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Senior Economist, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Investing in Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Productivity-Led Agricultural Growth Dr. Keith Fuglie This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the author and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.

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#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Summary Findings • Africa has achieved robust agricultural growth over the past 20 years, but growth has mainly come from increasing the use of land and resources rather than raising productivity • The key to moving to sustainable, productivity-led growth is through strengthening national capacities in agricultural science, technology and innovation • Agricultural S&T indicators show that Africa continues to underinvest in agricultural research and development (R&D) • Policy reforms can also strengthen the enabling environment for promoting rapid adoption of improved farm technology and innovations along the agri-food value chain

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#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Agricultural growth has depended on expending the use of natural resources TFP = total factor productivity, or total output per unit of total inputs • A few African countries though show evidence of moving toward productivity-led growth • Egypt • Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi

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#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Sub-Saharan Africa has invested relatively little in agricultural R&D Region Public agricultural research intensity ag R&D/ ag GDP ag R&D/ cropland (%) Trend ($/hectare) Latin America and Caribbean 1.06 ↑ $25 Brazil 1.65 ↑ $31 East and South Asia 0.46 ↑ $27 China 0.73 ↑ $47 Southeast Asia 0.34 ↓ $18 South Asia 0.30 ↑ $17 Sub-Saharan Africa 0.38 ↓ $9 Developing-country total public ag R&D 0.52 ↑ $23 Developed-country total public ag R&D 3.25 ↓ $52 • National investment in agricultural R&D needed to develop and adapt technologies suitable for African crops and growing conditions • Economic studies show that agricultural R&D in Africa has produced large economic benefits relative to cost • The economic benefits from R&D are widely shared amongst producers (higher incomes) and consumers (lower food prices)

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#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Policy reforms can stimulate innovation and growth along the agri- food value chain • Strengthening extension services to disseminate new technology to farmers • Encourage Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to attract improved technologies for food manufacturing, storage, transportation, and retailing

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#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR Chapter includes country- specific benchmark indicators for: • Investment in agricultural R&D • Capacities in agricultural extension • Growth in agricultural output and total factor productivity

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