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Kubernetes & Container Engine Sandeep Parikh Solutions Architect @crcsmnky

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2 Google Cloud Platform Container Challenges “If we run our containers on VMs, I don’t want to manage anything” “How do I get my containers to talk to one another?” “Where should I run my containers? “How do we ensure our containers are running smoothly?”

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Google launches over 2 billion containers each week

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Kubernetes is based on years of experience running containers at scale

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6 Google Cloud Platform ● Run and manage a cluster of containers as a single system ● Orchestrate containers by scheduling on to cluster nodes ● Ensure state and group into units for management and discovery ● Open source and developed in the open ● Driven by the community ● Deployable everywhere Kubernetes

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 8 Building Blocks

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9 Google Cloud Platform cluster

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10 Google Cloud Platform cluster virtual machines that Kubernetes manages

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11 Google Cloud Platform cluster node master node node

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12 Google Cloud Platform cluster node master node node node node node node node node node node node node node node node node node node node node cluster

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13 Google Cloud Platform pod

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14 Google Cloud Platform pod group of containers sharing storage and network pod

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15 Google Cloud Platform pod.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 pod.yaml

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16 Google Cloud Platform pod.yaml node master node node pod.yaml

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17 Google Cloud Platform pod.yaml node master node node pod.yaml

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18 Google Cloud Platform pod.yaml node master node node pod.yaml

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19 Google Cloud Platform replication controller

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20 Google Cloud Platform replication controller ensure N pods are running replication controller

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21 Google Cloud Platform rc.yaml kind: ReplicationController apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: frontend spec: replicas: 4 selector: role: www template: metadata: name: www labels: role: www spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 rc.yaml

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22 Google Cloud Platform rc.yaml kind: ReplicationController apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: frontend spec: replicas: 4 selector: role: www template: metadata: name: www labels: role: www spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 rc.yaml

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23 Google Cloud Platform rc.yaml kind: ReplicationController apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: frontend spec: replicas: 4 selector: role: www template: metadata: name: www labels: role: www spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 rc.yaml

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24 Google Cloud Platform rc.yaml kind: ReplicationController apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: frontend spec: replicas: 4 selector: role: www template: metadata: name: www labels: role: www spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 rc.yaml

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25 Google Cloud Platform rc.yaml node master node node rc.yaml

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26 Google Cloud Platform rc.yaml node master node node rc.yaml

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27 Google Cloud Platform node master node node rc.yaml rc.yaml

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 28 How do we connect to the pods?

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29 Google Cloud Platform service service

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30 Google Cloud Platform service abstraction to communicate with pods service

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31 Google Cloud Platform service master service service

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32 Google Cloud Platform service master service service

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33 Google Cloud Platform service master service service service

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34 Google Cloud Platform service master service public load balancer service service

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35 Google Cloud Platform svc.yaml kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: www-frontend spec: ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP selector: role: www type: LoadBalancer svc.yaml

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36 Google Cloud Platform svc.yaml kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: www-frontend spec: ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP selector: role: www type: LoadBalancer svc.yaml

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37 Google Cloud Platform svc.yaml kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: www-frontend spec: ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP selector: role: www type: LoadBalancer svc.yaml

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 38 Container Engine

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39 Google Cloud Platform Google Container Engine Hosted Kubernetes with managed resources Run clusters on a bundle of Google Compute Engine resources: Instances, Disks, Networking, Load Balancer Built-in support for centralized logging and container health checking Private container registry at

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 40 What’s New

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41 Google Cloud Platform New in Kubernetes 1.1 ● Ingress (L7) ● iptables kube-proxy ● ConfigMaps ● Deployments ● Jobs ● DaemonSets ● Graceful Termination ● Horizontal Pod Autoscaling ● Cluster Node Scaling

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42 Google Cloud Platform Ingress Services are assumed L3/L4 Lots of apps want HTTP/HTTPS Ingress maps incoming traffic to backend services • by HTTP host headers • by HTTP URL paths HAProxy, NGINX, AWS and GCE implementations in progress Now with SSL! Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.2 URL Map Client

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43 Google Cloud Platform iptables kube-proxy

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44 Google Cloud Platform ConfigMaps Problem: how to manage app configuration • ...without making overly-brittle container images 12-factor says config comes from the environment • Kubernetes is the environment Manage config via the Kubernetes API Inject config as a virtual volume into your Pods • late-binding, live-updated (atomic) • also available as env vars Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 node API Pod Config Map

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45 Google Cloud Platform Deployments Rolling update is too imperative Deployment manages RC changes for you • stable object name • updates are done server-side rather than client • kubectl edit or kubectl apply is all you need Aggregates stats Can have multiple updates in flight Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.2 ...

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46 Google Cloud Platform Jobs Run-to-completion, as opposed to run-forever • Express parallelism vs. required completions • Workflow: restart on failure • Build/test: don’t restart on failure Aggregates success/failure counts Built for batch and big-data work Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 ...

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47 Google Cloud Platform Daemon Sets Problem: how to run a Pod on every node • or a subset of nodes Similar to ReplicationController • principle: do one thing, don’t overload “Which nodes?” is a selector Use familiar tools and patterns Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.2 Pod

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48 Google Cloud Platform Graceful Termination Give pods time to clean up • finish in-flight operations • log state • flush to disk • 30 seconds by default Catch SIGTERM, cleanup, exit ASAP Pod status “Terminating” Declarative: ‘DELETE’ manifests as an object field in the API

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49 Google Cloud Platform HorizontalPodAutoScalers Automatically scale ReplicationControllers to a target utilization • CPU utilization for now • Probably more later Operates within user-defined min/max bounds Set it and forget it Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 ... Stats

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50 Google Cloud Platform Cluster Scaling Add nodes when needed • e.g. CPU usage too high • nodes self-register with API server Remove nodes when not needed • e.g. CPU usage too low Status: Works on GCE, need other implementations ...

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 51 Coming Soon

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52 Google Cloud Platform Coming Soon • Cron (scheduled jobs) • Custom metrics • “Apply” a config (even more declarative) • Interactive containers • Bandwidth shaping • Third-party API objects • Scalability: 1000 nodes, 100+ pods/node • Performance • Machine-generated Go clients (less deps!) • Volume usage stats • Multi-zone (AZ) support • Multi-scheduler support • Node affinity and anti-affinity • Multi-cluster federation • API federation • More volume types • Private Docker registry • External DNS integration • Volume classes and auto-provisioning • Node fencing • DiY Cloud Provider plugins • More container runtimes (e.g. Hyper) • Better auth{n,z} • Network policy (micro-segmentation) • Big data integrations • Device scheduling (e.g. GPUs)

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53 Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Status and Plans Open sourced in June, 2014 • v1.0 in July, 2015 • v1.1 in November, 2015 • v1.2 ... soon! Google Container Engine (GKE) • hosted Kubernetes - don’t think about cluster setup PaaSes: • RedHat OpenShift, Deis, Stratos Distros: • CoreOS Tectonic, Mirantis Murano (OpenStack),RedHat Atomic, Mesos Hitting a ~3 month release cadence

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