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Starting Open Source! How to make your first contribution @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who are you?

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Contribute to *this* talk @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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“The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.” - @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Better Quality @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Higher Reliability @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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More Flexibility @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Lower Cost @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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End to predatory vendor lock-in @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Convinced Yet? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Before we get started! Top 3: Lineke and Kim @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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It’s ok to get it wrong Before we get started! Top 3: Kim @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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You might not get an immediate response Before we get started! Top 3: Kim @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Don't be afraid to ask for a task to be assigned to you Before we get started! Top 3: Kim @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Git Before we get started! Top 3: Lineke @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Passion & Usability Before we get started! Top 3: Lineke @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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The development process Before we get started! Top 3: Lineke @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Storytime @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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No content

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Who I was If I got enough nutritional value from code… ! I would eat that and nothing else. @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Who I was But I would never share my food. @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Who I was Because if I would… @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Who I was Made websites under a nickname… @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Who I was No portfolio: Unemployable @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Who I was So… I started my own company! (Unsuccessfully) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Who I was I had *NO* code confidence @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Why I wanted to contribute @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks I felt ashamed for *not* doing it Why I wanted to contribute

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks I found a cool project, I wanted to help them improve. Why I wanted to contribute

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The cool project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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ProTalk.ME The cool project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Videos about PHP!! In fact.... If you want to see an earlier version of this talk The cool project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles Davey Shafik It was a tie.! ! 1) Fear, that I really had no clue what I was doing and people were going to make fun of me.
 2) Finding something to do! 
 And the first one never really went away… I still worry when I contribute to things in say, python, or javascript, or something other than PHP where people know me. @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles Lorna Mitchell Honestly, I just didn't realise my efforts would be useful or welcome. ! ! It was only because I was deeply into a tool ( of course!) that I eventually got told to fix some things myself, as a speaker and a conference organiser, I was just nagging Chris far too much.! I was a project lead I think before I contributed at all to any other project, so I was a pretty slow starter! ! ! Now I just assume everyone appreciates the effort even if I'm doing it wrong, and I get in! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles Joshua Thijssen I'm not 100% sure when my first (open source) contribution took place.I! think it was around 1997-1998, and it probably was either some small! things inside the Linux kernel.! ! The biggest issue for (starting) contributors I think is they are! overwhelmed by the code and current userbase. It's hard to find a place in such a group, and even though most of them would be perfectly capable of contributing, they won't because of fear of rejection, mockery etc. @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles Eli White My FIRST hurdle was having too many hobbies and not wanting to just do it. As a hobby.! ! SECOND hurdle. Was trying to convince NASA, who I worked for. To allow me to open source some projects I'd created there. And failed.! ! THIRD hurdle, was trying to contribute to OSS projects. While already now a senior programmer with a decade+ of experience. Yet because I had no OSS-karma. No one wanted my code, or to trust me. ! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles Beth Tucker Long When I contributed to an open source project for the first time, the biggest obstacle for me was getting over my fear of doing something wrong and being publicly shamed. ! ! Actually, that's not true. That was the biggest obstacle when I wanted to contribute to an open source project for the second time. When I first tried to contribute to an open source project, I was full of excitement and jumped right in. My submission was not accepted, which I fully expected because I was new to the project. ! ! What I did not expect was that instead of constructive criticism or a "thanks anyway, but no", the response I received was rude and insulting. I did not contribute to another project for a year and a half after that for fear of being ridiculed again. Thanks to a very supportive network of friends in the PHP community, though, I was able to overcome my fear and am back to contributing where I can.! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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My Obstacles Technology & Fear of public ridicule @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Contributing to Open Source! ! In 10 steps @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project Be phpassionate about it Lineke’s

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Step 1: Choose The Project (ab)use github! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project Search! :) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project What are your ‘friends’ doing? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project Activity @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project Check the commit history @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Your Skills Step 1: Choose The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Ready to change the world? {code} montage empowers coders to improve their impact on the world. Step 1: Choose The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 1: Choose The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Erm... License? Step 1: Choose The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Questions and Pointers Step 1: Choose The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Fork It Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Clone It Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Using vagrant Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Ruby, Vagrant, Oracle VirtualBox Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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$ vagrant up Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Manually Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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• Fork the protalk repository! • Use git clone to get your fork on your local machine! • Run ant - this will install all dependencies, clear the cache and run tests Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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• Make sure the app/cache and app/logs directories are writable by the webserver! • Create the database and change the parameters.ini in app/config to set the database connection details! • Run the command "app/console doctrine:schema:create" to create the database tables Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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• Import the doc/db/seed_data.sql in your database for initial data! • Creating a admin user for the backend can be done by running this command: "app/ console fos:user:create [email protected] password -- super-admin Step 2: Install The Project @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Do you like vagrant now? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 2: Install The Project Questions and Pointers @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 3: Investigation @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 3: Investigation Codebase @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Coding guidelines Step 3: Investigation @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Tests? Step 3: Investigation @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Questions and Pointers Step 3: Investigation @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 4: Hiiiiiii!!! :-) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 4: Hiiiiiii!!! :-) Where art thou? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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IRC! I’m geekie Step 4: Hiiiiiii!!! :-) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Contact them Step 4: Hiiiiiii!!! :-) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Observe the responses (Should I stay, or should I go?) Step 4: Hiiiiiii!!! :-) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Questions and Pointers Step 4: Hiiiiiii!!! :-) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 5: What can I do? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 5: What can I do? It’s not your project. (But nothing stops you from branching...) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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The github issuetracker Step 5: What can I do? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Pick an issue Step 5: What can I do? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Create an issue Step 5: What can I do? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Communicate!! In open source - Communication is key Step 5: What can I do? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Questions and Pointers Step 5: What can I do? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 6: How... ? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 6: How... ? Read The Guidelines @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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It’s “just” code. Step 6: How... ? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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If that scares you... Step 6: How... ? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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It’s private, for now. (If you want it to be) Step 6: How... ? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Ask questions... Step 6: How... ? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Questions and Pointers Step 6: How... ? @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 7: Just do it Keep yourself updated @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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$ git remote add upstream $ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/master ! Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 7: Just do it Branch… @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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$ git branch $ git checkout ! Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Make your changes! (You know how to code, right?) Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Commit often! $ git commit -m 'Michelle will be pleased <3' Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Learn Git Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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You *can* change anything.! Don’t worry, just keep doin’ git! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Git

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git help, config, and init.! remote, fetch, pull, let’s edit.! diff, add, status, commit. you’re doin’ git.! ! log, branch, checkout, that’s it!! checkout, merge, rebase, don’t quit.! clean, reset, tag, push those bits! you’re doin’ git!! ! fork and clone all the repos you know,! patches and pull requests, you’ll steal the git show.! you’re doin’ git. you’re doing it!! check git blame and see your username.! hope you ran the tests before your commit,! or other devs will think you’re an idiot.! you’re doin’ git. (x4)! ! Exit. @michellesanver #CommunityWorks You're Doin' Git! (c) 2013 Jeremy C. Lindblom

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Git Resources!!

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Questions and Pointers Step 7: Just do it @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 8: Push it (Just push it push it) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 8: Push it (Just push it push it) $ git push @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Questions and Pointers Step 8: Push it (Push it real good) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 9: The pull request @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 9: The pull request Time to show the world! (Except those poor sods without Internet) @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Don’t worry! (Be happy) Step 9: The pull request @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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It’s just a button! (And a form...) Step 9: The pull request @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 9: The pull request @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Linking to the issuetracker! #1337 ! close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved

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Questions and Pointers Step 9: The pull request @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 10: Code Review @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Step 10: Code Review It’s constructive criticism @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Correct or discuss @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Step 10: Code Review

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You learn so much! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Step 10: Code Review

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And if there’s trolls... @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Step 10: Code Review

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Trolls can be cute too! @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Step 10: Code Review

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Questions and Pointers @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Step 10: Code Review

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You did it... @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Obstacles: The Fear

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Obstacles: The Fear Conferences • • • @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles: The Fear ! User Groups @michellesanver #CommunityWorks

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Obstacles: The Fear @michellesanver #CommunityWorks IRC #phpc #phpmentoring #phpwomen

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Mentoring @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Matthew Turland @elazar

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Mentoring Rafael Dohms @rdohms & Davey Shafik @dshafik

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Mentoring Lineke Kerckhoffs @the_linie

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Mentoring Igor Wiedler @igorwhiletrue

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Obstacles: The Fear Get a mentor… Or 5

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No content

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No content

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Still code passionate @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who I Am Now

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No content

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Now… A conference addict @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who I Am Now

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A speaker @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who I Am Now

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Not afraid to contribute @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who I Am Now

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who I Am Now

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All thanks to *YOU* @michellesanver #CommunityWorks Who I Am Now

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks #CommunityWorks

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@michellesanver #CommunityWorks Questions… Contributions?

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Thank You. @michellesanver #CommunityWorks