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Beyond DevOps: Operability for Serverless and IoT Matthew Skelton, Conflux | 22 March 2018, UCL

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Focus on operability to get the best out of Serverless and IoT 2

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About me Matthew Skelton, Conflux @matthewpskelton Leeds, UK 3

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About me Matthew Skelton, Conflux @matthewpskelton Leeds, UK 4

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What we’ll learn ● Beyond DevOps ● Operability as a key focus ● What is Serverless? ● What is an IoT platform? ● Operability for Serverless & IoT 5

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Beyond DevOps Beyond DevOps - Operability for Serverless and IoT 6 @ConfluxHQ

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DevOps 7 ● Infrastructure Automation vs ● “Highly effective, daily collaboration between software developers and IT operations people to produce relevant, working systems”

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Before “Cloud” 8 ● Costly physical infrastructure ● Lengthy deployments (months) ● Mostly manual configuration ● Slow feedback speed ● Optimised for cost

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9 Leonardo Rizzi - CC-SA

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Build vs Operate 10 BUILD OPERATE

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Dev vs Ops 11 DEV OPS

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Wall of Confusion 12 Andrew Clay Shafer / @littleidea

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Feedback and Learning 13 Gene Kim -

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Feedback and Learning 14 Gene Kim -

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Feedback and Learning 15 Gene Kim -

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Type 1: Dev and Ops Collaboration 16

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Type 2: Fully Shared Ops Duties 17

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“Infrastructure as Code” 18 ● Programmable via APIs ● Scripts in version control ● Testable and Test-driven ● Software Engineering practices applied to web infrastructure

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CAMS 19 ● Culture ● Automation ● Measurement ● Sharing John Willis -

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CAMS 20 ● Culture ● Automation ● Measurement ● Sharing John Willis - 25% !!!

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Type 3: Ops as Platform 21

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Platform Teams ● Not on-call for applications ● Responsible only for underlying platform infra ● Provide the platform “as a Service” to Product teams 22

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Product-aligned Teams 23

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Product-aligned Teams ● On-call for application software ● User Experience (UX) ● Product viability ● Software dev & Testing ● Operational concerns 24

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Productivity/Supporting Team(s) 25

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Productivity Teams ● Advise & enable Product teams ● Experienced engineers (software, testing, operations) ● Coordinate cross-team work ● “Heavy lifting” 26

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Invest in code that differentiates your organisation 28

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Infrastructure concerns ● SaaS: Software as a Service ● FaaS: Function as a Service ● PaaS: Platform as a Service ● CaaS: Containers as a Service ● IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service ● On-premise: traditional/manual 29

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Infrastructure concerns ● SaaS: configuration 30

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Infrastructure concerns ● SaaS: configuration ● FaaS: core business logic 31

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Infrastructure concerns ● SaaS: configuration ● FaaS: core business logic ● PaaS: scaling, resource mgt 32

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Infrastructure concerns ● SaaS: Software as a Service ● FaaS: Function as a Service ● PaaS: Platform as a Service ● CaaS: Containers as a Service ● IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service ● On-premise: traditional/manual 33

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Capabilities and Automation 34

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Every software system needs a focus on operability to be successful 35

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What is Serverless? Beyond DevOps - Operability for Serverless and IoT 36 @ConfluxHQ

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Serverless: pay only to execute differentiating code 37

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Serverless 38 Event Stream architecture

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FaaS: Functions as a Service 39 AWS Lambda Azure Functions Google Cloud Functions

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PaaS: Platform as a Service 40

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What is an IoT platform? Beyond DevOps - Operability for Serverless and IoT 41 @ConfluxHQ

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IoT Platform: control and respond to billions of sometimes connected devices 42

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IoT Platform: consumer 43

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IoT Platform: manufacturing 44

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IoT Platform: exploratory 45

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Operability: a key focus Beyond DevOps - Operability for Serverless and IoT 46 @ConfluxHQ

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operability: an ability to work well (in Production) 47

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Operability Deploy Monitor Diagnose Debug Query Control Inspect Clear 48

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Operability for Serverless & IoT Beyond DevOps - Operability for Serverless and IoT 49 @ConfluxHQ

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Operability for Serverless/IoT 50 “Even if the cloud provider is doing everything, ... is my latency where my customers need it to be? The provider’s going to do the best they can to give me a great service, but if my customers don’t agree, then I have a problem.” -- Kelsey Hightower, @kelseyhightower

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Operability for Serverless/IoT 51 ● UX: latency, “service” ● Prevent: pro-active, improve ● Security: perimeter explosion ● Audit: data, traceability, archive ● Compliance: PII, GDPR, SOX ● Cost control: pay per execution

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User Experience 52 ● Latency ● “Service” “How much does this organisation care about my end-to-end experience?”

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Preventative approaches 53 ● Billions of metrics ● Automatic correlation ● Automated anomaly detection ● Act as ‘sensing’ for Product “It just works”

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Security 55 ● Perimeter explosion (FaaS, IoT) ● Auto-renewal for Certs ● Egress detection for data ● Dependency scanning “I feel safe with these people”

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56 Guy Podjarny / InfoQ

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Audit & Compliance 57 ● What data do you hold? ● Changes: where, when, who? ● Archive: secure, relevant “Show me your approach to data removal for consumers”

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Cost control 58 ● Detect run-away executions ● Retire little-used functions ● Prevent DoS → $$$ ● Rapid product decisions “What is the cost of this feature?”

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Operability for Serverless & IoT: design for operational transparency 59

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Modern logging & tracing 1/ Distinct states (Event ID) {Delivered, InTransit, Arrived} 60

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Modern logging & tracing 2/ Trace the path (Correlation ID) 612999958.. 61

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Modern logging & tracing 3/ ● Dev teams and Ops teams collaborate on logging details: ○ Log messages ○ EventID ○ Correlation ● Invest in logging (time & tools) 62

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Run Book dialogue sheets 1/ 63

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Run Book dialogue sheets 2/ ● Checklists for typical operational considerations ● Team-friendly exploration around a large table ● See 64

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Summary Beyond DevOps - Operability for Serverless and IoT 65 @ConfluxHQ

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Operability for Serverless/IoT ● Is infrastructure automation the best approach for your org? ● Invest in areas that differentiate your organisation ● Make systems operate well 66

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Operability for Serverless & IoT: design for operational transparency 67

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Further reading Team Guide to Software Operability Matthew Skelton & Rob Thatcher Download a free sample chapter 68

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Questions? @matthewpskelton 69