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Michelle Cheng is a Toronto/LA based aspiring story artist. She is a BFA3 Character Animation
student at CalArts currently on exchange at Gobelins - l’école de l’image in Paris. She loves
(nearly) every stage of the filmmaking process, and strives to create thoughtful, well-researched
work. Aside from drawing, she enjoys writing educational videos, listening to dark academia
playlists, photography, and travel.
She is perhaps, one of the most well spoken Youtube artists that I have ever come across. I
first found her through her animation, Birdsong, where she combined both graphic design and
animation to create an entrancing story of a now extinct bird species. There I have followed her
channel to listen to her though process of every aspect of her animations. She doesn’t post often
enough on Instagram but the most wonderful thing about her work comes from how she engages
her Youtube audience with her clear, concise, and personal connections she makes with each
piece she creates in a verbal story.
As a fellow student, she is rather busy so we have no personal connection, but I do like to
comment and like where I can. Most of the time I have her videos playing in the background as
inspiration. There are times when I do reference her work for color studies as I particularly love
her use of the color green and what shades she uses to paint nature.
She can be found @lemoncholy_ on Instagram.
Michelle Cheng