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MVSplat: Efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting from Sparse Multi-View Images Yuedong Chen et al. (ECCV 2024, Oral Presentation) Presenter: Keio Univ. M1 Kazuki Ozeki

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2 Objectives 1. What is cross-scene feed-forward inference? 2. How does MVSplat learn feed-forward 3D Gaussians? 3. Why is MVSplat important?

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3 Abstract Predicts feed-forward 3D Gaussians from sparse multi-view images • Efficiently • With high-fidelity pixelSplat (CVPR2024) MVSplat 10× Fewer 2× Faster Better Geometry Input

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4 Sparse View Scene Reconstruction Par-Scene Optimization • Mainly design effective regularization terms • Slow inference due to the per-scene gradient back-propagation Cross-Scene Feed-Forward Inference • Learn priors from large-scale datasets • Infer 3D scenes in a single feed-forward pass (faster)

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5 Related Works: MuRF MuRF: Multi-Baseline Radiance Fields (CVPR 2024) • Feed-forward NeRF models with a target view frustum volume • Suffer from expensive training time MuRF: Multi-Baseline Radiance Fields

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6 Related Works: pixelSplat pixelSplat (CVPR 2024, Best Paper Runner-Up) • First feed-forward Gaussian model • Predict the probability distribution of Gaussian positions pixelSplat: 3D Gaussian Splats from Image Pairs for Scalable Generalizable 3D Reconstruction

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7 3D Gaussian Splatting Represent 3D scenes with 3D Gaussians • Position 𝝁 • Opacity 𝛼 • Covariance 𝜮 • Color 𝒄 Recent Trends in 3D Reconstruction of General Non-Rigid Scenes (Computer Graphics Forum 2024) A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting (TPAMI 2024)

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8 Overview 1. Cost Volume Construction via Feature Matching 2. Gaussian Parameters Prediction 1 2

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9 Feature Extraction Obtain cross-view aware features 𝐅! !"# $ with Transformers (for 𝐾 input views) SuperGlue (CVPR2020) (Visualization of attention)

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10 Cost Volume Construction Obtain view 𝑖’s (matching) cost volume • Warp view 𝑗’s feature using depth candidates 𝑑% %"# & • Compute the correlation 𝑪'! ! 𝑑" 𝑷# view 𝑗 view 𝑖 𝑷$ 𝑭# 𝑭%! #→$ camera projection matrices channel dimension High cost = A surface point

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11 Cost Volume Refinement Concatenate 𝑭! and 𝑪! → refined cost volume , 𝑪! • Using 2D U-Net with cross-view attention layers • Enhance quality for which content is only visible from one view here

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12 Depth Estimation Obtain per-view depth 𝐻 𝑊 𝐷 Normalized cost All depth candidates × ↓ A weighted average Cost volume * 𝑪$ matching confidence

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13 Gaussian Parameters Prediction Gaussian position 𝝁: Unproject predicted depth 𝑽! Opacity 𝛼: Input the matching confidence to 2 conv. Covariance 𝜮 and color 𝒄: Input 𝑭!, , 𝑪!, multi-view images to 2 conv. here

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14 Training Loss Supervise with only rendering loss • A linear combination of 𝑙( and LPIPS losses • End-to-end differentiable learning here GT image

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15 Experimental Setting Datasets • RealEstate10K (left) • ACID (right) Metrics • PSNR (pixel-level), SSIM (patch-level), LPIPS (feature-level) • The Inference (rendering) time • The number of model parameters

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16 Quantitative Results Comparison with SOTA of feed-forward methods → Surpass all SOTA models in terms of visual quality (Note that MuRF is expensive to train)

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17 Qualitative Results Comparison with top three best models (Input only two views!)

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18 Geometry Reconstruction Reconstruct much higher-quality 3D Gaussians (Trained solely with photometric supervision!)

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19 Cross-dataset Generalization Zero-shot test w/o any fine-tuning → Surpass pixelSplat (but still low appearance quality)

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20 Contributions Learn feed-forward Gaussians with a cost volume Outperform pixelSplat on quality & efficiency significantly Can be further explored • Training with large-scale datasets • Adaptation to dynamic scenes

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21 Supplementary Material Ablations