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Back to the basics... Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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Process > proc_open() VarDumper > var_dump() VarExporter > var_export() Finder > *Iterator HttpFoundation > $_GET/$_POST HttpKernel > echo What's next?

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file_get_contents() no dependencies

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3) Symfony HTTPClient Do HTTP requests, the powerful way Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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Great DX - Great Perf - Great Design (auto) proxy configuration DNS cache pre-population 1st class error handling auto-gzip compression timeout management public key pinning progress callback extended info request abort HTTP/2-push IDN support Psr18Client time stats streaming base URI ...

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379 requests in HTTP/2 0,3 s!

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What’s next? Your contrib! TraceableHttpClient, profiler panel, logger integration, mock client, record/replay, raw sockets, cookie jar, ...

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R.I.P. Goutte Integrates with battle-tested components HttpClient + BrowserKit + DomCrawler + CssSelector + HttpCache

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Back to the basics... part 4/n Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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4) Symfony MIME Everything you need to create beautiful emails Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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Symfony Mime

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use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email; $email = (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->text('Some text message') ->html('Some HTML message') ->attach('doc.txt') ; The basics

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$email = (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to(new Address('[email protected]')) ->addTo(new NamedAddress('[email protected]', 'Fabien')) ->addCc('[email protected]', '[email protected]') ->addCc(...['[email protected]', '[email protected]']) ->subject('Some subject') ->text('Some text') ; from, to, cc, bcc

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$email = (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->text('Some text message') ->html('Some HTML message') ; echo strlen(serialize($email)); Email is a data object Only 2k vs 16k for Swiftmailer

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Why is it so different
 from Swiftmailer?

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$email = (new Email()) ->text('Some text message') ->html('Some HTML message') ; $email = (new \Swift_Message()) ->setBody('Some text message') ->addPart('Some HTML message', 'text/html') ; A better data object model 16k serialized 38 objects complex serialization "fixed" headers 2k serialized 7 objects simple serialization "dynamic" headers

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echo $email->toString(); sleep(2); $email->to('[email protected]'); echo $email->toString(); Fixed vs dynamic headers Different
 set of headers Date, Boundary, Message-ID

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$email = (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->text(fopen('email.txt', 'r')) ->html(fopen('email.html', 'r')) ; echo $email->toString(); foreach ($email->toIterable() as $chunk) { echo $chunk; } String or resources, your choice

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// Email extends Message use Symfony\Component\Mime\Message; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\TextPart; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\Headers; $body = new TextPart('Some content'); $headers = (new Headers()) ->addMailboxListHeader('From', ['[email protected]']) ->addMailboxListHeader('To', ['[email protected]']) ->AddTextHeader('Subject', 'Some subject') ; $email = new Message($headers, $body); And you get full control!

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$txt = new TextPart('Some content'); $html = new TextPart('Some content', 'html'); $body = new AlternativePart($txt, $html); $email = new Message($headers, $body); Get creative

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A "complete" email multipart/mixed | |------------> multipart/related | | | |------------> multipart/alternative | | | | | ------------> text/plain | | | | | ------------> text/html | | | ------------> image/png | ------------> application/pdf ->text() ->html() ->embed() ->attach()

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$email = (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->setBody($body) ; Mix several approaches

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$email ->attach('Some content', 'doc.txt', 'text/plain') ->attachFromPath('/path/to/doc.txt') ->attach(fopen('doc.txt', 'r'), 'doc.txt', 'text/plain') ; Attachments

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$email = (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->text('Some text') ->html('The new logo: ') ->embedFromPath('logo-small.jpg', 'logo.jpg') ; Embeds

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// Email extends Message extends RawMessage use Symfony\Component\Mime\RawMessage; $message = new RawMessage($email->toString()); $message->toString(); Go raw! Serialize an email as a string instead of a PHP object

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Creating Emails with Twig Twig is perfect for emails aka, Twig is not dead and still very useful :)

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use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\Renderer; use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\TemplatedEmail; use Twig\Environment; use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader; use Symfony\Component\Mime\NamedAddress; $twig = new Environment($loader = new FilesystemLoader(__DIR__.'/templates')); $loader->addPath(__DIR__.'/images', 'images'); $email = (new TemplatedEmail()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to(new NamedAddress('[email protected]', 'Fabien')) ->text('Some text content') ->htmlTemplate('simple.html.twig') ->context([ 'city' => 'Lille' ]) ; $renderer = new Renderer($twig); echo $renderer->render($email)->toString(); Native integration with Twig

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Welcome {{ email.toName }} from {{ city }}!

Native integration with Twig Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\ WrappedTemplatedEmail Twig template name Template context

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{% do email.attach('@docs/doc.pdf') %}

Welcome {{ email.toName }}!

Native integration with Twig

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{% do email.priority(5) %}

Welcome {{ email.toName }}!

Native integration with Twig

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$email = (new TemplatedEmail()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to(new NamedAddress('[email protected]', 'Fabien')) ->textTemplate('simple.txt.twig') ->htmlTemplate('simple.html.twig') ; Native integration with Twig

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$email = (new TemplatedEmail()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to(new NamedAddress('[email protected]', 'Fabien')) ->template('') ; Native integration with Twig

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{% block config %} {% do email.attach('@images/planfaidherbe.jpeg') %} {% endblock %} {% block subject %}Email Subject{% endblock %} {% block text %} Optional text representation {% endblock %} {% block html %}

Welcome {{ email.toName }}!

{% endblock %} Native integration with Twig

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{% block text %} {% set formula = "2 > 1?" %} {% autoescape false %} {{ formula }} {% endautoescape %} {% endblock %} {% block html %} {% set formula = "2 > 1?" %} {{ formula }} {% endblock %} Native integration with Twig HTML escape by default with the "name" strategy From: [email protected] To: Fabien MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 12:10:16 +0100 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_=_symfony_1551352216_9df84f01f42af586d65b48578466206f_= --_=_symfony_1551352216_9df84f01f42af586d65b48578466206f_=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =20 2 > 1? =20 --_=_symfony_1551352216_9df84f01f42af586d65b48578466206f_=_ Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =20 2 > 1? --_=_symfony_1551352216_9df84f01f42af586d65b48578466206f_=_--

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Tip! If the Text part is empty, the Renderer automatically generates one

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But HTML in emails is hard Compatibility with email clients Inline CSS Responsive layout …

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use Twig\CssInliner\CssInlinerExtension; $twig->addExtension(new CssInlinerExtension()); {% filter inline_css %} b { color: red }

Welcome {{ email.toName }}!

{% endfilter %} Inlining CSS

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{% filter inline_css("@css/email.css") %} b { color: red }

Welcome {{ email.toName }}!

{% endfilter %} Inlining CSS

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use Twig\Markdown\MarkdownExtension; $twig->addExtension(new MarkdownExtension());

{% filter markdown %} | Version | LTS? | Latest | | ------------- |:-------------:| -------:| | 1.0 | Yes | 1.0.1 | | 2.1 | No | 2.1.33 | {% endfilter %}

Use Markdown to simplify your templates

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use Twig\Inky\InkyExtension; $twig->addExtension(new InkyExtension()); Use Inky to simplify your HTML

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{% filter inky|inline_css(source("@zurb/stylesheets/main.css")) %}

Symfony Connect

Forgot Your Password?

It happens. Click the link below to reset it.

Reset Password

unsubscribe here.

{% endfilter %} Use Inky to simplify your HTML

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What about sending
 our emails now?

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Thank you! ❤