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 Python and Jupyter: Your Gateway for Learning Carol Willing Python Software Foundation Project Jupyter August 19, 2017 PyCon PL 2017 @carolwilling

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Headline Slide Sub-headline Hello

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Thank you Organizers Volunteers Sponsors Attendees

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Carol Willing Project Jupyter Steering Council and Developer Cal Poly SLO Software Engineer Python Software Foundation Recent Director CPython Core Developer Fab Lab San Diego Geek in Residence @willingcarol

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2012 New to Python Confused - pip and virtualenv Python 2 or 3 ??? Beginner @willingcarol

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Intro to Python PyLadies San Diego San Diego Python Django tutorial Learner @willingcarol

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First Python talk

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A first program

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Beginner Learner Coach My programming path Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat

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Beginner Curiosity Engage Connect Wow Beginner

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Learner Beginner Learner What if... Success and Failure Persistence Questions Feedback

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Learner Beginner Developer Developer Code Resource Collaborate Solve problems

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Gateways PyLadies DjangoGirls Workshops Conferences User groups Sprints Documentation Credit:

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#PyConPL @willingcarol Gateway to Learning

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Which path? Credit:

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Encouraging contributors to CPython Credit: PyCon 2017 Language Summit

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Tinkering and making

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MicroPython, micro:bit, Raspberry Pi Credit: Credit: Credit:

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Web Credit: Two Scoops Press

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“Real world” web Credits: Instagram,

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Mobile Credit:

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Python’s power in your hand

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Python Community

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#PyConPL @willingcarol Gateway to Learning

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Jupyter Notebook A Jupyter Notebook document with a visualization of measles data.

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Jupyter Notebook Interactive Browser-based computing environment Exploratory Science, machine learning, visualization, analysis, stats Reproducible document format Code Narrative text (markdown) Equations (LaTeX) Images, visualizations Over 50 programming languages Everything open-source (BSD license)

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“Jupyter Notebook… will enable data exploration, visualization, and analysis in a way that encourages sound science and speeds progress. -Chris Mentzel The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Enabling reproducible science

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No content

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A ten year journey. Optimism and hope for the future.

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Live code on Binder

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Classic Jupyter: More Than Just Notebooks

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>6M Users

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Over 1M Notebooks on GitHub

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Exploration and experimentation Physical media with electronics Real world, self-directed projects Teaching Signal Processing using Wearables and Jupyter Notebooks Dr. Demba Ba

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Python for Geosciences Dr. Kristen Thyng Communication with students using nbgrader jupyterhub+nbgrader/ Progression to complex examples

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JupyterHub 0.8 Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes

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Start with a proven curriculum python-for-beginning-p.html No time consuming installs Hands on Takeaway notebooks Teaching workshops Intro to Python San Diego Python

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Teaching university students Berkeley Data Science Data8 UC Berkeley • Campus wide curriculum • Cross-discipline • Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes

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ipywidgets Docs cookiecutter to simplify creating new widgets Interactive Documentation Engaging User Content Rapid “what if” scenarios

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Jupyter for Science and Data Science

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Kernels Output Text Editor Terminal File Browser Notebooks Building Blocks

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Introducing JupyterLab: The Evolution of the Jupyter Notebook The JupyterLab Team Chris Colbert, Continuum Steven Silvester, Continuum Afshin Darian, Continuum Jason Grout, Bloomberg Brian Granger, Cal Poly Grant Nestor, Cal Poly Cameron Oelsen, Cal Poly Fernando Perez, LBNL/Berkeley Ian Rose, Berkeley Cal Poly Interns The Larger Jupyter Team @jupyterlab on GitHub @ProjectJupyter on Twitter

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A Whirlwind Tour of JupyterLab

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New implementation of the notebook

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Collapsible cells and draggable cells

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Collaboration between tools A log in the console of commands executed Explore data in console without messing up your notebook

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Editors Many different editors; preview markdown

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Editor connected to a console Connect to console and Shift-Enter to run code snippet

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Single document mode Shift-Command-Enter to enter single document mode. Similar to classic notebook.

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Extensible “In one night and a couple of dozen lines of code we wrote a Fasta viewer.”

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Becomes a notebook extension With the same code, the Fasta viewer becomes an extension usable in the notebook.

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Datasets, grids, and scale 1.2M rows 200Mb csv file. Excel can’t open. A few seconds to load and then “smooth as butter” when scrolling. Rumor has it that Chris Colbert has a trillion row by column demo too.

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Learn more about JupyterLab PyData Seattle: Demo from SciPy 2017:

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You create the future Credit:

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What will you do? Call to Action

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Call to action • Join PSF and Python in Education • Attend a user group meeting • Participate in a sprint • Give a talk or write a post • Coach at a workshop

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Resources Python Software Foundation PyLadies and DjangoGirls Conferences, Workshops and Sprints Hello World & Raspberry Pi Foundation Python in Education

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Call to action • Join Jupyter mailing lists • Give a talk or write a post • Teach a Carpentry workshop • Contribute to a favorite project • Share your notebooks and Binders

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Resources jupyter google groups and Gitter Trending notebooks on GitHub nbviewer science-gateways/blob/master/ resources/

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Came for the language. Stayed for the community. Brett Cannon and Pythonistas around the world Credit: Kushal Das

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Headline Slide Sub-headline Thank you

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Thank you @willingcarol GitHub: willingc Python Software Foundation Python Dev Guide

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• Kristen Thyng • San Diego Python • Demba Ba • Jeremy Freeman, Binder • Michael Cuthbert, music21 • LIGO • Photo credits on individual slides Attributions and recognition A huge thank you to the Project Jupyter team and community. Your hard work and passion makes this all possible.

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 Python and Jupyter: Your Gateway for Learning Carol Willing Former Director Python Software Foundation Steering Council Project Jupyter August 19, 2017 PyCon PL 2017 @carolwilling