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Instant Loading with Service Workers Jeff Posnick @jeffposnick

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App Shell + Service Worker

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Slide 5 text 2G Network, first visit ~ 650ms for above-the-fold

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Take the Network Out of the Picture

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1 second delay in page times leads to 11% fewer page views 16% decrease in customer satisfaction

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What’s an App Shell?

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Anatomy of an App Shell /shell HTML + styles.css Styles app.js JavaScript = Shell

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Populating an App Shell iFixit API Content Shell

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What’s a Service Worker?

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An Air Traffic Controller for Your Requests

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The Life of a Service Worker No Service Worker install Event ↪ Cache the App Shell!

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GET /shell

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template placeholder Service Worker Installation site-wide styles Contents of /shell site-wide JS /* inline styles */ </body> Shell

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The Life of a Service Worker No Service Worker install Event activate Event Idle fetch Event ↪ Cache Clean Up ↪ Handle Network Requests Stopped Stopped

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Service Worker fetch Interception GET /guide/456 fetch Event /shell (from cache) Shell

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Service Workers without the Work sw-precache Shell sw-toolbox Content

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Service Workers without the Work Case Study:

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sw-precache for Your App Shell sw-precache + = npm install --save-dev sw-precache Shell

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sw-precache in Action Shell // [file, hash] pairs ... [js/app.js, hashABC] ... [styles/all.css, hash123] // Service worker code service-worker.js build/{images,js,styles}/**/*

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sw-precache in Action: Updates Shell // [file, hash] pairs ... [js/app.js, hashXYZ] ... [styles/all.css, hash789] // Service worker code service-worker.js

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sw-precache Command-line Interface Shell $ npm install -g sw-precache $ sw-precache --verbose Caching static resource "./images/back.png" (151 B) Caching static resource "./js/app.js" (319.06 kB) Caching static resource "./js/register-service-worker.js" (546 B) Caching static resource "./js/third-party.js" (245.03 kB) Caching static resource "./service-worker.js" (8.59 kB) Caching static resource "./styles/all.css" (1.82 kB) Total precache size is about 575.19 kB for 6 resources. service-worker.js has been generated with the service worker contents.

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gulp.babel.js Shell App Shell Template Partials/Inlines Request Redirection App Shell External Styles/Images/JS sw-toolbox Import swPrecache.write('service-worker.js', { dynamicUrlToDependencies: { '/shell': [...glob.sync(`${BUILD_DIR}/rev/js/**/*.js`), ...glob.sync(`${BUILD_DIR}/rev/styles/all*.css`), `${SRC_DIR}/views/index.handlebars`] }, navigateFallback: '/shell', staticFileGlobs: [ `${BUILD_DIR}/rev/js/**/*.js`, `${BUILD_DIR}/rev/styles/all*.css`], importScripts: [`${BUILD_DIR}/sw/sw-toolbox.js`], });

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sw-toolbox for Your Dynamic Content sw-toolbox npm install --save-dev sw-toolbox Content

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Strategy: Cache-first, Network-fallback Content toolbox.cacheFirst

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Strategy: Network-first, Cache-fallback Content toolbox.networkFirst

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Strategy: Cache/Network Race Content toolbox.fastest

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Thinking Strategically Content toolbox.router.get('/images', toolbox.cacheFirst); toolbox.router.get('/api', toolbox.networkFirst); toolbox.router.get('/profile', toolbox.fastest);

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Why use sw-toolbox?

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Battle Lie-Fi! Content toolbox.router.get( '/path/to/image', toolbox.networkFirst, {networkTimeoutSeconds: 3} );

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Rein in Your Caches! Content toolbox.router.get( '/path/to/images/.*', toolbox.cacheFirst, {cache: { name: 'images', maxEntries: 6 }} );

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sw-toolbox-config.js Content iFixit API Route toolbox.fastest fallback logic Image Route toolbox.cacheFirst LRU cache expiration toolbox.router.get('/api/2.0/(.*)', toolbox.fastest, { origin: /^https:\/\/$/ }); const MISSING_IMAGE = '/images/missing.png'; toolbox.cache(MISSING_IMAGE); function imageHandler(request, values, options) { return toolbox.cacheFirst(request, values, options).catch(() => { return caches.match(MISSING_IMAGE); }); } toolbox.router.get('/(.*)', imageHandler, { cache: {name: 'image-cache', maxEntries: 50}, origin: /$/ });

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if (‘serviceWorker’ in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register(‘sw.js’); } else { // But not all browsers // support service workers! }

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Air Traffic Controllers as Progressive Enhancement(?!?)

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Initial Visit

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Next Visit: Service Worker Supported

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Next Visit: Service Worker Not Supported

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HTTP Caching Best Practices Still Apply ✓ Add hashes to resource file names in your build ↪ /styles/all.css → /styles/all.ed34c56.css ✓ Use far-future HTTP caching headers ↪ Cache-Control: max-age=31536000 Still plays nicely with sw-precache!

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Service Workers FTW! But, service workers let you: ✓ Serve the HTML for the landing page cache-first... ✓ ...even if that page is server-rendered.

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Next Steps:

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Embrace Your Shell!

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iFixit API Demo tree/master/app-shell-demo

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sw-precache Codelab

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Polymer Demo zuperkulblog-progressive

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“Vanilla JS” App Shell

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Instant Loading with Service Workers Jeff Posnick @jeffposnick

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