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Contributing to Python IndyPy January 2023 Mariatta

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Mariatta Senior Developer Relations Engineer @ Google Vancouver, Canada She/her @mariatta @mariatta81 IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Mariatta PyCon US Chair 2023-2024 Salt Lake City, USA April 19-27, 2023 Travel Grants application deadline: Jan 20, 2023 IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Python Core Developer IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Python Core Developer What people think: What I really do: ??? IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python C Programmer

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Python Core Developer C Programmer What people think: What I really do: Python Documentation DevGuide Core-Work f low GitHub Bots Contributor Experience Docs Community Language Summit IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Open Source ??? IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Open Source Source code available What people think: What it really is: IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python ???

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Open Source Source code available What people think: What it really is: Source code available License Community Contributions IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Open Source Source code available What people think: What it really is: IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Source code available License Community Contributions

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Open Source Source code available What people think: What it really is: IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Source code available License Community Contributions

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Contributing to Python Make lots of pull requests What people think What it really is: Make pull requests Review lots of pull requests Read mailing lists / Discourse forums Participate in discussions Replicate bugs Write Tests Issue Triage Documentation Infrastructure Mentorship IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Contribute to Python in 2023 Read the DevGuide Getting Started Work f low Python Release Cycle Documentation Triaging Guide Testing and Buildbots Experts Index Translating Python Internals IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Contribute to Python in 2023 Get the Source Code & Setup env Make changes (code, test suite, docs) Sign the CLA Write the Misc/News f ile (use Blurb/Blurb-it tool) Backport (if applicable) IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Compile and Build Python in 2023 IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Run Python Test Suite in 2023 IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Build Python Docs in 2023 IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Contributing to Documentation Intro to reStructuredText and Sphinx Documentation Forum Docs Issues / PRs Docs Community IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Contributing to Documentation Write lots of text Correcting grammar What people think: What it really is: Write text Proofread Translation Tools Sphinx Theme What’s New SEO DevGuide Diataxis Docs Triage IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Choose an Issue to Work on It’s up to you Find a focus area of your interest Subscribe to Labeled Issues Learning how to f ix an issue is part of the process Spend time to research the issue and solution IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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Don’t: Do: How to Review PRs No additional privilege needed Review the original issue Explain your thought process Test and validate the change Thank the contributor Suggest improvement Approve without comment IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python

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How to Triage IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Python Triage privileges needed Classify Issues Set appropriate labels Set Assignees, Reviewers, etc Close invalid issues Notify relevant core devs

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How to Triage IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python When you don’t have the triaging privileges Review incoming Issues and PRs Assist other contributors Participate in issue discussions Suggest next action

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How to Become a Triager IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Either nominated by a core dev or Self nominate, and approved by one core dev

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How to Become a Triager IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Actively contributing over a period of time (PRs, reviews, Docs, PEPs, etc) Positive interactions with the team (open, considerate, & respectful)

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Recent Triagers IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Barney Gale f low/issues/485 Michael Droettboom f low/issues/472 Thomas Grainger f low/issues/471 Carl Meyer f low/issues/448

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How to Become a Core Developer IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Python core team members demonstrate: a good grasp of the philosophy of the Python Project a solid track record of being constructive and helpful signi f icant contributions to the project’s goals, in any form willingness to dedicate some time to improving Python

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How to Become a Core Developer IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Nominated by a core dev 2/3 positive votes in the nomination poll Not vetoed by the Steering Council

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Recent Core Devs IndyPy January 2023 Contributing to Python Shantanu Jain Kumar Aditya Hugo van Kemenade Alex Waygood

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Thank you! Contributing to Python IndyPy January 2023