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FULL STACK RUBY Realtime web apps with RethinkDB & Opal

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Ryan Paul RethinkDB Evangelist @segphault

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The Stack RethinkDB Thin Sinatra Faye WS Opal WS Client React.rb Ruby Client STORAGE BACKEND FRONTEND

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Track live updates with RethinkDB changefeeds

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What is RethinkDB? • Open source database for building realtime web applications • NoSQL database that stores schemaless JSON documents • Distributed database that is easy to scale

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Built for Realtime Apps • Subscribe to change notifications from database queries • No more polling — the database pushes changes to your app • Reduce the amount of plumbing needed to stream live updates

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Subscribe to change notifications on database queries Changefeeds

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r.table("users").changes() Changefeeds Track changes on the users table

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Changefeeds • The changes command returns a cursor that receives updates • Each update includes the new and old value of the modified record

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r.table("users") .filter({name: "Bob"}).delete() Changefeed output: { new_val: null, old_val: { id: '362ae837-2e29-4695-adef-4fa415138f90', name: 'Bob', ... } } Changefeeds

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r.table("players") .orderBy({index: r.desc("score")}) .limit(3).changes() Track top three players by score Chain the changes command to an actual ReQL query: Changefeeds

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Building the backend with RethinkDB and Sinatra

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Backend • Running on Thin for EventMachine support • Sinatra for API endpoints and serving resources • Faye WebSockets for realtime messaging

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Changefeed EM.next_tick do conn = r.connect() r.table("todo").changes.em_run(conn) do |err, change| @clients.each {|c| c.send change.to_json } end end Send updates to all connected users

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WebSockets def setup_websocket ws ws.on(:close) { @clients.delete ws } ws.on(:open) { @clients << ws } ws.on :message do |msg| data = JSON.parse case data["command"] when "add" query r.table("todo") .insert text: data["text"], status: false when "update" query r.table("todo") .get(data["id"]) .update status: data["status"] end end end

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WebSockets Serve WebSockets on port 80 get "/" do if Faye::WebSocket.websocket? request.env ws = request.env setup_websocket ws ws.rack_response else haml :index end end

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Ruby to JavaScript with the Opal transpiler project

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What is Opal? • Transpiler that converts Ruby to JavaScript • Based largely on Ruby 1.9 language spec • Includes runtime code that mimics Ruby environment • Supports some interop between Ruby and JavaScript

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Why Opal? • Use one language consistently throughout your project • Reuse (some) existing code • Ruby is powerful and expressive, well-suited for many tasks

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Why Not Opal? • Extra layer of abstraction introduces more complexity • Custom runtime code introduces some performance overhead • Under-documented moving target not conducive to maintainability

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Why Not Opal? seriously crazy tracebacks

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Asset setup in Dynamically serve transpiled assets $opal = do |s| s.append_path "client" s.main = "main" end map "/assets" do run $opal.sprockets end $opalinit = Opal::Processor.load_asset_code( $opal.sprockets, "main")

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Assets Drop $opalinit in a tag !!! %html %head %title Test %script(src="/assets/main.js") %script= $opalinit %body

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Building the frontend with React.rb components

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React.rb • Opal-based wrapper for React • Lets you build component-based web frontend entirely in Ruby • Provides an intuitive DSL for generating HTML • Can be used on frontend or backend

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React.rb class App include React::Component def render h1 { "Hello, world!" } end end Defining a React.rb component

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React.rb class TodoAdd include React::Component def render div do input(type: "text", ref: "text") button {"Add"}.on(:click) do text = self.refs[:text].dom_node.value self.emit :add, text: text end end end end

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React.rb def transmit data @ws.puts data.to_json end def render div do present(TodoAdd).on :add do |data| transmit command: "add", text: data["text"] end end end

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The Stack RethinkDB Thin Sinatra Faye WS Opal WS Client React.rb Ruby Client STORAGE BACKEND FRONTEND

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Additional Resources • RethinkDB website: • Opal website: • React.rb project: react.rb