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2025 Uma palestra sobre o futuro

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Jaydson Gomes ["JS Enthusiast", "Software Developer", "BrazilJS guy", "ES6Rocks", "Terra", "Frustrated musician"]

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Tecnologia, Mercado e JavaScript

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A roda

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A internet

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Seu Instagram não serve para nada se você não segue o Solimões

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Web revolution

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Nokia 5120

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“The first phase of mobile was about turning our cellphones into what are essentially powerful pocket PCs. ”

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Tudo smart.

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“Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript” Atwood's Law, 2007

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var s=[],win=window;win.onload=function(){function t(){return Math. round(25*Math.random())*o}function n(){var t=b[g](e[x]("div"));t[w](i, a),t[w]("class","s"),s.push(t)}var e=document,a="position:absolute; background:black; width:20px; height:20px;",r="px",o=20,i="style",p=" up",l="down",u="right",v="left",c="top",d="left",h=parseInt,f="style", w="setAttribute",g="appendChild",x="createElement";n();var m=b[g](e[x] ("div"));s[0][w](i,"top:"+t()+"px; left:"+t()+"px;"+a),m[w](i,a+" background:green; top:"+t()+"px; left:"+t()+"px;"),win. onkeyup=function(t){var n=t.which;87==n&&(y=p),83==n&&(y=l),65==n&& (y=v),68==n&&(y=u)};var y=u,I=setInterval(function(){var e=s[0][f];j=h (e[c]),k=h(e[d]);var a=h(m[f][c]),i=h(e[c]),w=h(m[f][d]),b=h(e[d]); a==i&&w==b&&(n(),m[f][c]=t()+r,m[f][d]=t()+r);for(var g=s.length-1; g>0;g--)e[c]==s[g][f][c]&&e[d]==s[g][f][d]&&clearInterval(I);var x=s [s.length-1][f];y==p?(x[c]=j-o+r,x[d]=k+r):y==l?(x[c]=j+o+r,x[d]=k+r): y==v?(x[c]=j+r,x[d]=k-o+r):y==u&&(x[c]=j+r,x[d]=k+o+r),s.unshift(s. pop())},100)};

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Rich Blocks Framework RIA 2007

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Realidade virtual

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1º de Abril 2012

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+ Node Webkit

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Janeiro 2014

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+ asm.js

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“The best way to predict the future is to invent it” Theodore Hook

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“If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people” Confucius

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Khan Academy ensina ciência da computação em JavaScript

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Stanford já tem módulos de ciência da computação em JavaScript

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1995 2005 Forms Aplicações Enterprise, Ajax (Gmail)

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2015 Sistema Operacional Robôs ? Browser Browser Engine Jogos 3D Realidade virtual Hologramas Smart Coisas Sites ? Drones ? ? ? ? ? Servidor Hardware

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2025 ?

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