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MapStore real world case study: the hybrid infrastructure of the City of Genova Stefano Bovio GeoSolutions

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Geospatial data structure of the City of Genova

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City of Genova SDI ● Developed thanks to a long collaboration that began in 2014 ● Hybrid GIS infrastructure ● Mainly based on open source software ● Designed to offer services to citizens and technical staff ● Monitoring of data access statistics via Kibana and ELK stack

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Infrastructure components

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● GeoServer: open source server, it manages and publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards based on OGC specifications ● Installation developed with clusters of multiple instances in High Availability ● Management of concurrent requests via Control Flow ● Provides the geospatial services of the City of Genova (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS …) ● Different Raster and Vector files supported ● Different DBMS supported ● Styles management for published layers (SLD, CSS) Infrastructure components

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● GeoWebCache: web application, it offers an advanced server-side caching system for layer tiles ● Ensure better performances ● Supports WMS, WMTS, WMS-C, TMS, KML ● Proxy for WMS requests like GetFeatureInfo and GetLegend ● Cache tuning on individual layers with Parameter Filters Infrastructure components

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● GeoFence: it manages permissions in GeoServer with granular control on individual published data ● Users / User groups ● IP address ● OGC service ● Layer / Workspace ● Spatial filters ● Attributes (read/write) ● User Interface included in MapStore client GeoServer Auth probe Internal rule cache GeoFence Database Client MapStore QGIs Web … Infrastructure components

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● GeoNetwork: catalog application, it manages and publishes metadata and related resources according to OGC and ISO TC 211 standards ● Powerful metadata editing and search functions ● Metadata validation ● Support for external metadata harvesting ● User and group management ● Provides a CSW service ● Reference for INSPIRE and RNDT geospatial metadata management Infrastructure components

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Infrastructure components ● MapStore: open source Web GIS modular framework, it allows users to create, manage and share maps, dashboards and geostories online ● Responsive layout ● Mapping engine agnostic (OpenLayers, Leaflet and Cesium supported) ● Leveraging React ecosystem ● Pluggable Look & Feel ● Consume data from many sources (OSM, Bing, WFS, CSW, WMTS, 3D Tiles) ● License is Simplified BSD ● Commercial friendly!

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City of Genova Geoportal

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City of Genova Geoportal ● Developed with MapStore framework: ● Based on an Open Source Project ● Many tools available out-of-the box ● Many use cases and scenarios supported ● Support for OGC standards ● Easy to setup and configure MapStore Citizen services Tourism and tourist itineraries Territorial monitoring City mobility Emergency management and civil protection Management of geological, geomorphological and hydrological data on the territory …

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City of Genova Geoportal ● Developed with MapStore framework: ● Easy to customize and extend ● Compatible with the most common browsers: FF, Edge, Chrome and Safari ● Integration with external user authentication system ( LDAP, SPID )

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MapStore Map Viewer: overview of the main tools available: table of content, search bar, plugins sidebar, map toolbar, map footer, widgets City of Genova Geoportal

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Attribute Table: navigate the features of a vector layer with a tabular view and access advanced utilities (Filters, Data Exports, Charts, Editing of features and others). City of Genova Geoportal

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Visual Style Editor: editing layer styles in MapStore is possible with a visual and textual user interface. City of Genova Geoportal

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Layer Settings: to configure each layer in terms of general information, display mode, style and Identify City of Genova Geoportal

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Catalog Tool: manage and browse content from external sources to add layers to the map. Source types supported are: WMS, WMTS, WFS, TMS, CSW and 3D Tiles City of Genova Geoportal

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Measurements: perform your measurement in 2D/3D map viewer and export or convert them to be used with other tools City of Genova Geoportal

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MapStore Dashboard: overview the main widgets available: chart, text, table, counter, map and legend City of Genova Geoportal

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Dashboard Wizard: each widget type has a wizard that helps the user to build the widget content City of Genova Geoportal

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City of Genova Geoportal Connections: it is possible to connect maps and tables to filter the content of other widgets

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MapStore GeoStory: create inspiring and immersive stories by combining text, interactive maps and multimedia content (e.g. images, videos or other third-party content). City of Genova Geoportal

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Build your story by adding different types of sections, one after another with an advanced web editor: Title/Cover, Paragraph, Immersive, GeoCarousel, Media (Map, Image, Video), Web Page City of Genova Geoportal

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A toolbar at the top of the side panel provides additional story settings. The media editor gives you control over different media content! Images, videos and maps City of Genova Geoportal

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The Application Context Manager is an administrative tool designed to create and set up different MapStore viewer configurations for the same installation City of Genova Geoportal

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A multi-step wizard allows the administrator to set up a custom MapStore viewer City of Genova Geoportal

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Tourism Examples

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Election Examples

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Historical buildings Examples

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Urban planning Examples

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Architectures Examples

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Residential architecture Examples

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Accessibility Examples

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MapStore Documentation Check out the updated developer and user guides for v2023.01.02 home-page/ guide/requirements/

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Ongoing work We are actively working on interesting new features and improvements for existing tools to be available in next releases! The MapStore community is also growing a lot, Thank you all!

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That’s all folks! Questions?