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Gently Down the Stream with Apache Pinot Navina Ramesh Software Engineer, StarTree

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Why Realtime Analytics Matters? 2

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Why Realtime Analytics Matters? ● Analytics helps make better decisions by providing insights into data. 3 Events Insight Action

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Why Realtime Analytics Matters? 4 ● Realtime analytics reduces the time to go from data to insights and actions Time Value Realtime

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Examples 5

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Total users 700 Million QPS 10000+ Latency SLA < 100 ms p99th Freshness Seconds Examples of Realtime Analytics

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Examples of Real-Time Analytics Missed orders Inaccurate orders Downtime Top selling items Menu item Feedback Total users 500,000+ QPS 100s Latency SLA < 100 ms p99th Freshness Seconds - Minutes

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Characteristics of a Realtime Analytics Platform ● Query latency ~sub-second to seconds ● Data freshness ~seconds ● QPS ~ order of thousands 8 1000s of QPS Sub-second Latency Seconds Freshness Highly Available Scalable Cost Effective Realtime Ingestion Velocity High Dimensionality

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From Stream to Pinot 9

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10 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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Realtime Ingestion in Apache Pinot 11

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Realtime Ingestion in Apache Pinot ● Partition-level, Replicated Consumption Model ● Periodic Segment Creation based on size/time thresholds ● Data ready for query as soon as ingestion 12

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High Level Architecture 13 Pinot Table Pinot Data Segments ColN .. … … … … … . . . + Indexes

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Realtime Ingestion 14 Server-1 Server-2 Server-3 Zookeeper Controller Consuming seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 Replicated & Partitioned Consumption Brokers Query consuming segments Seg0_0 -> Server-1,Server-2 Seg1_0 -> Server-2,Server-3 Seg2_0 -> Server-3,Server-1

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15 Server-1 Server-2 Server-3 Zookeeper Controller seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 Realtime Ingestion Deep Store seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 Seal segment (immutable)

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16 Server-1 Server-2 Server-3 Zookeeper Controller seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 seg0_0 seg1_0 seg2_0 Deep Store seg0_0 Realtime Ingestion seg0_1 seg0_1 seg2_1 seg1_1 seg1_0 seg2_0 seg2_1 seg1_1 Seg0_0 -> Server-1,Server-2 Seg1_0 -> Server-2,Server-3 Seg2_0 -> Server-3,Server-1 Seg0_1 -> Server-1,Server-2 Seg1_1 -> Server-2,Server-3 Seg2_1 -> Server-3,Server-1 Consuming, Indexing & Serving

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Peek into Realtime Engine 17

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Apache Pinot Realtime Engine ● Pluggable Design ● Components ○ Stream Consumer ○ Decoder, Transform Pipeline, Indexer ○ Upsert Metadata Manager ○ Segment Completion Handler ● Components allow Pinot to: ○ Fetch data from Source ○ Parse and apply transforms and aggregations on data ○ Apply transforms based on data semantics ○ Build and store Segments 18

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Segment Completion Handler Upsert Manager Controller Zookeeper Realtime Engine Component - Stream Consumer Fetches from a data source

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Decode Transform Index Segment Completion Handler Upsert Manager Controller Zookeeper Realtime Engine Component - Decoder Deserialize data into Pinot row Stream Consumer ● CSV ● JSON ● Avro ● Protobuf ● … ● Debezium Decoder

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Segment Completion Handler Upsert Manager Controller Zookeeper Realtime Engine Component - Transform Pipeline Applies transformation functions Filtering Flattening Aggregation

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Segment Completion Handler Upsert Manager Controller Zookeeper Realtime Engine Components - Indexer Index data in-memory; Ready to query

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Segment Completion Handler Upsert Manager Controller Zookeeper Realtime Engine Components - Upsert Manager Maintains metadata for upsert semantics

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Decode Transform Index Segment Completion Handler Upsert Manager Controller Zookeeper Realtime Engine Components Stream Consumer Message Processor

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25 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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Data Transformation & Derived Data 26

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Transform Functions in Apache Pinot 27 ● Large library of in-built transform functions ● Define custom transforms ○ Using UDFs ○ Using Groovy ○ Using @Scalar Annotation on Java transform methods

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Transform Function 28 Number of clicks per hour on a given day SELECT SUM(clicks) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) = ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ GROUP BY toEpochHours(timestamp) Transform Functions in Apache Pinot ad_id views clicks timestamp 1 7 4 2023-03-30 00:00:00 2 10 2 2023-03-30 00:00:00 3 1 2 2023-03-30 00:00:01 1 4 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 4 2 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01

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29 Number of clicks per hour on a given day SELECT SUM(clicks) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) = ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ GROUP BY toEpochHours(timestamp) Transform functions - toEpochDays, toEpochHours, SUM Transform Functions in Apache Pinot ad_id views clicks timestamp 1 7 4 2023-03-30 00:00:00 2 10 2 2023-03-30 00:00:00 3 1 2 2023-03-30 00:00:01 1 4 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 4 2 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01

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30 Average conversion rate since a given day SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) >= ‘2023-03-01 00:00:00’ Transform Functions in Apache Pinot ad_id views clicks timestamp 1 7 4 2023-03-30 00:00:00 2 10 2 2023-03-30 00:00:00 3 1 2 2023-03-30 00:00:01 1 4 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 4 2 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01

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31 Average conversion rate since a given day SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) >= ‘2023-03-01 00:00:00’ Transform functions - toEpochDays, AVG Transform Functions in Apache Pinot ad_id views clicks timestamp 1 7 4 2023-03-30 00:00:00 2 10 2 2023-03-30 00:00:00 3 1 2 2023-03-30 00:00:01 1 4 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 4 2 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01

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32 Transform Functions in Apache Pinot ad_id views clicks timestamp 1 7 4 2023-03-30 00:00:00 2 10 2 2023-03-30 00:00:00 3 1 2 2023-03-30 00:00:01 1 4 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 4 2 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 Transform functions are convenient. But it comes at a cost of query performance! ● Needs extra calculations per record ● Cannot apply index on transformation results Use Ingestion Transforms in Pinot!

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33 Table Config: “ingestionConfig”: { “transformConfigs”: [{ “columnName”: “daysTS”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochDays(timestamp)” }, { “columnName”: “hoursTs”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochHours(timestamp)” }] ... Ingestion Transforms in Apache Pinot ● Pre-materialize transformation result as a dedicated pinot column ● Index can be applied on the pre-materialized column!

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34 ad_id views clicks timestamp 1 7 4 2023-03-30 00:00:00 2 10 2 2023-03-30 00:00:00 3 1 2 2023-03-30 00:00:01 1 4 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 4 2 1 2023-03-30 00:00:01 Number of clicks per hour on a given day SELECT SUM(clicks) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) = ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ GROUP BY toEpochHours(timestamp) SELECT SUM(clicks) FROM ads WHERE daysTs = ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ GROUP BY hoursTs Ingestion Transforms in Apache Pinot

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35 Average conversion rate since a given day SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) >= ‘2023-03-01 00:00:00’ SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE daysTs >= ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ Ingestion Transforms in Apache Pinot Table Config: “ingestionConfig”: { “transformConfigs”: [{ “columnName”: “daysTS”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochDays(timestamp)” }, { “columnName”: “hoursTs”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochHours(timestamp)” }] ...

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36 Average conversion rate since a given day SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE toEpochDays(timestamp) >= ‘2023-03-01 00:00:00’ SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE daysTs >= ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ Ingestion Transforms in Apache Pinot Table Config: “ingestionConfig”: { “transformConfigs”: [{ “columnName”: “daysTS”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochDays(timestamp)” }, { “columnName”: “hoursTs”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochHours(timestamp)” }] ...

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37 Derived Columns in Apache Pinot ● Column with its value calculated from other columns ● Generated on-the-fly during ingestion ● Backfill existing segments with reload of the segment on the server

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38 Table Config: “ingestionConfig”: { “transformConfigs”: [{ “columnName”: “daysTS”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochDays(timestamp)” }, { “columnName”: “hoursTs”, “transformFunction”: “toEpochHours(timestamp)” }, { “columnName”: “conversionRate”, “transformFunction”: “clicks/views” } ] ... Derived Columns in Apache Pinot Average conversion rate since a given day SELECT AVG(click/views) FROM ads WHERE daysTs >= ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’ SELECT AVG(conversionRate) FROM ads WHERE daysTs >= ‘2023-03-30 00:00:00’

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39 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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40 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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Complex Types & Nested Fields 41

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42 Complex Types { "id": "17244207357", "type": "PullRequestEvent", "repo": { "id": 326604100, "name": "jthegedus/svelte-adapter-firebase" }, "payload": { "number": 120, "pull_request": { "id": 694073641, "user": { "login": "github-actions[bot]", "id": 41898282, "type": "Bot" }, "body": ":robot: I have created a release ...", "created_at": "2021-07-21T05:59:14Z", "labels": [ { "id": 3184575526, "name": "autorelease: pending" }, { "id": 2412457281, "name": "autorelease: testing" } ] } } } Nested Fields Complex Types / Nested Fields Nested Fields Array

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43 Complex Types { "id": "17244207357", "type": "PullRequestEvent", "repo": { "id": 326604100, "name": "jthegedus/svelte-adapter-firebase" }, "payload": { "number": 120, "pull_request": { "id": 694073641, "user": { "login": "github-actions[bot]", "id": 41898282, "type": "Bot" }, "body": ":robot: I have created a release ...", "created_at": "2021-07-21T05:59:14Z", "labels": [ { "id": 3184575526, "name": "autorelease: pending" }, { "id": 2412457281, "name": "autorelease: testing" } ] } } } Nested Fields Complex Types / Nested Fields Nested Fields Array

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44 ● Store top-level fields as JSON string and extract during query time Complex Types / Nested Fields SELECT id, type, json_extract_scalar("repo", '$.name', 'String', 'null') repo_name, json_extract_scalar("payload", '$.number', INT, 'null') payload_number, json_extract_scalar(json_extract_scalar("payload", '$.pull_request', 'String', 'null'), '$.labels', 'STRING', 'null') payload_pullrequest_labels, json_extract_scalar("payload", '$.created_at', 'String', 'null') payload_created_at FROM PullRequestEvent

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45 ● Store top-level fields as JSON string and extract during query time Complex Types / Nested Fields SELECT id, type, json_extract_scalar("repo", '$.name', 'String', 'null') repo_name, json_extract_scalar("payload", '$.number', INT, 'null') payload_number, json_extract_scalar(json_extract_scalar("payload", '$.pull_request', 'String', 'null'), '$.labels', 'STRING', 'null') payload_pullrequest_labels, json_extract_scalar("payload", '$.created_at', 'String', 'null') payload_created_at FROM PullRequestEvent ● Not optimized for query - ○ Transform functions applied at query-time ○ For every record, json object is constructed from the stored json string ● Cannot index on nested json type ● Storage overhead - storing entire json string

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46 ● Use Ingestion Transforms! ○ Specify complexTypeConfig with delimiter to flatten the maps recursively Complex Types / Nested Fields Schema: "dimensionFieldSpecs": [ { "name": "id", "dataType": "INT" }, { "name": "type", "dataType": "STRING”}, { "name": "", "dataType": "STRING" }, { "name": "", "dataType": "INT"}, { "name": "payload.pull_request.labels", "dataType": "STRING"} ], “dateTimeFieldSpecs”: [ { “name”: “payload.pull_request.created_at, "dataType": "STRING", “format": "1:SECONDS:SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'” } ] Table Config: "ingestionConfig": { "complexTypeConfig": { “delimiter”: “.” }, … }

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47 ● Use Ingestion Transforms! ○ Specify complexTypeConfig with delimiter to flatten the maps recursively Complex Types / Nested Fields Schema: "dimensionFieldSpecs": [ { "name": "id", "dataType": "INT" }, { "name": "type", "dataType": "STRING”}, { "name": "", "dataType": "STRING" }, { "name": "", "dataType": "INT"}, { "name": "payload.pull_request.labels", "dataType": "STRING"} ], “dateTimeFieldSpecs”: [ { “name”: “payload.pull_request.created_at, "dataType": "STRING", “format": "1:SECONDS:SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'” } ] Table Config: "ingestionConfig": { "complexTypeConfig": { “delimiter”: “.” }, … } id type payload.pull_re quest.number payload.pull_request.labels payload.pull_requ est.created_at 17244207357 PullRequestEvent jthegedus/svelte-adap ter-firebase 120 [ { "id": 3184575526, "name": "autorelease: pending"}, { "id": 2412457281, "name": "autorelease: testing"}] 2021-07-21T05:5 9:14Z

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48 ● Use Ingestion Transforms! ○ Specify complexTypeConfig with delimiter to flatten the maps recursively Complex Types / Nested Fields Schema: "dimensionFieldSpecs": [ { "name": "id", "dataType": "INT" }, { "name": "type", "dataType": "STRING”}, { "name": "", "dataType": "STRING" }, { "name": "", "dataType": "INT"}, { "name": "payload.pull_request.labels", "dataType": "STRING"} ], “dateTimeFieldSpecs”: [ { “name”: “payload.pull_request.created_at, "dataType": "STRING", “format": "1:SECONDS:SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'” } ] Table Config: "ingestionConfig": { "complexTypeConfig": { “delimiter”: “.” }, … } id type payload.pull_re quest.number payload.pull_request.labels payload.pull_requ est.created_at 17244207357 PullRequestEvent jthegedus/svelte-adap ter-firebase 120 [ { "id": 3184575526, "name": "autorelease: pending"}, { "id": 2412457281, "name": "autorelease: testing"}] 2021-07-21T05:5 9:14Z

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49 ● Use Ingestion Transform! ○ Specify fieldsToUnnest within complexTypeConfig to unnest the array Complex Types / Nested Fields Schema: "dimensionFieldSpecs": [ { "name": "id", "dataType": "INT" }, { "name": "type", "dataType": "STRING”}, { "name": "", "dataType": "STRING" }, { "name": "", "dataType": "INT"}, { "name": "", "dataType": "JSON"} ], “dateTimeFieldSpecs”: [ { “name”: “payload.pull_request.created_at, "dataType": "STRING", “format": "1:SECONDS:SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'” } ] Table Config: "ingestionConfig": { "complexTypeConfig": { “delimiter”: “.”, “fieldsToUnnest”: [“payload.pull_request.labels”] }, … } id type payload.pull_re quest.number payload.pull_request.labels eated_at 17244207357 PullRequestEvent jthegedus/svelte-adap ter-firebase 120 autorelease: pending 2021-07-21T05:59:14Z 17244207357 PullRequestEvent jthegedus/svelte-adap ter-firebase 120 autorelease: testing 2021-07-21T05:59:14Z

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50 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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51 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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Data Granularity 52

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53 Dealing with Data Granularity Data Granularity customer_id product_id price timestamp 205 car 1500 1571900400000 206 truck 2200 1571900400000 207 car 1300 1571900400000 208 truck 700 1572418800000 209 car 1100 1572505200000 210 car 2100 1572505200000 milliseconds product_id price timestamp car 2800 10-24-2019 00:00:00 truck 2200 10-24-2019 00:00:00 truck 700 10-30-2019 00:00:00 car 3200 10-31-2019 00:00:00 daily

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Dealing with Data Granularity 54 customer_id product_id price timestamp 205 car 1500 1571900400000 206 truck 2200 1571900400000 207 car 1300 1571900400000 208 truck 700 1572418800000 209 car 1100 1572505200000 210 car 2100 1572505200000 211 truck 800 1572678000000 212 car 800 1572678000000 213 car 1900 1572678000000 214 car 1000 1572678000000 Daily sales value per product SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(price) FROM sales GROUP BY product_id, toEpochDays(timestamp) Computed at query time Aggregated at query time

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Ingestion Aggregation 55 ● Aggregate Data during Ingestion time Table Config: { "transformConfigs": [{ "columnName": "daysSinceEpoch", "transformFunction": "toEpochDays(timestamp)" }], "aggregationConfigs": [{ "columnName": "total_sales", "aggregationFunction": "SUM(price)" }, { "columnName": "sales_count", "aggregationFunction": "COUNT(*)" }] }, "tableIndexConfig": { "noDictionaryColumns": [ "sales_count", "total_sales" ]}} product_id sales_count total_sales day car 2 2800 10-24-2019 00:00:00 truck 1 2200 10-24-2019 00:00:00 truck 1 700 10-30-2019 00:00:00 car 2 3300 10-31-2019 00:00:00 truck 1 800 11-02-2019 00:00:00 car 3 3700 11-02-2019 00:00:00 Daily sales value per product SELECT sales_count, total_sales FROM sales GROUP BY product_id, day

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Ingestion Aggregation 56 ● Use ingestion time aggregation when only aggregated data is required and not the entire raw data ● Allowed Aggregate functions: ● SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, DISTINCTCOUNTHLL Caveats: ● All metric columns must have aggregation functions defined.

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57 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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58 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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Data semantics 59

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Data Semantics ● Data Semantics ○ Change Data Capture events - READ, CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ○ Multiple events for same record key MySql Mutable records Immutable records Debezium

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Data Semantics Immutable records Stream with changes to same record ● Data Semantics ○ Change Data Capture events - READ, CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ○ Multiple events for same record key

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62 Data Semantics [ {"name": "test.movies.movies.Key" }, "payload": { "id": "{\"$oid\": \"1002\"}" } }, {"payload": { "before": null, "after": "{\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"1002\"},\"title\": \"Black Panther\",\"rating\": \"PG-13\",\"imdb\": 7.3}", "source": { "connector": "mysql","name": "test","ts_ms": 1670357925000, "snapshot": "false","db": "movies", … }, "op": "c", "ts_ms": 1670357926132, "transaction": null } }] [ {"name": "test.movies.movies.Key" }, "payload": { "id": "{\"$oid\": \"1002\"}" } }, {"payload": { "before": null, "after": "{\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"1002\"},\"title\": \"Black Panther\",\"rating\": \"PG-13\",\"imdb\": 7.3}", "source": { "connector": "mysql","name": "test","ts_ms": 1670357925000, "snapshot": "false","db": "movies", ... }, "op": "c", "ts_ms": 1670357926132, "transaction": null } }] movie_id movie_title rating imdb_score timestamp 1002 Black Panther PG-13 7.3 2022-12-06 20:18:46 Update record by primary key Dealing with Data Semantics

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Dealing with Data Semantics ID Name Rating IMDB 1002 Black Panther PG-13 7.3 [ {"schema": { "type": "struct", "fields": [ ... ], "optional": false, "name": "test.movies.movies.Key" }, "payload": { "id": "{\"$oid\": \"1002\"}" } }, { "schema": { "type": "struct", "fields": [ ... ], "optional": false, "name": "test.movies.movies.Envelope" }, "payload": { "before": null, "after": "{\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"1002\"},\"title\": \"Black Panther\",\"rating\": \"PG-13\",\"imdb\": 7.3}", "source": { "connector": "mysql", "name": "test", "ts_ms": 1670357925000, "snapshot": "false", "db": "movies", … }, "op": "c", "ts_ms": 1670357926132, "transaction": null } } ] Create Record MySQL Debezium

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Dealing with Data Semantics ID Name Rating IMDB 1002 Black Panther PG-13 8.5 [ {"schema": { "type": "struct", "fields": [ ... ], "optional": false, "name": "test.movies.movies.Key" }, "payload": { "id": "{\"$oid\": \"1002\"}" } }, { "schema": { "type": "struct", "fields": [ ... ], "optional": false, "name": "test.movies.movies.Envelope" }, "payload": { "before": "{\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"1002\"},\"title\": \"Black Panther\",\"rating\": \"PG-13\",\"imdb\": 7.3}, "after": "{\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"1002\"},\"title\": \"Black Panther\",\"rating\": \"PG-13\",\"imdb\": 8.5}", "source": { "connector": "mysql", "name": "test", "ts_ms": 16703579961000, "snapshot": "false", "db": "movies" … }, "op": "u", "ts_ms": 1670357986189, "transaction": null } } ] Update MySQL

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Upsert Manager Primary Key Doc Id DebeziumDecoder Record stored in segment Upsert Metadata Dealing with Data Semantics CREATE

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Upsert Manager Primary Key Doc Id 1002 0 1002 Black Panther PG-13 7.3 DebeziumDecoder Record stored in segment Upsert Metadata Dealing with Data Semantics - CDC UPDATE

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Stream Consumer Decode Transform Index Upsert Manager Primary Key Doc Id 1002 1 1002 Black Panther PG-13 7.3 1002 Black Panther PG-13 8.5 DebeziumDecoder Record stored in segment Upsert Metadata Dealing with Data Semantics - CDC

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68 From Stream to Pinot Data Semantics Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity

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69 From Stream to Pinot Data Partitioning Multiple data sources Data Transformation Derived Data Complex type / Nested Fields Data Granularity Data Semantics

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Stream Processing Still Needed? 70

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Yes! When is Stream Processing Needed? ● Multiple Data sources ○ Complex processing of data from multiple sources such as ■ Stream-Table join ■ Stream-Stream join ● Data that requires re-partitioning 71

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Recap 72

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Realtime Ingestion in Pinot ● Pluggable architecture ● Ingestion-time Data Processing ○ Ingestion Transforms ○ Derived Columns ○ Complex type handling (filtering / flattening) ○ Ingestion Aggregation ○ Upsert semantics ● Use Ingestion features to get data into an optimal form for your use-case 73

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Looking Ahead 74

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Enhancements to Pinot Realtime Engine ● Support record deletion in upsert tables (In Progress - GH#10452) ● Segment compaction in upsert tables (In Progress - GH#6912) ● Support for Data Enrichment ● Support ingesting from multiple sources 75

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Thank You! 76

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Stream Consumer in Apache Pinot ● Streaming data system should ○ Support or allow a partitioned-view of the data for consumption ○ Support or allow deriving a notion of an “offset” or a stream “marker” ○ Support some mechanism to “seek” within a stream ○ Provide message ordering at a partition-level 77

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Stream Decoders in Apache Pinot ● Stream Message Decoders accept the input from a StreamConsumer and convert it into Pinot’s data model represented as a GenericRow ● Custom-build your decoder by implementing a simple interface Interface StreamMessageDecoder { GenericRow decode(T payload, GenericRow destination); } 78