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Everything as Code Puppet Labs Gareth Rushgrove Examples, practices and issues with all that software

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Gareth Rushgrove @garethr

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Gareth Rushgrove

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Context Whether you’re in product development or enterprise IT

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Shadow IT Gareth Rushgrove Control VS

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Self-service Gareth Rushgrove Control VS

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VS Rapid software development Gareth Rushgrove Control

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VS Continuous deployment Gareth Rushgrove Control

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VS New tools and technologies Gareth Rushgrove Control

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If Amazon release to production every 11.6 seconds, how often does the Change Approval Board meet? Gareth Rushgrove

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The gap between the leading edge and every-one-else is growing Gareth Rushgrove

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30x Gareth Rushgrove More frequent deployments Faster lead times than their peers 200x 2015 State of DevOps Report

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60x Gareth Rushgrove Change success rate Faster mean time to recover 168x 2015 State of DevOps Report

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“We went from all-hands-on- deck, war-room sort of deployments to non-events” Gareth Rushgrove Jez Miller, Heartland Payment Systems

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Siloed teams Long cycle times Poor visibility Manual processes Gareth Rushgrove

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Siloed teams Long cycle times Poor visibility Manual processes Gareth Rushgrove Cross-functional teams Short cycle times Fast feedback Automated processes

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Change control And why code has advantages for managing change

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Change management, configuration management, supplier management, capacity management, request fulfilment, problem management, access management. Gareth Rushgrove

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Avoiding spreadsheets as the source of truth Gareth Rushgrove

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Going faster, without losing confidence or increasing risk Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Then Move fast and break things

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Move fast with stable infra Gareth Rushgrove Now

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Gareth Rushgrove Regular releases reduce risk

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Applying software development practices to change management Gareth Rushgrove

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Source code can be checked into version control, so clear understanding of who changed what and when Gareth Rushgrove

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Strong controls around a central code repository Gareth Rushgrove

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Single artefacts representing change. Can be signed along with accompanying metadata Gareth Rushgrove

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Changes can be made through a pipeline, everything is visible and nothing is adhoc Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Login to a computer Make change

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Gareth Rushgrove Write the code Check syntax Check style Unit tests Acceptance tests Deploy

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Gareth Rushgrove Write the code Check syntax Check style Unit tests Acceptance tests Deploy Deploy to staging Preflight checks

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Gareth Rushgrove Write the code Check syntax Check style Unit tests Acceptance tests Deploy Security tests

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Automate where possible, so manual effort is focused on high risk work Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Acceptance tests Deploy Security tests Manual review by security Automated security tests Automated security tests Is this a high risk change?

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What is a high risk change? - Change to firewall policy? - Change to authentication code? - Out of hours change? - New user added? Gareth Rushgrove

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The important thing is the discussion with colleagues in development, operations, etc. Gareth Rushgrove

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Where is code eating the world Examples of code in use today

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Infrastructure as code

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Gareth Rushgrove The architecture docs Your mental model Reality The developers mental model = = = =

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Gareth Rushgrove The architecture docs Your mental model Reality The developers mental model = = = =

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If you don’t know the state of your system how can you trust a given change will work? Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove

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No content

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Gareth Rushgrove

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- Cut down provisioning time - Single way of changing all systems - Detect and remediate config drift Gareth Rushgrove

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Acceptance testing

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From manual runbooks to executable specifications Gareth Rushgrove

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describe 'azure_vm_classic when creating a machine' do include_context 'with certificate copied to system under test' include_context 'with a known name and storage account name' include_context 'with known network' it_behaves_like 'an idempotent resource' include_context 'destroy left-over created resources after use' it 'should have the correct size' do expect(@machine.role_size).to eq(@config[:optional][:size]) end it 'should have the correct deployment name' do expect(@machine.deployment_name).to eq(@config[:optional][:deployment]) end it 'should have the correct cloud service name' do expect(@machine.cloud_service_name).to eq(@config[:optional] [:cloud_service]) end Reusing unit testing frameworks to automate manual checks

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Higher-level tools exist with more human language interfaces Scenario: The application should not contain SQL injection vulnerabilities Meta: @id scan_sql_injection @cwe-89 Given a scanner with all policies disabled And the SQL-Injection policy is enabled And the attack strength is set to High And the alert threshold is set to Low When the scanner is run And the XML report is written to the file sql_injection.xml Then no Medium or higher risk vulnerabilities should be present

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Gareth Rushgrove GOV.UK CDN Acceptance tests

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- Reduce cost and time per release - Make testing repeatable - Make running tests accessible Gareth Rushgrove

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Confirming network state

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Discovered open port 22/tcp on Completed Connect Scan at 07:09, 3.31s elapsed (12 total ports) Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.082s latency). rDNS record for PORT STATE SERVICE 20/tcp filtered ftp-data 21/tcp filtered ftp 22/tcp open ssh 23/tcp filtered telnet 25/tcp filtered smtp 80/tcp open http 110/tcp filtered pop3 443/tcp open https 512/tcp filtered exec 522/tcp filtered ulp 1080/tcp filtered socks 8080/tcp open http-proxy Standard nmap output requires manual analysis

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it 'has only a limited number of open ports' do expect(@open_ports.count).to eq(3) end it 'exposes a web server' do expect(@open_ports).to include('80/tcp') expect(@open_ports).to include('443/tcp') end it 'exposes an SSH server' do expect(@open_ports).to include('22/tcp') end it 'rejects email traffic' do expect(@closed_ports).to include('25/tcp') end Using a unit testing framework we can make explicit assertions

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Slide 57 text from has only a limited number of open ports (FAILED - 3) exposes a web server exposes an SSH server rejects accept email traffic (FAILED - 4) Anyone can run the tests and understand what is expected and what is currently broken

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Code allows for more than just using tools Gareth Rushgrove

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Answering common questions

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(expect running-on-all-clients? "selinux") Because people seem to like to disable SELinux

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(expect (every? redhat? (facts "operatingsystem"))) A one line test to check all machines are using the permitted Operating System

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(expect latest-on-all-clients? "openssh") A one line test to check we’re running the latest version of Open SSH

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SELECT uid, name FROM listening_ports l, processes p WHERE; Different tools and interfaces exist. OSquery for example uses SQL to query infrastructure state

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Creating your own domain specific language Gareth Rushgrove

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Should architects write code? A relevant tangent

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Gareth Rushgrove IEEE Why architects should code

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Developers have more difficulty implementing the architectural choices (e.g. patterns/tactics) than functional features. Gareth Rushgrove

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Non-architecture savvy developers introduce more defects into architecturally- significant code snippets than architecture-savvy developers. Gareth Rushgrove

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The answers isn’t to architect harder Gareth Rushgrove

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More powerpoint will not fix the problem Gareth Rushgrove

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When software architects write code, the number of defects in the tactical fragments of the systems will be reduced. Gareth Rushgrove

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The doesn’t mean you should have written more code. Software and architecture are changing Gareth Rushgrove

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Sharp edges Problems to avoid when introducing code everywhere

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Speed kills too

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How to lose $177,222 a second for 45 minutes Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Knight Capital Americas LLC

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Failure cases are hard. Controls need to operate at the speed of software. Gareth Rushgrove

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Exacerbating risk

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The empowered developer problem Gareth Rushgrove

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The empowered developer systems administrator problem Gareth Rushgrove

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The importance of teams over individuals Gareth Rushgrove

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The importance of friction Gareth Rushgrove

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As people outside the control loop architects are well positioned to introduce the right level of friction Gareth Rushgrove

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Hiring and skills

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Skilled developers are expensive Gareth Rushgrove

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Skilled developers are in demand Gareth Rushgrove

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Choosing technology to attract developers might be a valid strategy, but has a cost Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Choose boring technology

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Realise that architecture has a direct influence on hiring and retention Gareth Rushgrove

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Conclusions Things to ponder later

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Gareth Rushgrove Software is eating the world

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Gareth Rushgrove Developers as the new kingmakers

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Architect as influencer of what code gets written Gareth Rushgrove

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Architect as custodian of code safety Gareth Rushgrove

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Architect as cultural change agent Gareth Rushgrove

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Questions? And thanks for listening