A web developer is a programmer who
specializes in, or is specifically engaged in,
the development of World Wide Web
applications, or distributed network
applications that are run over HTTP from a
web server to a web browser.
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Web Operations
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Web operations is a domain of expertise
within IT systems management that involves
the deployment, operation, maintenance,
tuning, and repair of web-based applications
and systems.
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DevOps (...) is a software development
method that stresses communication,
collaboration and integration between
software developers and IT professionals.
(...) It aims to help an organization rapidly
produce software products and services.
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Front-End Developer
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The goal of a front-end developer is to create
clear, easy, fast pages and interfaces that will
make people understand and care about the
information, by putting it in context, expose
its legitimacy or lack thereof, and reveal their
implicit or explicit interconnection.
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Front-End Ops
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Such a person would need to be an expert at
serving and hosting front-end resources.
They’d need to be pros at Grunt (or something
similar) and have strong opinions about
modules. They would find the best ways to
piece together the parts of a Web application,
and they’d be pros at versioning, caching and
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No content
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Front-end is not just a pretty face, it's the
friendly, forward-looking interface of web