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build eureka.swift ✗ Bitrise Muukii | Eureka, Inc 2019 March Thoughts about build flow

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Hiroshi Kimura Muukii Twitter @muukii0803 iOS Engineer Head of Development, Pairs Global

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1BJSTʹ͍ͭͯ !4

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4PVUI,PSFB Japan Taiwan No.1 2017 release No.1 !5 1BJSTʹ͍ͭͯ ల։ࠃ ̐ͭͷϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy

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! " # eure/pairs-ios eure/pairs-gl-ios I’m here $

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• Summary • Current build flow of Pairs Global • We are moving our build flow to the cloud Contents

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• Building on cloud CI/CD took a very long time until now • But now • Swift compiler is faster (4.2 batch mode) • We can build large applications on cloud CI/CD Summary

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Current build flow of Pairs Global

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1. Run UnitTests 2. Archive 3. Upload to AppStoreConnect 4. Create git-tag using timestamp 5. Upload artifact to git-tag on GitHub Flow

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• UnitTest • Logic • Benchmark • UITest • Login flow Run Tests

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• Beta • For Testing (Internal / External) • Release • For Release and for Testing (Internal / External) Archive

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• We can install beta / release apps with TestFlight • Using Internal / External Testers Upload to AppStoreConnect

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Release Beta

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• After successful upload to AppStoreConnect • Create a tag with environment and timestamp • v50.4.0-appstore.53240316.1 • v50.4.0-beta.52968482.0 Create git-tag using timestamp

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• .xcarchive • .app for iOS Simulator Upload artifacts to GitHub

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App for simulator. You can drag and drop to its home screen.

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Sample code to create app for simulator

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We are trying to use Bitrise

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• We created a large application • Over 140000 lines Swift Code • CI/CD took over 1 hour to archive or time out • Building the code of CocoaPods • Building the code of Application With Swift2.x

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So, we got…

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• Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java • Powerful & Flexible Jenkins

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• Setting up is too hard for us * • Does not have cool UI Design * • is better. But,

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I just need to run git polling and shell-script.

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• • Watch branch with polling • Run shell-script, if Tower finds new commits on a branch • That’s it. But actually just what I needed. eure/Tower instead of Jenkins

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• Creating Server Software has some difficult points. • Manage child-process • Zero memory leaks • To keep working as long as possible But,

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Jenkins Blue Ocean

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• Multi-branch Pipeline • Blue Ocean is a plugin • Jenkins + Blue Ocean = Better UI Design (Better) Jenkins + Blue Ocean

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• Around 15min (fastlane build_app) • Then, upload to AppStoreConnect Archive Time on Mac Pro

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• Management cost of Jenkins is high • With Bitrise, we can see the status of tasks from online We are trying to use Bitrise

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• Around 25min (fastlane build_app) Archive Time on Bitrise

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• Longer archive time, but it’s no big deal • Incredibly fast compared to few years ago Awesome

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• Carthage creates prebuilt frameworks. • No need to build them for archive • Most of archiving time is building frameworks managed by CocoaPods in our project • Recently, we came back to CocoaPods We can reduce it with Carthage

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• LLDB does not work well with Carthage. • "error: Couldn't IRGen expression, no additional error" • To create an umbrella framework that includes many static frameworks • App launch time will be faster by reducing dynamic linking. Why we use CocoaPods

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• Easier to debug inside libraries. • We can notice debug logs from libraries. Why we use CocoaPods

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Every tool is improving day by day We will never stop finding a better way

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Thank you! build eureka.swift ✗ Bitrise Hiroshi Kimura | Eureka, Inc. 2019 March