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The conversation on data privacy, opt-in and loyalty consumers and marketeers should urgently have. Dear Marketers, how badly do you know me.

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US = 1,180 consumers YOU = 310 marketers according to the 10th Marketing Gap study by fast.MAP

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Do you understand just how little we trust you with our contact and other information? As it comes to data privacy and opt in to receiving marketing communications, marketers underestimate by up to 100% all consumer's areas of concern.

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This is how concerned you believe we are if you did any of the following after we have given you our contact details and permission to send us communications. if you passed our contact details to another organisation 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes did not keep the promises in your permission statement contacted us too often ignored information we’ve supplied you before sent us too much marketing material lost our contact details sent communications not relevant to us 45% 45% 44% 40% 43% 39% 40%

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passed our contact details to another organisation 2014 Consumer attitudes did not keep the promises in your permission statement contacted us too often ignored information we’ve supplied you before sent us too much marketing material lost our contact details sent communications not relevant to us However, this is how concerend we actually are if you.. 85% 83% 76% 73% 71% 70% 63%

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Areas of what should be your concern too. Do not pass on our contact details to another organisation Do keep the promises in your permission statement Do not contact us too often Do not ignore information we’ve supplied you before Do not send us too much marketing material Do not loose our contact details Do sent communications relevant to us

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Did you know next year’s changes to EU opt-in requirements for data gathering mean you’ll have to ask us if we’d actually like to hear from you? * blank stare *

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Now imagine all the organisations that current send us ‘information’ contacting us and asking us if we are happy to stay on their mailing list. How do you believe we are most likely to respond? What you silly marketers believe we’ll do. 32% NO You would not agree for any of the organisations 27% FEW You would agree for a few of the organisations 22% MOST You would agree for most 19% ALL You would agree for all 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes

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What we will actually do. 21% NO We’re not agreeing for any 55% FEW We would agree for a few of the organisations 18% MOST We would agree for most 6% ALL Agree for all Would you stay on my mailing list, pretty please? 2014 Consumer attitudes

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21% NO We’re not agreeing for any 55% FEW We would agree for a few of the organisations 18% MOST We would agree for most 6% ALL Agree for all 32% NO You would not agree for any of the organisations 27% FEW You would agree for a few of the organisations 22% MOST You would agree for most 19% ALL You would agree for all 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes 2014 Consumer attitudes I’m such a bore. Such pessimism, little marketeer. Some of us do like the occasional offer or update.

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21% NO We’re not agreeing for any 55% FEW We would agree for a few of the organisations 18% MOST We would agree for most 6% ALL Agree for all 32% NO You would not agree for any of the organisations 27% FEW You would agree for a few of the organisations 22% MOST You would agree for most 19% ALL You would agree for all Such arrogance. *mark as spam* All your mailbox are belong to us. 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes 2014 Consumer attitudes

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21% NO We’re not agreeing for any 6% ALL Agree for all 32% NO You would not agree for any of the organisations 27% FEW You would agree for a few of the organisations 22% MOST You would agree for most 19% ALL You would agree for all 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes 2014 Consumer attitudes What this actually means is that there is a huge area of opportunity to woo us - more wiggle room than you expected to keep us on your lists. If you convince us you are worthy of our trust and time. AREA OF OPPORTU NITY

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discounts & special offers free product samples get a quote & look for cheaper prices helpful information that makes life easier to make an online purchase to receive money saving advice to pay online to hear about relevant products and services available 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes 2014 Consumer attitudes How do I show you I’m worthy? These would make us happy to opt in to receiving furture commucations from you. 65% 63% 47% 44% 40% 40% 37% 37%

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Shall I personalise these for you? Oh, you mean you’ll be using info about us and our past interactions to make these communications and offers more relevant? Well.. 11% NO Less likely we’ll open them 53% WHATEVER Honestly, this wouldn’t make a difference to us NO WHATEVER YES 34% YES Oh yes, we’d be more likely to open them 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes 2014 Consumer attitudes

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I insist.. Well, we are concerned if you use.. Online adverts we have clicked on Assumed information based on ‘people like us’ Other websites we tend to visit regularly Specific things we have looked at on your website Our previous purchases Preference we’ve given you The lenght of time we have been customers 50% 49% 47% 40% 32% 31% 29% 2014 Marketers perception of consumer attitudes 2014 Consumer attitudes

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Regards, Your Consumers Dear Marketers, Please treat our personal data and contact information as you would your own. Earn our interest in your newsletter before the new data regulation kicks in. Think twice about which data you gather, and what you use it for.