Google IO recap
Cloud and Assistant
Vikram Tiwari - GDE, Google Cloud Platform
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AI First!
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Android, iOS, Google Home
- Google Lens
- Hands free calling
- Coming to Canada too!
- Transactions and Payments
- Assistant app directory
- Developers competition
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AI, ML and
Tensorflow, TPUs, IOT Core
- Smart reply on Gmail
- Tensorflow research cloud
- Google for Jobs
- Auto ML
- Cloud IOT Core
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Google Photos,
VR and AR
Daydream, WorldSense
- Shared Libraries
- Photo Books
- 600+ tours on Cardboard
- Visual Positioning Service
- Euphrates and Seurat
- Chromium with AR APIs
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Goodies - Google Home
- Tensorflow 1.2
- ChatBase
- Smart bidding strategies
- YouTube: SuperChat
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Thank you!
Learn more:
- Google IO
- All 101 Google IO Announcements
- Google IO Playlist - All Sessions
- Google Cloud Platform - Free Tier
@Vikram_Tiwari -