzenoux, J.-C. Pesquet, et A. Repetti. A block coordinate variable metric forward-backward algorithm, Accepted for publication in Global Optimization, 2015. ◮ A. Repetti, M. Q. Pham, L. Duval, E. Chouzenoux et J.-C. Pesquet. Euclid in a taxicab: sparse blind deconvolution with smoothed ℓ1/ℓ2 regularization, Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 539–543, May 2015. ◮ A. Repetti, E. Chouzenoux et J.-C. Pesquet. A nonconvex regularized approach for phase retrieval. In Proceeding of ICIP, pp. 1753–1757, Paris, France, 27-30 Oct. 2014. ◮ J.-C. Pesquet et A. Repetti. A class of randomized primal-dual algorithms for distributed optimization, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, vol. 16, no. 12, Dec. 2015. ◮ A. Repetti, E. Chouzenoux et J.-C. Pesquet. A random block-coordinate primal-dual proximal algorithm with application to 3D mesh denoising. In Proceeding of ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, 21-25 Apr. 2015. ◮ A. Repetti, E. Chouzenoux et J.-C. Pesquet. A parallel block-coordinate approach for primal-dual splitting with arbitrary random block selection. In Proceeding of EUSIPCO, Nice, France, Sept. 2015.

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 44/44 Open questions: ⋆ How to improve stochastic approaches to avoid useless communications between nodes/machines? ⋆ Can we adapt the MM approach to choose the preconditioning matrices in primal-dual methods? ⋆ Can we prove the convergence of primal-dual algorithms in a non convex context? ⋆ How to prove the convergence of non convex block-coordinate methods using random updating rules?

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Introduction Accelerated FB algorithm and nonconvexity Stochastic FB algorithm and convexity Conclusion Solving large-scale inverse problems using forward-backward based methods 44/44 Open questions: ⋆ How to improve stochastic approaches to avoid useless communications between nodes/machines? ⋆ Can we adapt the MM approach to choose the preconditioning matrices in primal-dual methods? ⋆ Can we prove the convergence of primal-dual algorithms in a non convex context? ⋆ How to prove the convergence of non convex block-coordinate methods using random updating rules? Thank you for your attention