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Electrifying Metal-Organic Frameworks: Absolute Electron Energies Prof. Aron Walsh Chair in Materials Design Department of Materials Imperial College London @lonepair hν e- MOF Detector ΔE = ?

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Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Crystals of Organic & Inorganic Building Blocks Metal Ligand 0 1 2 3 0 Molecular complexes O0I0 Hybrid chains O0I1 Hybrid layers O0I2 Hybrid framework O0I3 1 Coordination polymer O1I0 Mixed layers O1I1 Mixed framework O1I2 2 Coordination layer O2I0 Mixed framework O2I1 3 Coordination framework O3I0 Rule: n+m ≤ 3 Dimensionality of Inorganic Connectivity (In) I – O – I Connectivity (Om) Adapted from A. K. Cheetham et al, Chem. Comm. 4780 (2006)

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Emergence of Conductive MOFs

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Electroactive MOFs Materials Platform for Exciting Physical Properties This is an isotherm-free presentation Hendon, Butler & Walsh, MRS Bulletin 41, 870 (2016)

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Electroactive MOFs Materials Platform for Exciting Physical Properties This is an isotherm-free presentation Hendon, Butler & Walsh, MRS Bulletin 41, 870 (2016)

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Absolute Band Energies are Important Relative Electron Energies Band gaps and valence / conduction band widths Absolute Electron Energies Dictate stability and transfer of charge • Redox chemistry: photocatalysis to batteries • Defect physics: controlling n-type / p-type • Device engineering: band alignment & barriers

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Talk Outline: Ionisation Potentials 1. History of Absolute Electron Energies 2. Bridging Theory and Experiment 3. Workfunctions of Porous Materials

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(Semiconductor) Terminology 1. Ionisation Potential – Energy to remove electron from valence band (VB) to the vacuum level (VL) 2. Workfunction – Energy to remove electron from the Fermi level (EF ) to the vacuum level 3. Electron Affinity – Energy to add an electron to the conduction band (CB) from the vacuum level VB CB VL EF

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19th Century: Photoelectric Effect Ultraviolet Light “Excites” Certain Materials Annalen der Physik (1887); DOI: 10.1002/andp.18872670827

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Bulk Electron Binding Energy Binding Energy = E[N-1] – E[N] Energy of system with N electrons

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Surface Electrostatic Double Layer Workfunction = E[N-1] – E[N] + ED Energy due to surface dipole

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Surface Electrostatic Double Layer Workfunction = E[N-1] – E[N] + ED !+ !- Electrons spill at a surface

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Calculations for Polar Crystals Long-range Polarisation of Crystal: IP and EA

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Emergence of Semiconductor Devices From Electron Energies to Devices Semiconductor Metal

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Emergence of Semiconductor Devices From Electron Energies to Devices

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Enter Density Functional Theory Self-Consistent Electronic Structure

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Enter Density Functional Theory Surface Dipole can be Quantified

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Exit Density Functional Theory Arbitrary Reference for Electronic Eigenvalues of Solids – Potential Zero is Shape Dependent

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Periodic Boundary Conditions An Infinite Crystal Has No Vacuum Level

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Talk Outline: Ionisation Potentials 1. History of Absolute Electron Energies 2. Bridging Theory and Experiment 3. Workfunctions of Porous Materials

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Phenomenological Theory Geometric Mean of the Electronegativity This approximates the mid-gap energy (for atoms the Mulliken electronegativity is the mean of the IP and EA) Nethercot (1974); Butler & Ginley (1978); Xu & Schoonen (2000) Used in many recent high-throughput screening studies, but is clearly limited: no account of local structure, oxidation state, or chemical bonding

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Phenomenological Theory Actually a Decent Guess… Butler & Ginley, J. Electrochem. Soc. 125, 229 (1978) Calculated

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Phenomenological Theory

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Phenomenological Theory

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Screening New Photoactive Materials Sustainability index From Searching over 4 Trillion Compounds… D. W. Davies et al, Chem 1, 617 (2016);

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Screening New Photoactive Materials Sustainability index From Searching over 4 Trillion Compounds… D. W. Davies et al, Chem 1, 617 (2016);

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Quantitative Techniques Experiment Simulation Photoelectron Spectroscopy (secondary electron cutoff) Surface Termination (vacuum alignment) Electrochemical Response (flat-band potential) Molecular Dynamics (explicit solvent) Photoelectron Spectroscopy (core level binding) Heterojunction (core level alignment) Electrochemical Response (redox energies) Molecular Dynamics (explicit solvent / charge)

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Embedded Crystal Approach Quantum Mechanical (QM) / Molecular Mechanical (MM) Embedding of Crystalline Solids Region I: QM Region II: MM (active) Region III: MM (frozen) Region IV: Point Charges Aim to reproduce electrostatic, chemical, and mechanical environment of crystal in Region I Daresbury Laboratory (UK):

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Embedded Crystal Approach D. O. Scanlon et al, Nat. Mater. 12, 798 (2013); Calculate Ionisation Potentials with Long-range Polarisation of Crystal (ΔSCF procedure)

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Effect of Local Coordination J. Buckeridge et al, Chem. Mater. 17, 3844 (2015); Range of Oxygen Environments (2,3,4) in TiO2

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Effect of Local Coordination J. Buckeridge et al, Chem. Mater. 17, 3844 (2015); Range of Electron Energies in TiO2 Polymorphs Ti is 7-fold coordinated!

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Effect of Local Coordination J. Buckeridge et al, Chem. Mater. 17, 3844 (2015); Range of Electron Energies in TiO2 Polymorphs Ti is 7-fold coordinated!

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Talk Outline: Ionisation Potentials 1. History of Absolute Electron Energies 2. Bridging Theory and Experiment 3. Workfunctions of Porous Materials

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Emergence of Conductive MOFs

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Limitations of Current Atomistic Theory Technique Limitations Surface Termination (vacuum alignment) Values depend on surface Molecular Dynamics (explicit solvent) Requires large scale simulations – convergence Heterojunction (core level alignment) Requires compatible crystal structures Embedded Clusters (direct IP calculation) Requires complex setup procedure and forcefield

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Frameworks with Large Pores a d b e c f r = 6 r = 5, 7, 8 r = 9 r = 7.5 r = 7.5 r = 10 Pore Radius () MOF-5 HKUST-1 ZIF-8 COF-1M CPO-27 MIL-125

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Use the Internal Vacuum Level Eigenvalues Aligned to Pore Potential group/MacroDensity • Integrate sphere at center of pore • Check that potential has reached a plateau • Implemented in Python code (for 1D, 2D and 3D averages):

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Band Alignment of MOFs Place MOFs and Inorganic Semiconductors on a Common Energy Scale Butler, Hendon and Walsh, JACS 136, 2703 (2014) Good agreement with first measurements of MOF workfunctions

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Band Alignment of MOFs Explain Electron Localisation in d0 Frameworks Nasalevich et al, Sci. Rep. 6, 23676 (2016)

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Electroactive MOFs Materials Platform for Exciting Physical Properties Hendon, Butler & Walsh, MRS Bulletin 41, 870 (2016)

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Electroactive MOFs Materials Platform for Exciting Physical Properties Hendon, Butler & Walsh, MRS Bulletin 41, 870 (2016)

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Conclusions 1. Solid absolute electron energies are simple to define but challenging for theory and experiment 2. Electroactive MOF knowledge is increasing towards rational control of functionality Collaborators: Keith Butler (Bath); Chris Hendon (MIT); Yu Kumagai & Fumiyasu Oba (Tokyo Tech); Su-Huai Wei (Beijing CSRC); Alexey Sokol & John Buckeridge (UCL); Jorge Gascon (Delft) Funders: JSPS; ERC; EPSRC; Royal Society Slides: