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AXEL FONTAINE @axelfontaine Database Migrations made Easy

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About Axel Fontaine • Founder and CEO of Boxfuse • Over 15 years industry experience • Continuous Delivery expert & trainer • Regular speaker at tech conferences • JavaOne RockStar in 2014 @axelfontaine

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about questions

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Who is using a relational database ?

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Why should you use a relational database ? • ACID • Battle-tested reliability • Performance • Scaling up • Slice & dice data • Defer decisions

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relational databases should be the default choice for new projects

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What about scaling ???

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Algorithms are for people who don’t know how to buy RAM. Clay Shirky

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RAM is the new disk

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The secrets of scaling • Buy RAM (it’s cheap!) • Keep LOBs out of the DB (only store a reference) • Only then look at techniques like sharding

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Here is a small story

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What about NoSQL ???

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NoSQL databases are like divas They can be great, but you’d better know how to please them

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Now let’s talk about database migrations ...

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POLL: how are you doing database migrations? • Ad-hoc individual statements • Scripts (ad-hoc) • In-house tool (automated) • DB Migration tool • DB Migration API on App startup

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APP Axel APP Prod APP Test APP CI APP Christian

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5 years old

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250 000+ downloads in 2014

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With techniques such as continuous delivery becoming more mainstream, automated database migrations are a baseline capability for many software teams. While there are many tools in this space, we continue to recommend Flyway for its low-friction approach. Flyway has a vibrant open-source community behind it, and support for both traditional and cloud-based databases such as Amazon Redshift and Google Cloud SQL. -- ThoughtWorks

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How does Flyway work ???

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How does Flyway work ??? Empty DB

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How does Flyway work ??? Empty DB Version 2 Version 1

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What were Flyway’s design goals ???

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It just works

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Keeping it simple (saying no)

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Convention over Configuration

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No Lock-in

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0 required dependencies

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6 commands info clean migrate baseline validate repair

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Supported databases

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Supported execution platforms

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Third party plugins

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Basic architecture Migration Resolver API Database- specific support Metadata Table Migration Executor

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Flyway flyway = new Flyway(); flyway.setDataSource(url, user, password); flyway.migrate();

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mvn flyway:migrate … … …

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flyway migrate -url=… -user=… -password=…

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gradle flywayMigrate flyway { url = ‘…’ user = ‘…’ password = ‘…’ }

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When should you migrate the database ???

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Code and database share the same lifecycle So why risk having them not fit together?

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Database migration should be performed on application startup

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Flyway flyway = new Flyway(); flyway.setDataSource(url, user, password); flyway.migrate();

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The Fear of DDL

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Name Balance Homer 163 Marge 214 Bart 9 Lisa 25

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VS DML DDL Name Balance Homer 0 Marge 0 Bart 0 Lisa 0 Name Homer Marge Bart Lisa From a business perspective the risk of DML and DDL is the same

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A word about in-memory databases

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Do you really want to test your code with a different query engine from the one you have in production???

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Getting started

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Summary • Use a database migration tool

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Summary • Use a database migration tool • Run it on application startup • Get started tomorrow 

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Thanks ! AXEL FONTAINE @axelfontaine