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Chris Short Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Cloud Platforms Ansible Operator Update Operator Framework SIG 4

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CONFIDENTIAL Designator Ansible Operators are being demonstrated as a way to bring existing automation into Kubernetes Operator Framework, K8s, and Ansible are a match made in heaven (all the YAML) Taking hard won, existing automation for complex workloads into K8s opens eyes In general, more people I’ve polled have familiarity with Ansible than Go (~4:1) ANSIBLE OPERATOR UPDATE 5

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CONFIDENTIAL Designator AnsibleFest: Building Kubernetes Operators with Ansible Hands On Workshop 100 registrations sold (sold out) 138 seats were available; the room was packed Content here: Huge thank you to Michael Hrivnak, Shawn Hurley, Fabian von Feilitzsch, Melvin Hillsman, Jeff Geerling, Tim Appnel, and Matt Dorn ANSIBLE OPERATOR UPDATE 6

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CONFIDENTIAL Designator Mcrouter Operator powered by Ansible Operator Tim Appnel found a good use case to demonstrate a complex operation simply Matt Dorn, Jeff Geerling, and Melvin Hillsman got it working for AnsibleFest Now available for everyone to kick the tires on: ANSIBLE OPERATOR UPDATE 7

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CONFIDENTIAL Designator Where to next? We need more use case ideas that can be demonstrated in less than an hour (from nothing but familiarity to managing Ansible Operators with the SDK on K8s) Brand new project board: ANSIBLE OPERATOR UPDATE 8

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Slide 6 text Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you 9