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Meetings & Gaming photo credit

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Executive summary photo credit

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Meetings & Gaming survey timeline Class week 2 Submitted an initial survey proposal Class week 3 Built draft survey & piloted it to gather early feedback Class week 4 Made adjustments based on pilot group feedback Class week 5 Shared the survey on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Mastodon Class week 6 Parsed through response data & created final presentation

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Research methodology

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Q1: How old are you? 2 11 36 36 12 3 5 18-20 years old 21-30 years old 31-40 years old 41-50 years old 51-60 years old 60+ years old Prefer not to say Age of survey respondents

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Intro questions

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Q2: Do you have online meetings with friends, family, and/or coworkers? 96% 4% YES NO

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Q3: Do you enjoy video games? 69% 31% YES NO

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Q4: Do you enjoy board games? 80% 20% YES NO

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Online meetings

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Q5: Rank the following statements 11 3 10 22 11 19 27 18 33 23 47 23 9 13 7 I ENJOY MEETING ONLINE MORE THAN IN PERSON MY TIME SPENT IN ONLINE MEETINGS IS PRODUCTIVE ONLINE MEETING APPS ARE ENJOYABLE TO USE Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree

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Q6: How often do you have online meetings? 5% 8% 25% 62% Respondents who answered “yes” to meeting online A few times per year A few times per month A few times per week Every day

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Q7: Which of the following online meeting apps do you use? 22 38 41 60 52 83 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Discord FaceTime Google Meet Microsoft Teams Slack Zoom Other Respondents could choose multiple answers

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Q7: Other meeting apps RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q8: Generally, what is the purpose of your online meetings? 89 33 30 16 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Talking to coworkers Talking to family Talking to friends Other Respondents could choose multiple answers

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Q8: Other meeting purposes RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q9: What do you like most about online meetings? 86 36 55 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Conveniently meet from anywhere Meetings can be recorded for later Collaborating across different time zones Other Respondents could choose multiple answers

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Q9: Online meetings - likes 👍 RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q10: What do you like least about online meetings? 32 41 44 26 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Length of meetings (too long) Frequency of meetings (too many) Digital distractions during the meeting (email, etc.) Other Respondents could choose multiple answers

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Q10: Online meetings - dislikes 👎 RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q11: Making meetings more enjoyable RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Video gaming

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Q12: How often do you play video games? 8 6 31 19 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 A few times per year A few times per month A few times per week Every day Respondents who answered “yes” to playing video games

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Q13: How do you prefer to play video games? 21 13 3 23 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Computer Phone Tablet Console Other Respondents who answered “yes” to playing video games

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Q13: Other ways to play video games RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q14: What video game genres do you enjoy? 25 6 9 24 11 15 4 5 14 20 30 17 17 14 21 14 8 13 31 11 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Respondents could choose multiple answers

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Q14: Other fun video game genres RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q15: Favorite video game (1) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q15: Favorite video game (2) RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q15: Favorite video game (3) RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q18: Making video games more enjoyable RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Board gaming

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Q19: How often do you play board games? 35 21 10 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 A few times per year A few times per month A few times per week Every day Respondents who answered “yes” to playing board games

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Q20: What board game genres do you enjoy? 18 31 41 10 16 24 31 27 28 42 23 28 17 6 10 40 11 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Respondents could choose multiple answers

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Q20: Other fun board game genres RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q21: Favorite board game (1) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q21: Favorite board game (2) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q21: Favorite board game (3) RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q24: Making board games more enjoyable RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q25: Is there a board game that you’d like as a video game? 24% 76% YES NO

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Q25: Is there a board game that you’d like as a video game? RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q26: Is there a video game that you’d like as a board game? 9% 91% YES NO

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Q26: Is there a video game that you’d like as a board game? RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q27: If online meeting apps had an option for video games, what game or genre would you like to play? (1) RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q27: If online meeting apps had an option for video games, what game or genre would you like to play? (2) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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“The best thing is the ability to play games more frequently with friends that live far away. We can game with friends after our kids are asleep since we don’t have to leave the house.” Q28: Anything else you would like us to know?

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Q16: Favorite video game - likes 👍 (1) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q16: Favorite video game - likes 👍 (2) RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q17: Favorite video game - dislikes 👎 (1) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q17: Favorite video game - dislikes 👎 (2) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q22: Favorite board game - likes 👍 (1) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q22: Favorite board game - likes 👍 (2) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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Q23: Favorite board game - dislikes 👎 (1) RESPONDENTS SAID …

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Q23: Favorite board game - dislikes 👎 (2) RESPONDENTS SAID…

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