Slide 11
Slide 11 text
"id": 867865617,
"farmer_id": "3506ab-8aa0-4cv29-b5ed-1878222",
"agent_id": "3506ab-8aa0-4cv29-b5ed-1878222",
"-": null,
"requirements": [],
"-": null,
"label": "Droidcon Berlin",
"-": {},
"-": null,
"-": null,
"-": null,
"-": null,
"-": null,
"-": false,
"-": true,
"-": false,
"-": "PENDING",
"-": null,
"-": null,
"-": null,
"-": null,
"sub_tasks": []
JSON Schema at Apollo:
We have a ‘task’, with the label
Droidcon Berlin.
The task can contain a list of sub tasks,
which are what we use to build out
feature screens.
We can additionally send other config
keys here too to help configure the task.