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Hi, I’m Andrew Godwin

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async def view(request): data = await api_call(pk=5) return render(request, "a.html", …)

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"The Real-Time Web"

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AJAX 1999 Comet 2006 WebSockets 2011

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“A system in which input data is processed within milliseconds so that it is available virtually immediately

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CPU cores run one thing at a time (yes, computers are basically a giant lie)

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Program 2 Program 3 Program 1

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Scheduling The art of running multiple things at once

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Program 2 Program 3 Program 1 300 cycles 300 cycles 300 cycles

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Program 2 Program 3 Program 1 300 cycles Restore Save Restore Save Restore Save 30 cycles 30 cycles 300 cycles 30 cycles 30 cycles 300 cycles 30 cycles 30 cycles

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Context switching is expensive The more you have, the worse it gets

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Python's threading has this problem! The more you have, the worse it gets

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Active Threads Idle Threads Runtime 1 0 1.3 seconds 1 1 2.3 seconds 1 5 5.4 seconds 1 30 39 seconds 1 100 15 minutes

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"Boxcar" scheduling has… issues Don't ever write avionics software like this! Thanks.

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72kb Woven core memory

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0.085 Mhz processor

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“ Don Eyles ...when the guidance system was first being conceived, the onboard software was almost an afterthought

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Priority-based Executive Please do write avionics software like this.

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Job Priorities Higher numbers beat lower Limited job "RAM" Only 7 running at once Interrupts from hardware Descent radar, keyboard, etc.

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Predictable Software They knew exactly what ran and what it took

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...Unpredictable Hardware It's never easy, especially in space.

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Two differently phased 800Mhz clocks This is really bad, trust me.

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False detections stole computer time The radar system had to update the guidance computer

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Descent Phase: 85% load Capsule orientation and thrust calculations Hardware Bug: 13% Caused by the descent radar Display Routine: 5% Astronauts trying to see how far to go

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SERVICER never gets to run But the system keeps trying to schedule it

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Alarm 1202 The computer self-restarts, but keeps crashing

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Buzz Aldrin works it out Turns off the display routine to bring the load under 100%

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Apollo 11 was almost a failure ...but good software design prevented it

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Apollo 9 First flight test of Lunar Module Apollo 10 Second test and partial descent of Lunar Module Apollo 11 First Moon landing

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“ Eugene A. Cernan, recounting Apollo 10 Don't give those guys an opportunity to land, 'cause they might!

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Building for Failure Software is only as good as its worst outing

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“ Don Eyles During simulations we sometimes pushed the [restart] button randomly

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We often only design for the good cases After all, that's what we're expecting to happen

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Hardware is always unpredictable Disks, networks, even keyboards and mice

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Can your software survive a crash? Or does it need a clean shutdown to work?

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How will you handle the unexpected? Weird input. Slow network connections. Emoji.

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“ Don Eyles When Hal Laning designed the Executive and Waitlist system, he made it up from whole cloth with no examples to guide him. The design [...] still represents the state of the art.

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All software has consequences We may not all be designing spacecraft, but we affect lives.

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Slide 50 text Tales from the Lunar Module Guidance Computer, 2004

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Thanks. Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin //