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Copyright 10X, Inc. All right reserved
FY2018 # of Shop & GMV - Mall & Cart ASP
Name # of Shop GMV GMV/Shop /
Rakuten 50,000 34,310 68.6
Amazon Marketplace 150,000 13,517 9.0
Yahoo! Shopping 750,000 7,690 1.0
ZOZOTOWN 1,255 3,231 258
MakeShop by GMO 22,000 1,594 7.2
COLOR ME by GMO 148,000 1,316 0.9
future shop 2,400 1,085 45.2
Wowma! 15,000 990 6.6
shopserve 15,900 970 6.1
Qoo10 11,000 930 8.5
BASE 700,000 269 0.04
1,915,555 65,902