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JOE SEIFI @joeseifi

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Today’s Plan

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Familiarity GOOD

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Familiarity Matured browser support GOOD From

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS UGLY Globals

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS UGLY Globals Cascades

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS UGLY Globals Cascades Specificity

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Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS UGLY Globals Cascades Specificity Source Order

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BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD UGLY Globals Cascades Specificity Source Order IDEAL FEATURES 

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BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD UGLY Globals Cascades Specificity Source Order IDEAL FEATURES 
 FOR CSS IN REACT FRAMEWORKS Components with local CSS Optional global CSS

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BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD UGLY Globals Cascades Specificity Source Order Full CSS support Server side rendering / Extract CSS IDEAL FEATURES 
 FOR CSS IN REACT FRAMEWORKS Components with local CSS Optional global CSS

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BAD Naming Not DRY Developer Experience DOM updates require JS Familiarity Matured browser support Continuous growth GOOD UGLY Globals Cascades Specificity Source Order Full CSS support Server side rendering / Extract CSS No dead CSS Themes Debugging in DevTools Linting & syntax highlighting Automatic vendor prefixing IDEAL FEATURES 
 FOR CSS IN REACT FRAMEWORKS Components with local CSS Optional global CSS

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React with CSS Loader

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.btn btn:hover btn.depressed React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with CSS Loader

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React with Inline Styles

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styles.btn :hover styles.btn.depressed React with Inline Styles

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styles.btn :hover styles.btn.depressed React with Inline Styles

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styles.btn :hover styles.btn.depressed React with Inline Styles

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styles.btn :hover styles.btn.depressed React with Inline Styles

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styles.btn :hover styles.btn.depressed X React with Inline Styles

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React with Inline Styles

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React with Inline Styles

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React with Inline Styles

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React with Inline Styles

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css pseudo
 classes &
 :active :focus :hover Radium

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:any :checked :default :dir() :disabled :empty :enabled :first :first-child :first-of-type :fullscreen :indeterminate :in-range :invalid :lang() :last-child :last-of-type :left :link :not() :nth-child() :nth-last-child() :nth-last-of-type() :nth-of-type() :only-child :only-of-type :optional :out-of-range :read-only :read-write :required :right :root :scope :target :valid :visited
 ::after ::before ::first-letter ::first-line ::selection ::backdrop ::placeholder ::marker ::spelling-error ::grammar-error css pseudo
 classes &
 :active :focus :hover Radium

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styles.btn ‘:hover’ styles.btn.depressed Radium

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styles.btn ‘:hover’ styles.btn.depressed Radium

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styles.btn ‘:hover’ styles.btn.depressed Radium

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ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js global.css Button.js button.css shopping-cart.css ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js video-item.css button.js Separation of Concerns

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ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js global.css Button.js Languages button.css shopping-cart.css ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js video-item.css button.js Separation of Concerns

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ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js global.css Button.js Languages Separation of Functionality button.css shopping-cart.css ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js video-item.css button.js Separation of Concerns button.css button.js

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ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js global.css Button.js Languages Separation of Functionality button.css shopping-cart.css ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js video-item.css button.js Separation of Concerns

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ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js global.css Button.js Languages Separation of Functionality ShoppingCart.js VideoItem.js button.js Separation of Concerns

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Regular Inline Styles Aphrodite

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Regular Inline Styles Aphrodite Wraps Styles Object Aphrodite

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Regular Inline Styles Aphrodite Wraps Styles Object Aphrodite

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Rendered Regular Inline Styles Aphrodite Wraps Styles Object Aphrodite

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Rendered Regular Inline Styles Aphrodite Wraps Styles Object Aphrodite

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Rendered Regular Inline Styles Aphrodite Wraps Styles Object Aphrodite Output

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5,037 2,627

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules } Original .button CSS

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.button_btn_18iwj { } {
 btn: “button_btn_18iwj” } Generated CSS JS maps classnames React CSS Modules } Original .button CSS

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.button_btn_18iwj { } {
 btn: “button_btn_18iwj” } Generated CSS JS maps classnames React CSS Modules } Original .button CSS

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.button_btn_18iwj { } {
 btn: “button_btn_18iwj” } Generated CSS JS maps classnames React CSS Modules } Original .button CSS

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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React CSS Modules

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ }

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ }

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ } {
 text-align: ‘center’ color: ‘#ec4800’ }

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ } {
 text-align: ‘center’ color: ‘#ec4800’ } 
 .a { color: #ec4800 } .b { font: bold 32px } .c { text-align: center }

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ } {
 text-align: ‘center’ color: ‘#ec4800’ } 
 .a { color: #ec4800 } .b { font: bold 32px } .c { text-align: center }

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ } {
 text-align: ‘center’ color: ‘#ec4800’ } 
 .a { color: #ec4800 } .b { font: bold 32px } .c { text-align: center }

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ } {
 text-align: ‘center’ color: ‘#ec4800’ } 
 .a { color: #ec4800 } .b { font: bold 32px } .c { text-align: center } 
 “a b” “b c” “b a”

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Styletron Source style objects Generated CSS 6 Rules 3 Rules {
 font: ‘bold 32px’ text-align: ‘center’ } {
 color: ‘#ec4800’ font: ‘bold 32px’ } {
 text-align: ‘center’ color: ‘#ec4800’ } 
 .a { color: #ec4800 } .b { font: bold 32px } .c { text-align: center } 
 “a b” “b c” “b a”

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.a .b .c .d .e .f .g .h .i .j .l .btn .btn:hover .btn.depressed Styletron .a .b .c .d .e .f .g .h .i .j .j .k .l .l:hover .m .n .o

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.a .b .c .d .e .f .g .h .i .j .l .btn .btn:hover .btn.depressed Styletron .a .b .c .d .e .f .g .h .i .j .j .k .l .l:hover .m .n .o

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5,037 2,627 3,414 1,472

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Styled Components

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JS HTML Element React Styled Components

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HTML Element React Component React Styled Components

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HTML Element Styles HTML Element React Component React Styled Components

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HTML Element HTML Element Styled Component React Component React Styled Components

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Styled Components Styles Element Styled Component

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Styled Components Styles Element Element Styled Component

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Styled Components Styles Element Styles Styled Component

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Styled Components Styles Element Styles Styled Component StyledButton

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Styled Components StyledButton

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Styled Components Rendered StyledButton

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Styled Components Output Rendered StyledButton

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Styled Components Output Rendered StyledButton

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Styled Components

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5,037 2,627 3,414 1,472 5,174

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 Now & Future

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 Now & Future
 CSS3 Variables

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 Now & Future
 Typed CSS

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 Now & Future
 Web Components

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 Now & Future
 Vue.js & Scoped Styles

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- Bret Victor Technology changes quickly, people’s minds change slowly. So it’s easy to adopt new technologies, it can be hard to adopt new ways of thinking. “ ”

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Q&A @joeseifi •