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Building user-centric security model in iOS apps @vixentael

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@vixentael Lead Developer at Core Contributor at themis/ Who am I Get in touch if you need help in building a secure mobile app

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Security talk ahead! #courage

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#mobiconf @vixentael Risks and threat models Trust models Analyze real app Protection methods ZKP Code samples Attack scenarios Security model future improvements

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Why we should think more about security? #mobiconf @vixentael

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Users trust Apple platform Users trust us Why we should think more about security? #mobiconf @vixentael

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Most users trust sensitive data to our app regardless of how well we protect it #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael abstract app in a vacuum

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security security is set of ultimatum rules abstract app in a vacuum #mobiconf @vixentael

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security is set of ultimatum rules abstract app in a vacuum real apps, real ecosystems #mobiconf @vixentael

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App Flow App Features Code User Problem #mobiconf @vixentael

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Risk Threat Model Secure Methods Secure Implemen- tations Libs/ Code App Flow App Features Code User Problem #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael It is secure

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It is secure It is secure against certain threat model and adversary #mobiconf @vixentael

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Risk Model & Threat Model create demands for security #mobiconf @vixentael

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Real world risks Data leak/ data tampering Reputation risks Legal responsibility Financial damage #mobiconf @vixentael

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Risk impact Data is used/sold by someone Data is tampered and you’re operating on adversary’s plan Identity/auth is used elsewhere DL DT data leakage data tampering identity theft #mobiconf @vixentael

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Risk prevention data leakage data tampering identity theft confidentiality (secrecy) integrity authentication #mobiconf @vixentael

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Risk prevention (for us) - Encryption w/ secret or PKC - Limit access - Signed encryption - Protected transport with trust and integrity - Authenticated encryption - Action authentication confidentiality (secrecy) integrity authentication #mobiconf @vixentael

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Encryption is letting only those who know the secret to access the data, no matter how they alter the code or the system (read Kerckhoffs's desideratum) #mobiconf @vixentael

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Trust model is whose secrets you trust in a security system #mobiconf @vixentael

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Everything is broken Trust no one, but the user #mobiconf @vixentael

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Risks Trust model Threat model Methods and instruments #mobiconf @vixentael

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Now let’s apply this to the real app #mobiconf @vixentael

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What user hero has? secret data paranoia pa55w0rd trust #mobiconf @vixentael

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secret data paranoia pa55w0rd trust tin foil hat! #mobiconf @vixentael What user hero has?

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for saving your important docs during trips Let’s make an app!

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Take pictures of important documents App functionality Store them on server Lets user see them #mobiconf @vixentael

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Architecture and flow user app network server storage #mobiconf @vixentael

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Threats we can handle T2 T3 passive MitM active MitM T1/T4 data loss/ tampering #mobiconf @vixentael

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More complicated.. T5 verbal key leak T6 phishing / social engineering T7 rubber-hose cryptanalysis T8 satellite imaging of sensitive input T9 EM emissions T10 sandbox escaping T11 misconfiguration T12 random generator abuse T13 random generator abuse T14 EM emissions and physical side channel T15 physical access malicious dependency T19 storing keys with data T20 weak cipher random generator abuse T21 T2 T3 passive MitM active MitM T1/T4 data loss/ tampering T16 misconfigured access T17 T18 unattended backups #mobiconf @vixentael

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Back to threats we can handle T2 T3 passive MitM active MitM T1/T4 data loss/ tampering #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael Threats: T1/T4 attacker steals stored data or tampers it

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attacker steals stored data or tampers it Threats: T1/T4 Secret Key Crypto Protection Symmetric crypto for storing data. If user has no secret, he can’t read or change data. #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael Threats: T2 attacker captures network traffic (passive MitM)

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attacker captures network traffic (passive MitM) Public Key Cryptography, ephemeral keys Asymmetric crypto for sending data. Ephemeral keys to avoid decrypting accumulated traffic if keys are leaked/cracked. Threats: T2 Protection #mobiconf @vixentael

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Threats: T3 attacker redirects traffic and pretends to be remote party (active MitM) #mobiconf @vixentael

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attacker redirects traffic and pretends to be remote party (active MitM) Public Key Cryptography, certificate pinning Asymmetric crypto for sending data. Check server certificate to make sure it matches with pinned one. Threats: T3 Protection #mobiconf @vixentael

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Protection methods Secret Key Crypto PKC + ephem. keys T2 T3 passive MitM active MitM T1/T4 data loss/ tampering PKC + cert. pinning #mobiconf @vixentael

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Public Key Crypto Perfect Forward Secrecy Secret Key Crypto Authenticated Encryption Certificate Pinning Trust model Trust the user only #mobiconf @vixentael

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Relationship model plain data symmetric encryption PKC + eph. keys symmetric encryption PKC + eph. keys ZKP ZKP #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael …what if trapdoor function fails? …what if key exchange is flawed? add more paranoia! …what if we suspect that server is fraudulent?

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…what if trapdoor function fails? …what if key exchange is flawed? add more paranoia! …what if we suspect that server is fraudulent? Zero Knowledge Proof for the rescue! #mobiconf @vixentael

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ZKP is comparing shared secret without transmitting it does not require the key exchange, does not leak password #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael So, data model: Secret key (SK) = KDF(user password)

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#mobiconf @vixentael Sensitive Data (SD) — passport photo Metadata (M1) — timestamp+CRC of photo Metadata (M2) — name of photo (user input) Secret key (SK) = KDF(user password) So, data model:

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So, data model: Secret key (SK) = KDF(user password) Sensitive Data (SD) — passport photo Metadata (M1) — timestamp+CRC of photo Metadata (M2) — name of photo (user input) Mobile Key Pair (MKP) — private+public keys gen. inside app. Server Key Pair (SKP) — private+public keys gen. on server. App pins Server Public Key. #mobiconf @vixentael

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Pwd Key + Data model SD M1 M2 MKP SKP SK #mobiconf @vixentael

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User-centric trust Pwd MKP SKP SK symmetric encryption PKC + eph. keys KDF() Rand PKC + eph. keys Rand #mobiconf @vixentael

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App Flows

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Crypto primitives* Symmetric crypto SCell Asymmetric crypto based on ephemeral keys SSession SComparator ZKP implementation *based on Themis crypto lib #mobiconf @vixentael

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#mobiconf @vixentael 1. Encrypt photo EncData = SCell_wrap(SD, SK, Context=M2) 2. Store EncData, M1, M2 in Local Store 3. Drop SD, SK from memory prepare data Send photo to server

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1. Encrypt photo EncData = SCell_wrap(SD, SK, Context=M2) 2. Store EncData, M1, M2 in Local Store 3. Drop SD, SK from memory prepare data 4. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 5. Send EncData, M1, M2 via Session transfer data Send photo to server #mobiconf @vixentael

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6. Receive OK 7. Terminate Session 8. Mark EncData in Local Store as Synced 4. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 5. Send EncData, M1, M2 via Session 1. Encrypt photo EncData = SCell_wrap(SD, SK, Context=M2) 2. Store EncData, M1, M2 in Local Store 3. Drop SD, SK from memory prepare data transfer data terminate session Send photo to server

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Send photo to server 6. Receive OK 7. Terminate Session 8. Mark EncData in Local Store as Synced 4. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 5. Send EncData, M1, M2 via Session 1. Encrypt photo EncData = SCell_wrap(SD, SK, Context=M2) 2. Store EncData, M1, M2 in Local Store 3. Drop SD, SK from memory prepare data transfer data terminate session

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Read photo from server 1. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 2. Request EncData proof via ZKP: 2.1 Send M1 2.2 Request Server to prove he has M2 by performing SComparator(M2) initialize connection #mobiconf @vixentael

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Read photo from server 1. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 3. Receive EncData 2. Request EncData proof via ZKP: 2.1 Send M1 2.2 Request Server to prove he has M2 by performing SComparator(M2) initialize connection transfer data #mobiconf @vixentael

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1. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 3. Receive EncData 2. Request EncData proof via ZKP: 2.1 Send M1 2.2 Request Server to prove he has M2 by performing SComparator(M2) 4. Request password from user 5. Decrypt data: SD = SCell_unwrap(EncData, SK, Context=M2) initialize connection transfer data decrypt data Read photo from server

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Read photo from server 1. Connect to Server: Session = SSession(Priv(MKP), Pub(SKP)) 3. Receive EncData 2. Request EncData proof via ZKP: 2.1 Send M1 2.2 Request Server to prove he has M2 by performing SComparator(M2) 4. Request password from user 5. Decrypt data: SD = SCell_unwrap(EncData, SK, Context=M2) initialize connection transfer data decrypt data

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Code samples

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Generate keys // Generating EC keys guard let keyGeneratorEC: TSKeyGen = TSKeyGen(algorithm: .EC) else { print("Error occurred while initializing object keyGeneratorEC”) return } let privateKeyEC: NSData = keyGeneratorEC.privateKey let publicKeyEC: NSData = keyGeneratorEC.publicKey #mobiconf @vixentael

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let masterKeyData: NSData = self.generateMasterKey() guard let cellSeal: TSCellSeal = TSCellSeal(key: masterKeyData) else { print("Error occurred while initializing object cellSeal", #function) return } let message: String = "All your base are belong to us!" let context: String = "For great justice" var encryptedMessage: NSData = NSData() do { // context is optional parameter and may be ignored encryptedMessage = try cellSeal.wrapData(message.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding), context: context.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)) print("encryptedMessages = \(encryptedMessage)") } catch let error as NSError { print("Error occurred while encrypting \(error)", #function) return } Symmetric encryption #mobiconf @vixentael

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Symmetric decryption let masterKeyData: NSData = self.generateMasterKey() guard let cellSeal: TSCellSeal = TSCellSeal(key: masterKeyData) else { print("Error occurred while initializing object cellSeal", #function) return } let message: String = "All your base are belong to us!" let context: String = "For great justice" do { let decryptedMessage: NSData = try cellSeal.unwrapData(encryptedMessage, context: context.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)) let resultString: String = String(data: decryptedMessage, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)! print("decryptedMessage = \(resultString)") } catch let error as NSError { print("Error occurred while decrypting \(error)", #function) return } #mobiconf @vixentael

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Initialize Session guard let clientIdData: NSData = kClientId.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding), let clientPrivateKey: NSData = NSData(base64EncodedString: kClientPrivateKey, options: .IgnoreUnknownCharacters) else { print("Error occurred during base64 encoding", #function) return } self.transport = Transport() self.transport?.setupKeys(kServerId, serverPublicKey: kServerPublicKey) self.session = TSSession(userId: clientIdData, privateKey: clientPrivateKey, callbacks: self.transport) #mobiconf @vixentael

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Encrypt/Decrypt Session messages var encryptedMessage: NSData do { guard let wrappedMessage: NSData = try self.session?.wrapData(message.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)) else { print("Error occurred during wrapping message ", #function) return } encryptedMessage = wrappedMessage } catch let error as NSError { print("Error occurred while wrapping message \(error)", #function) completion(data: nil, error: error) return } //... do { guard let decryptedMessage: NSData = try self.session?.unwrapData(data), let resultString: String = String(data: decryptedMessage, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) else { throw NSError(domain: "com.example", code: -3, userInfo: nil) } completion(data: resultString, error: nil) } catch let error as NSError { print("Error occurred while decrypting message \(error)", #function) completion(data: nil, error: error) return } #mobiconf @vixentael

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Make it tough even more

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one password per photo Enforce app security user inputs password every time on photo access #mobiconf @vixentael

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Use ZKP to prove that Server has M2 from any previous transfer Repeated auth #mobiconf @vixentael Received items Synced items D1 D2 Dn ... D1 D2 Dn ...

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Repeated auth request ZKP(M1i) select any Di, where Di = (EncData, M1, M2) prove M2i transfer Dn+1 compare M2i, on success Received items Synced items D1 D2 Dn ... D1 D2 Dn ... #mobiconf @vixentael

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The worst case scenario attacks

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Active MitM without hacking the server: The worst scenario attacks Attacker does not have SKP. SecureSession initialization fails. App doesn’t start transfer data to server at all. Results: #mobiconf @vixentael

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Best active MitM + hack server: The worst scenario attacks Attacker seizes SKP from Server and pretends to be normal server by DNS spoofing or routing redirection. Results: Accumulates useless M1, M2 and lousy EncData. #mobiconf @vixentael

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The worst scenario attacks Denial of Service: Attacker floods server with requests / tons of data. Results: Server may be flooded. Monitor all the things! #mobiconf @vixentael

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* hardware support (AES) Crypto is very expensive!!11 * scripted language and questionable frameworks affect performance as much as running the expensive math, if not more * endorse crypto everywhere to make it more cheap :) (it is not) #mobiconf @vixentael

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Apple enforces good security practices iOS 10 use HTTPS everywhere! add purpose strings for accessing private data read more about Apple security care in Additional reading section drop TLS < 1.2 #mobiconf @vixentael

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̣ Security is a system, not a set of methods ̣ You may need to re-read this slides when you will plan your next app ̣ User-centric trust is simple to implement, yet almost impossible to hack Key points! #mobiconf @vixentael

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My other security talks mobile-architectures-7a8fcb10d28a#.ffbsjwqx6 Upgrading Approaches to the Secure Mobile Architectures Data Protection For Mobile Client-Server Architectures mobile-client-server-architectures-6e6dcabd871a Users' data security in iOS applications #mobiconf @vixentael

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Additional reading by Apple How iOS Security Really Works What's New in Security Behind the Scenes with iOS Security Engineering Privacy for Your Users #mobiconf @vixentael

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Additional reading by smarties Getting Ready for ATS Enforcement in 2017 Privacy Settings in iOS 10 magic.html Zero Knowledge Protocols Without Magic analysis.pdf Technical Analysis of Pegasus Spyware Side effect of Pegasus malware #mobiconf @vixentael

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@vixentael The last slide Lead Developer at Core Contributor at themis/ Need help? Talk to me :)