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T renaud_mathieu Mastodon & @[email protected] linkedIn & renaudmathieu1 Discovering Material 3 droidcon Berlin 2023

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Agenda 1. What is a Design System ? 2. A Brief History of Material Design 3. BREAK: Relay 4. Material You

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What is a Design System?

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What is a Design System? Design Principles Branding Guidelines Visual Style Guide Component Library Interaction Patterns Documentation

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Why a Design System?

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Why not a Design System?

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Take your Shot of Vitamin Gerard Paligot • Booth • 2:35pm

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A Brief History of Material Design

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Prequel Ø → Holo A Brief History of Material Design

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Prequel Ø → Holo Android version 2.3: Gingerbread Android version 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich Android versions 1.0 to 1.1 A Brief History of Material Design 10 Years of Android Development Julien Salvi • Booth • Friday 11:45am

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design Multiple elevation measurements for two objects

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 1 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 2 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 2 h tt ps:// Colors Typography Shapes A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 2 h tt ps:// Colors Typography Shapes A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 2 h tt ps:// Colors Typography Shapes A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 2 h tt ps:// A Brief History of Material Design

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Introducing Material You

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Material 3 h tt ps://

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Figma Account Android Studio Chipmunk or later Jetpack Compose version 1.2 or later Figma Personal Access Token plugins { id("") id("") id("") version "0.3.06" }

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DEMO Figma + Android Studio

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Material 3 h tt ps://

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Material 3 h tt ps://

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Colors Icons Motion Elevation Typography Shape

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Colors Icons Motion Elevation Typography Shape

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Shape M2: Three-level shape scale based on the size of the component container M3: Seven-level shape scale based on the roundedness of shape corners

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Colors Icons Motion Elevation Typography Shape

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Colors Icons Motion Elevation Typography Shape

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Colors Understanding Color Theming and Color Roles

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Colors Understanding Color Theming and Color Roles

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Colors Understanding Color Theming and Color Roles

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Colors Understanding Color Theming and Color Roles

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Colors Dynamic Color // Dynamic color is available on Android 12+ val dynamicColor = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > = Build.VERSION_CODES.S val colors = when { dynamicColor & & darkTheme - > dynamicDarkColorScheme(LocalContext.current) dynamicColor & & !darkTheme - > dynamicLightColorScheme(LocalContext.current) darkTheme - > darkColorScheme else - > lightColorScheme }

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Colors Icons Motion Elevation Typography Shape

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Elevation M2: Shadows applied at all levels M3: Using color instead of shadows to communicate elevation

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Elevation M2: Shadows applied at all levels M3: Using color instead of shadows to communicate elevation

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Elevation 1. One su rf ace at 1dp elevation and another su rf ace at 8dp elevation, as viewed from the front 2. The di ff erence in elevation between the two su rf aces is 7dp, as viewed from the side

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Material 3 h tt ps:// Colors Icons Motion Elevation Typography Shape Layouts

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Box { if (windowSizeClass.widthSizeClass == Compact) { LayoutForSmall() } else { LayoutForLarge() } } implementation("androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class:1.2.0-alpha03") Layouts

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Migrating To Material3

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Migrating To Material3 Phased Migration Add M3 dependency alongside M2 dependency. Add M3 version of your app’s theme alongside M2 version. Migrate individual modules, screens, or composables to M3, depending on the size and complexity of your app. Once fully migrated, remove the M2 version of your app’s theme.

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Migrating To Material3 Phased Migration Getting your apps ready for M3 Fatih & Odin • Hopper • 9:20pm

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Conclusion h tt ps://

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Conclusion h tt ps://

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Every detail makes the design. Thank You!