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Small UAS - A Brief History Today 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 First FAA 333 Exemption Approved 9/14 NTSB rules drones are aircraft 11/14 FAA issues 200' Blanket COA 3/15 Part 107 Rules Implemented 8/16 First waiver for Ops over people 8/16 First BVLOLS waiver 8/16 ADS-B OUT Required (Class A) 01/20 FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (Sets 9/30/2015 deadline) 2/12 FAA issues 400' Blanket COA 3/16 Part 107 Pilots ~ 35,000 333 Exemptions ~ 5,500 Part 107 Waivers ~ 998 (Mostly night ops, some BVLOS, ops from moving vehicle, ops over people & airspace) “The industry projects to create more than 100,000 jobs and provide more than $82 billion in economic impact once UAS are fully integrated into the airspace.” -AUVSI

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A few regulatory bodies • API - American Petroleum Institute • Represents all aspects of America’s O&G industry –UP, DOWN & MID Stream • FAA - Federal Aviation Administration • IOGP – Int’l Association of O&G Producers • Members equal 40% of Global Upstream Industry • HSAC - Helicopter Safety Advisory Conference • Improve Offshore flight safety with API and other agencies

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• These committees develop best industry standards or "Recommended Practices" (RPs). • In May of this year, the UAS committee met to improve or revise the RP published in 2015. • To download the UAS Recommended Practice, search the title: "HSAC Recommended Practice UAS RP 15-1 Drones" HSAC – “Safety Through Cooperation”