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Open Source Spatial Data Management: CartoDB

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Table of contents: 1.............Considerations 2.............Big Data 3.............Art, Science, and The Scary Places in the Middle 4.............Why CartoDB? 5............Making a Map with CartoDB 6............Q & A

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Spatial is special. “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” - Waldo Tobler (1970) Preface:

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Geographic visualization should be forward thinking. Step 1: Look ahead. What is your goal? How will you accomplish it?

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With CartoDB your map could be static... ...or animated.

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Your map could stand alone... ...or be part of a larger story.

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Big Data are more than just ‘big.’ “Big data is more than simply a matter of size; it is an opportunity to find insights in new and emerging types of data and content...” - IBM Step 2: Consider your data.

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Volume Variety Velocity Vinculation of big data V’s The four

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Geographic data are frequently big (one or more V’s).

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Step 3: Decide if you’re looking for answers or communicating results. (or both) - Andy Woodruff, “Apart from being dead, Art and Science are strong in web cartography.” are-strong-in-web-cartography/ “Web cartography is not about maps; it’s about hacks for moving data around.” Graphic from MacEachren, A.M. (1994) “Visualization in modern cartography: Setting the agenda.” Redrawn by Roth (2011).

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So how does this relate to CartoDB? To find out, let’s look at what other tools do.

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Some tools are great for analysis.

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ArcGIS Online

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Quantum GIS (QGIS for short) ✓ Windows, OS X, Linux ✓ Open Source ✓ GDAL ✓ PostgreSQL/PostGIS, OSM ✓ Raster and vector analysis ✓ Hundreds of tools ✓ Python ✓ Increasingly mainstream

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PostGIS Spatially-enabled PostgreSQL ✓ Windows, OS X, Linux ✓ Open Source (GPL) ✓ Very powerful. Very fast. ✓ Often used in conjunction with other tools No direct GUI

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R With Spatial Packages ✓ A stats favorite ✓ Excels at point patterns, trends, and interpolation ✓ So-so visualization ✓ Recommend packages: ggplot2, maps, splancs, spatstat, mapproj R Studio w/ ggplot2 + maps

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Other tools are great for communication.

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TileMill ✓ A MapBox project ✓ CartoCSS for styling ✓ Smart selectors + compositing ✓ Shapefiles, PostGIS, SQLite, GeoJSON, CSV... ✓ Export to web, mobile, tiles, PDF, SVG, PNG... ✓ Publish to MapBox (free and $) ✓ Open Source

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MapBox ✓ Cloud-based map design ✓ Add public layers, base maps ✓ Load data from TileMill ✓ Embed or share ✓ Free account = 3,000 views per month ✓ MapBox.js library

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D3 ✓ JavaScript for SVG styled with CSS ✓ Huge (and growing!) set of examples ✓ Impressive geographic capability ✓ Steep learning curve ✓ Maps are only one facet of D3 Data-Driven Documents

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Where does CartoDB fit in all of this? Communication Analysis Cloud-ready

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Where does CartoDB fit in all of this? DB-driven (PostgreSQL, PostGIS) Scriptable tools and extensions Support for SHP, CSV, GeoJSON Tie into R for analysis Cloud-based online editor Pair with JavaScript libraries (D3, MapBox.js, etc) Base map from TileMill, MapBox SVG rendering Animation Interaction Communication Analysis Cloud-ready You guessed it!

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Let’s make a map! 1 2

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Let’s make a map! 3 Any plans for academics? “Yes we have. Contact us for getting more information. We are quite friends of academics so, you will get a lot of benefits.” - CartoDB

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Let’s make a map! 4 Need data? No sweat:

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Let’s make a map! Need data? No sweat: 5

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map! Points, lines and polygons = geometric primitives essential to GIS + cartography

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Let’s make a map! 6 Data type can be String, Number (float), Date, or Boolean

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map!

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Let’s make a map! Copy (ctrl- or ⌘-c) all 67 lines of MapStyle.css

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Let’s make a map! Paste (ctrl- or ⌘-v) all 67 lines of MapStyle.css

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Let’s make a map! More interesting heat map. Notice zoom level = 7.

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Let’s make a map! Discrete points visible at zoom level = 10.

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Let’s make a map! 1 2 3 CartoCSS Breakdown 1 2 3 + + +... = multilayer symbol for heat map Smart selectors enable variable-driven design

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Don’t forget to share your map!

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Thanks! Questions? Email: [email protected] Twitter: @jscarto Slides online at: