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Fun with Flags B y W i m C r e u w e l s

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The perfect ‘Flag Design App’! Unlimited possibilities Share your flag designs Like flag designs

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Who am I? Wim Creuwels Faros Spring Certified AWS Architect

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Fun with Flags

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Fun with Feature Flags

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WWW Why What How

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What are feature flags and why do we use them?

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Why use feature flags? Hide features New releases Unfinished features

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What are feature flags? Boolean ON / OFF

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How to implement feature flags?

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How to implement feature flags? DIY Tools & Libraries ...

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Two categories of feature flag tools Hosted Integrated Separated from application Accessed through SDK / API Run with application Non - separable

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Unleash vs Togglz Unleash Togglz Hosting Container Integrated SDK Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, .NET, ... Java Environments 2/unlimited Unsupported Pricing Free and paid version Free

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Feature flags vs Spring Cloud Spring Cloud Config @RefreshScope /actuator/refresh

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The evolution of the flags Flag types Gradual rollout Segments Auth integration

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Why use feature flags? Hide features New releases Unfinished features A/B testing (in production!)

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Info @wimcreuwels