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࢖͍΍͍͢SDKΛ໨ࢦͯ͠ ΍͖ͬͯͨ͜ͱ SDKνʔϜ ࠇా

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About me • ࠇా ༞ੜ(@yuki.kuroda / @darquro) • 2016/5 Supershipೖࣾ • झຯ:ΞϓϦ։ൃ 3ϲ݄Ҏ্ϦδΣΫτଓ͖ (ͱݴ͍͍ͨ)

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Ad Generation SDK • Web/App ޲͚ ޿ࠂSDK • όφʔ޿ࠂ/ΠϯλʔεςΟγϟϧ޿ࠂ/ωΠ ςΟϒ޿ࠂ • Web/iOS/Android/Unity/Cocos2d-x * ಈըϦϫʔυ͸ผSDK

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Ad Generation SDK (App) • 2013/10 v1.0.0 release • 2013/12 Unity plugin release • 2015/2 ΠϯλʔεςΟγϟϧ޿ࠂରԠ • 2015/7 SDK࿈ܞ • 2015/11 Facebook Audience Network࿈ܞ • 2016/2 RTBωΠςΟϒ޿ࠂରԠ

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Ad Generation SDK (App) ࣄۀͷٸ੒௕ʹ൐͍ɺػೳվྑʹॏ఺Λஔ͍ͯ ͍ͨɻ ΞϓϦ։ൃͷ؀ڥͷมԽ·Ͱ͸௥͑ͯͳ͔ͬͨɻ

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ΞϓϦ։ൃ؀ڥͷมԽ(2013~) • ৽ݴޠͷొ৔(Swift) • ৽IDEͷొ৔(Android Studio) • ύοέʔδ؅ཧπʔϧͷීٴ

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ͦ͜Ͱ • ݱࡏͷ։ൃ؀ڥɾݴޠʹԊͬͨSDKʹ͍ͯ͠ ͖͍ͨ

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ػೳվྑ΍ෆ۩߹मਖ਼Ҏ֎ʹ SDKͷ࢖͍΍͢͞޲্ͷͨʹ ΍͖ͬͯͨ͜ͱͷ࿩

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ΞδΣϯμ • CocoaPodsରԠ • Clang ModulesରԠ • Swift OptionalܕରԠ • Android AARରԠ • Maven RepositoryରԠ • ϚχϡΞϧ ϒϥογϡΞοϓ • FAQ ϒϥογϡΞοϓ iOS Android ͦͷଞ

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CocoaPods • iOSϓϩδΣΫτͷύοέʔδ؅ཧπʔϧ • ଞʹ΋Carthage(ΑΓγϯϓϧ)ɺSwift Package Manager(AppleެࣜɺϚϧνϓϥο τϑΥʔϜ)ͳͲ͕͋Δ

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SDKखಈΠϯετʔϧͷ৔߹ • GitHub͔ΒzipΛμ΢ϯϩʔυ • XcodeʹϥΠϒϥϦͱͯ͠௥Ճ • ґଘframeworkΛϚχϡΞϧΛ֬ೝ͠ͳ͕Β ௥Ճ

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ొ࿥ํ๏ᶃ podspecͷ࡞੒ do |s| = "AdGeneration" s.version = "2.8.0" s.license = { ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ :type => “Copyright", ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ :text => "Copyright (c) Supership Inc. All rights reserved." ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ} s.platform = :ios, "7.0" s.source = { ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ :http => " download/2.8.0/" ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ} s.vendored_frameworks = "ADG.framework" s.resources = "ADG.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ADG-Resources.bundle" s.frameworks = "SystemConfiguration", "CoreTelephony", “CoreLocation", "AVFoundation", "CoreMedia", "MediaPlayer" s.weak_framework = "AdSupport" end

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ొ࿥ํ๏ᶄϢʔβʔ࡞੒ $ pod trunk register [email protected] ‘AdGeneration’ ϝʔϧ͕ಧ͍ͯɺΞΫςΟϕʔγϣϯͨ͠Β׬ྃ

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ొ࿥ํ๏ᶅ push $ pod trunk push [!] Found podspec `AdGeneration.podspec` Updating spec repo `master` warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files. warning: you may want to set your diff.renameLimit variable to at least 6046 and retry the command. CocoaPods 1.2.1.beta.1 is available. To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods --pre` [!] This is a test version we'd love you to try. For more information, see and the CHANGELOG for this version at Validating podspec -> AdGeneration (2.4.3) Updating spec repo `master` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congrats AdGeneration (2.4.3) successfully published April 4th, 15:53 Tell your friends! ————————————————————————————————————————

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࢖͍ํʢΞϓϦଆʣ $ pod init # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project platform :ios, '9.0' target ‘MyApp' do use_frameworks! # Pods for MyApp pod ‘AdGeneration' end 1PEpMF $ pod install

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Clang ModulesରԠ

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Clang Modules • Clangͷػೳ • ϔομʔϑΝΠϧΛ·ͱΊΒΕΔ • SwiftͰϥΠϒϥϦΛ࡞Δ৔߹͸ɺࣗಈతʹ ModulesԽ͞ΕΔ

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ࠓ·ͰSwiftΞϓϦͰ ΞυδΣωSDKΛ࢖͏৔߹ ΞϓϦଆͰ#SJEHFIFBEFSϑΝΠϧΛ࡞੒͠ɺඞཁͳϔομʔϑΝΠϧͷهड़͕ඞཁ #import #import #import #import

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Clang ModuleରԠ framework module ADG { umbrella header "ADG.h" export * module * { export * } } Modules/modul.modulemap

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Clang ModuleରԠ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import Headers/ADG.h

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Clang ModuleରԠ import ADG class ViewController: UIViewController { } 4XJGUΞϓϦଆͰ#SJEHFIFBEFSϑΝΠϧ͸ෆཁʹɻ

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Clang ModuleରԠ @import ADG; @implementation ViewController @end #import #import @implementation ViewController @end 0CK$ͷΞϓϦͰ΋লུՄೳʹɻ

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Swift OptionalܕରԠ

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Swift Optional value • Null Safety • Kotlin, TypeScript, … var str: String? str = "hoge" if let a = str { // Unwrap print(a) // => “hoge” } str = nil let b = str?.characters.count // b == nil

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Swift Optional value @interface Foo : NSObject @property (nonatomic) NSString *bar; @end let foo = Foo() let bar = // String! -> nilͷͱ͖Ϋϥογϡ 0CKD 4XJGU ࠓ·Ͱ͸

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Swift Optional value @interface Foo : NSObject @property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *bar; @end let foo = Foo() if let bar = { // String? print(bar) // bar: String -> Null Safe } 4XJGU 0CKD nullableΛ͚ͭΔͱ

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ΞυδΣω ωΠςΟϒ޿ࠂ @interface ADGNativeAd : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ADGTitle *title; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ADGImage *mainImage; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ADGImage *iconImage; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ADGData *sponsored; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ADGData *desc; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ADGData *ctatext; … @end 0CKD // nullableࢦఆ͕ͳ͍ͱ͖͸͏͔ͬΓͦͷ··ΞΫηε͢ΔͱΫϥογϡͯ͠͠·͏ let url = adgNativeAd.mainImage.url 4XJGU

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ΞυδΣω ωΠςΟϒ޿ࠂ @interface ADGNativeAd : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ADGTitle *title; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ADGImage *mainImage; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ADGImage *iconImage; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ADGData *sponsored; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ADGData *desc; @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ADGData *ctatext; … @end 0CKD // UnwrapͰ҆શʹΞΫηε if let url = adgNativeAd.mainImage.url { } 4XJGU

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Android AARରԠ

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AndroidϥΠϒϥϦ • JARܗࣜ • AARܗࣜ -> javaͷclassesϑΝΠϧ͚ͩ͡Όͳ͘ɺAndroidManifest.xmlͳ Ͳ΋ؚΊΒΕΔ

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Android AAR • ී௨ʹAndroid StudioͰϥΠϒϥϦϓϩδΣ ΫτΛ࡞੒ͯ͠Ϗϧυ͢Ε͹উखʹग़དྷΔ ./{module}/build/outputs/aar • ΞυδΣω͸Eclipse࣌୅͔ΒͷҠߦͷͨΊjar ΋Ϗϧυͯ͠࡞͍ͬͯͨ

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Android AAR ͨͩ͠ɺͦͷ··ͩͱɺ • {module}-release.aar • {module}-debug.aar Έ͍ͨͳ໊લʹͳΔͷͰɺόʔδϣϯ൪߸΍ɺ ϦϦʔεϏϧυ࣌͸”release”͸আ֎͍ͨ͠ɻ

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Android AAR android {
 … libraryVariants.all { variant ->
 variant.outputs.each { output ->
 def libraryFileName =
 if ( == {
 libraryFileName = libraryFileName.replace('-release', '')
 libraryFileName = libraryFileName .replace(‘.aar’, "-${defaultConfig.versionName}.aar")
 output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent, libraryFileName)
 } w lSFMFBTFzͷ࡟আ w όʔδϣϯͷ௥Ճ BEHBBS build.gradle

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Android AAR ./adg/build/outputs/aar ├── adg-2.8.0.aar └── adg-debug-2.8.0.aar

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Maven RepositoryରԠ

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SDKखಈΠϯετʔϧͷ৔߹ • GitHub͔ΒaarΛμ΢ϯϩʔυ • Android StudioͰϞδϡʔϧొ࿥ • ΞϓϦͷdependenciesʹ௥Ճ

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Apache Maven • Java༻ϓϩδΣΫτ؅ཧπʔϧ • Apache Antͷ୅ΘΓͱͯ͠࡞ΒΕͨ

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AndroidϥΠϒϥϦͷެ։ ֎෦ͷϦϙδτϦ • Bintray jCenter • Maven Central jCenterͩͱֹ݄ར༻ྉ͕݁ߏߴ͍ʢ$150/monthʣ

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AndroidϥΠϒϥϦͷެ։ ʲAndroidʳ.aarΛGitHub PagesΛ࢖ͬͯެ։͢Δ aar-of-customview/ GitHub PagesΛ࢖ͬͯެ։Ͱ͖Δ • ແྉ • ݩʑSDKμ΢ϯϩʔυ༻ʹ࢖ͬͯΔ

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Maven RepositoryΛϩʔΧϧʹग़ྗ apply plugin: 'maven' … /**
 * Create Maven repository
 * add "repository" directory to project root
 uploadArchives {
 repositories {
 mavenDeployer {
 def repo = new File(rootDir, 'repository')
 repository url: "file://${repo.absolutePath}"
 pom.version = android.defaultConfig.versionName
 pom.groupId = groupId
 pom.artifactId = artifactId
 build.finalizedBy(uploadArchives) build.gradle QMVHJO௥Ճ ϩʔΧϧʹग़ྗ CVJMEλεΫͷޙʹ࣮ߦ

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Maven RepositoryΛϩʔΧϧʹग़ྗ repository └── com └── socdm └── d └── adgeneration └── adg ├── 2.8.0 │ ├── adg-2.8.0.aar │ ├── adg-2.8.0.aar.md5 │ ├── adg-2.8.0.aar.sha1 │ ├── adg-2.8.0.pom │ ├── adg-2.8.0.pom.md5 │ └── adg-2.8.0.pom.sha1 ├── maven-metadata.xml ├── maven-metadata.xml.md5 └── maven-metadata.xml.sha1

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GitHub Pagesʹpush

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ΞϓϦͰSDKͷΠϯετʔϧ allprojects {
 repositories {
 maven { url '' }
 } dependencies {
 compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
 androidTestCompile('', {
 exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
 compile ''
 compile ''
 testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
 compile ''
 compile 'com.socdm.d.adgeneration:adg:+'

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ϚχϡΞϧʹGitHub wiki

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2016/2 ࣌఺ͷτοϓ

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2016/2 ࣌఺ͷτοϓ •ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜɺ޿ࠂϑΥʔϚο τɺΞυωοτϫʔΫ͕ࠞࡏ •ུশ •ಋೖॱ൪͕Θ͔Βͳ͍

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ݱࡏͷτοϓ ޿ࠂϑΥʔϚοτ͝ͱʹେ߲໨Λ෼ྨ αΠυϝχϡʔΛ௥Ճ ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ͝ͱʹϚχϡΞϧΛ෼཭ શͯͷϚχϡΞϧʹτοϓ͔Βߦ͚Δ Α͏ಋઢΛෑ͍ͨ

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ݱࡏͷτοϓ 4%,࿈ܞʹ͍ͭͯͷৄ͍͠આ໌ͱɺ֤Ξυωο τϫʔΫʹ͍ͭͯͷઆ໌΋௥Ճ

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֤छϚχϡΞϧͷมߋ *%&ͷૢ࡞ͷ෦෼͸ը૾Ͱઆ໌ چ ৽

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֤छϚχϡΞϧͷมߋ ίʔυϒϩοΫ͸γϯλοΫεϋΠϥΠτ Λ͚ͭΔ چ ৽

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֤छϚχϡΞϧͷมߋ ϦϑΝϨϯεΛ࡞੒

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FAQ • SDK࣮૷ϚχϡΞϧͱ৘ใ͕ॏෳ • ৘ใ͕ߋ৽ͯ͠ͳ͍ʢϝϯς͸Ӧۀ͕୲౰ʣ • ࣾ֨໰୊

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FAQ • Ӧۀ͕ϝϯς୲౰ͳͷͰɺ΢έૂ͍͸࡟আ͠ ͯ΋Β͍ɺ੔ཧΛ͓ئ͍ͨ͠ɻ • Ͳ͕͜SDKϚχϡΞϧͱॏෳ͢Δ͔Λ఻͑ɺ ඞཁͳ΋ͷΛߜͬͯ΋Βͬͨɻ

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·ͱΊ • SDK͸ݱࡏͷ։ൃ؀ڥʹϚονͨ͠ͱ͜Ζ· Ͱ͜Εͨͱࢥ͏ɻ • ϚχϡΞϧ͸ݟ΍͘͢ɺ୳͠΍͘͢ͳͬͨͱ ࢥ͏ɻ

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