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@deepu105 @oktaDev Build and deploy cloud native Java microservices on Kubernetes with Istio service mesh Deepu K Sasidharan @deepu105 |

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Hi, I’m Deepu K Sasidharan ➔ JHipster co-lead developer ➔ Java Champion ➔ Creator of KDash, JDL Studio ➔ Developer Advocate @ Auth0 by Okta ➔ Polyglot dev, OSS aficionado, author, speaker @deepu105 deepu105 deepu05

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Cloud Native Microservices with a service mesh

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@deepu105 @oktaDev What does Istio do? ● Secure service-to-service communication ● Service discovery  ● Automatic load balancing  ● Routing, circuit breaking, retries, fail-overs, fault injection ● Policy layer for access control, rate limiting, A/B testing, canary rollouts, traffic splits, and quotas ● Automatic Metrics, logs, and traces 

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio architecture

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Prepare cluster

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Prerequisite - Kubernetes Cluster Create GCP Project : $ gcloud config set compute/region europe-west1 $ gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1-b $ gcloud projects create istio-demo - Enable billing via GUI $ gcloud config set project istio-demo $ gcloud services enable Create GKE Cluster : $ gcloud container clusters create hello-hipster \ --num-nodes 4 \ --machine-type n1-standard-2 Set Credentials: $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-hipster

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@deepu105 @oktaDev GKE Cluster

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Prerequisite - Istio Install Istio : $ cd ~/ $ export ISTIO_VERSION=1.15.1 $ curl -L | sh - $ cd istio-$ISTIO_VERSION $ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Prerequisite - Istio Install Istio in GKE cluster : $ istioctl install --set profile=demo -y Get Ingress Gateway External IP: $ kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system Note: The ingress IP is required later while deploying our apps

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Prerequisite - Addons Install Istio Addons in GKE cluster : $ cd istio-$ISTIO_VERSION $ kubectl apply -f samples/addons/grafana.yaml $ kubectl apply -f samples/addons/prometheus.yaml $ kubectl apply -f samples/addons/kiali.yaml $ kubectl apply -f samples/addons/extras/zipkin.yaml

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio pods

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Bootstrap a demo application with JHipster

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@deepu105 @oktaDev JHipster in the wild Most popular Rapid Application Development platform for Java web applications and microservices ▪ 20k+ stars, 40k projects and 600+ contributors on GitHub ▪ 2M+ installations & 20k+ app generations per month ▪ 300k+ overall users ▪ 300+ companies using JHipster ▪ 150+ plugins

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@deepu105 @oktaDev What can you actually do with JHipster? ▪ Generate simple monolith web applications ▪ Generate complete microservice architectures ▪ Generate domain model (entities) ▪ Generate CI/CD pipelines ▪ Deploy to the cloud or containers ▪ And lot more

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Code quality & developer experience ▪ Developer experience oriented ▪ Production grade code quality (Look at our sonar scores) − ▪ Best practices on any combinations selected ▪ Fully working CRUD apps out of the box ▪ Production grade security ▪ You would only have to do business logic code and UX design

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Let’s build

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Microservice with Istio on Kubernetes

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Install JHipster $ npm install -g generator-jhipster $ jhipster download microservice-ecommerce-store-istio-deployment.jdl or $ git clone Note: I’m using JHipster version v7.9.3

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@deepu105 @oktaDev JDL JHipster Domain Language JDL : Reference : Studio : Samples :

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@deepu105 @oktaDev JDL Application

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@deepu105 @oktaDev JDL Entity & Relationship

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@deepu105 @oktaDev JDL Deployment for Kubernetes with Istio

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@deepu105 @oktaDev JHipster magic $ jhipster jdl jhipster-istio.jdl --fork

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Build & Push images $ ./gradlew bootJar -Pprod jib $ ./gradlew bootJar -Pprod jib $ ./gradlew bootJar -Pprod jib $ ./gradlew bootJar -Pprod jib

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio sidecar injection

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Manual sidecar injection Command: $ istioctl kube-inject -f kubernetes/my-deployment.yaml Result: spec: containers: - image: deepu105/my-app:1.0 ... - image: name: istio-proxy ... initContainers: ... - image: name: istio-init ...

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Automatic sidecar injection Command: $ kubectl label namespace istio-injection=enabled --overwrite=true # To verify $ kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio Traffic Management

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio Virtual Services apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: store-virtualservice namespace: jhipster spec: hosts: - store http: - route: - destination: host: store subset: "v1" weight: 100 retries: attempts: 3 perTryTimeout: 2s

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio Destination Rules apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: store-destinationrule spec: host: store trafficPolicy: loadBalancer: simple: RANDOM connectionPool: tcp: maxConnections: 30 connectTimeout: 100ms http: maxRetries: 5 outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 5 interval: 30s baseEjectionTime: 60s subsets: - name: v1 labels: version: "v1"

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio Gateways apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: store-gateway labels: gateway: store-gateway spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - - port: number: 80 name: http2 protocol: HTTP2 hosts: -

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio Service Entries apiVersion: kind: ServiceEntry metadata: name: svc-entry spec: hosts: - ports: - number: 443 name: https protocol: HTTPS location: MESH_EXTERNAL resolution: DNS

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio Sidecars apiVersion: kind: Sidecar metadata: name: default namespace: bookinfo spec: egress: - hosts: - "./*" - "istio-system/*"

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Break (30 mins)

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Code walkthrough

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Lets deploy

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Deploy to GKE $ cd kubernetes $ ./ -f $ watch kubectl get pods -n jhipster // or use KDash 😉

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Gateway

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Telemetry

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Grafana dashboard

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Prometheus

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Zipkin tracing

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Kiali

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Request Routing and Canary Testing

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Traffic shift apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: store-destinationrule namespace: jhipster spec: host: store trafficPolicy: ... subsets: - name: v1 labels: version: "v1" - name: v2 labels: version: "v2" apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: store-gw-virtualservice .. spec: hosts: - gateways: - store-gateway http: .. - route: - destination: host: store subset: "v1" weight: 50 - destination: host: store subset: "v2" weight: 50

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Routing apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: store-gw-virtualservice .. http: .. - match: - uri: prefix: / headers: user-agent: regex: ".*Chrome.*" route: - destination: host: store subset: "v2" - match: - uri: prefix: / route: - destination: host: store subset: "v1"

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Fault Injection and Circuit Breaking

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Fault Injection apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: store-gw-virtualservice .. spec: hosts: - gateways: - store-gateway http: - match: - uri: prefix: / route: - destination: host: store subset: "v1" fault: delay: percent: 100 fixedDelay: 10s apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: store-gw-virtualservice .. spec: hosts: - gateways: - store-gateway http: - match: - uri: prefix: / route: - destination: host: store subset: "v1" fault: abort: percent: 100 httpStatus: 503

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Circuit Breaking apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: store-destinationrule spec: host: store trafficPolicy: loadBalancer: simple: RANDOM connectionPool: tcp: maxConnections: 30 connectTimeout: 100ms http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 10 http2MaxRequests: 100 maxRequestsPerConnection: 10 maxRetries: 5 outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 5 interval: 30s baseEjectionTime: 60s apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: store-virtualservice namespace: jhipster spec: hosts: - store http: - route: - destination: host: store subset: "v1" weight: 100 retries: attempts: 3 perTryTimeout: 2s

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Security

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Security components ● A Certificate Authority (CA) for key and certificate management ● The configuration API server distributes to the proxies: ○ authentication policies ○ authorization policies ○ secure naming information ● Sidecar and perimeter proxies work as Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs) to secure communication between clients and servers. ● A set of Envoy proxy extensions to manage telemetry and auditing

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Security architecture

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Authentication ● Peer authentication: used for service-to-service authentication to verify the client making the connection. Istio offers mutual TLS as a full stack solution for transport authentication. ● Request authentication: Used for end-user authentication to verify the credential attached to the request. Enabled using JWT validation, a custom authentication provider or any OpenID Connect providers, for example: ○ Keycloak ○ Okta ○ Auth0 ○ Firebase Auth ○ Google Auth

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Oauth 2 and OIDC

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@deepu105 @oktaDev oauth2-proxy with Istio From

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Extending with WebAssembly

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Istio extension ecosystem ● Istio Ecosystem Wasm Extensions ● Proxy-Wasm ABI specification ● Proxy-Wasm C++ SDK ● Proxy-Wasm Rust SDK ● Proxy-Wasm AssemblyScript SDK ● WebAssembly Hub ● WebAssembly Extensions For Network Proxies (video)

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Delete GKE Cluster $ gcloud container clusters delete hello-hipster

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Is a service mesh worth it? + Kubernetes Native microservices + Reduced responsibilities for dev(Service discovery, security, telemetry, etc) + No need to write/maintain any code for some of the complex parts of a microservice architecture. + A/B testing, canary releases, and lot more - Complex to debug and develop locally - Slightly higher resource usage (CPU, Memory) - Higher running costs - Business logic related policies might be trickier

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@deepu105 @oktaDev Thank You Deepu K Sasidharan @deepu105 |