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Ruby & You

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Today is not Friday...

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But I believe in hugs everyday

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RubyConf India in Review

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Even profiler has bugs. Always measure. Verify Results.

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reading code is the most common task

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Functional Programming makes code understandable by minimizing moving parts

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If it's working for facebook it should react for everyone else

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whatever styling you define in your shadow dom is not affected by any outside styling. Goodbye iframes.

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live coding is tough

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live coding git branch shifting is tough

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require 'bliss'

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There is no silver bullet

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It's not for production

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Cryptography is hard

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Don't Cross the Streams

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Beach Party

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it simulates motion, like ruby motion

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So many queries. So many things. So many aggregations.

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It works in theory, but not in production

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Do not put your code to sleep

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Fewer objects makes a faster Ruby

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Profiling is not the same as benchmarking. You want to know the split up.

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Terence Lee @hone02

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Austin, TX

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No content

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Matz’s Ruby Team

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← Matz

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← ko1

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← ko1 Performance Prince

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nobu →

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nobu → Patch Monster

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Top 5 Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 | sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu <--- 867 akr 710 svn 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak

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Top 5 (Human) Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 | sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu 867 akr 710 svn <--- 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak

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Top 5 (Human) Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 | sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu 867 akr 710 svn 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak <---

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zzak (@_zzak) sensei (せんせい)

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Agenda ● Story Time ● Working with Ruby ● A Potential Future

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Story Time

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CVE-2013-4164 22 November 2013

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untrusted_data.to_f Vulnerable Code

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Venue of Attack JSON.parse untrusted_data

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Metasploit def digit_pattern @digit_pattern ||= rand(10_000).to_s end def multiplier (500_000 * (1.0/digit_pattern.size)).to_i end def evil_float_string [digit_pattern, digit_pattern * multiplier].join('.') end JSON.parse("[#{evil_float_string}]")

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$ ruby repro.rb [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-linux] -- C level backtrace information ---------------------- /../lib/ [0x7f8787802aa8] /../rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ /../lib/ [0x7f87876a9af3] /../lib/ [0x7f8787780f66]

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Affected Versions ● Ruby 1.8 after 1.8.6p230 ● Ruby 1.9 prior to 1.9.3p484 ● Ruby 2.0 prior to 2.0.0p353 ● Ruby 2.1 prior to 2.1.0 preview2 ● trunk prior to revision 43780

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Solution... All users are recommended to upgrade to ● Ruby 1.9.3p484 ● Ruby 2.0.0p353 ● Ruby 2.1.0 preview2

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What about Ruby 1.8.7? Please note that Ruby 1.8 series or any earlier releases are already obsoleted. There is no plan to release new FIXED versions for them.

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Ruby 1.9.2?

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Doubts 1. Don’t do anything 2. Patch just once 3. Maintain Ruby 1.8.7/1.9.2

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A Patch in Time Heroku releases two unofficial rubies: 1. Ruby 1.9.2p321 2. Ruby 1.8.7p375

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To:,,,, At Heroku, we’re still maintaining security fixes for customers on 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 while we figure out our end of life process. After discussion on the security list, I’d like to apply these patches to the proper branches upstream so things don’t get out of sync. Here are the commits I’d like to apply: -Terence

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Getting on Core ● Send enough patches ● port Ruby to non-POSIX platforms ● write library brought into stdlib ● security backporting

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Friendly Reminder UPGRADE Your Rubies!!!!!!!!!!!

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PSA Ruby 1.8.7 / 1.9.2 Support Ended last August 2013

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Ruby 1.9.3 support ended 23/2/2015

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Ruby 2.0.0 support ends 24 Feb 2016

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Working with Ruby

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Why Should You Care?

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Why Do I Care?

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The people are the most important part.

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Why Should You Care?

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Getting the Source (SVN) Trunk: $ svn co ruby Branch: $ svn co \ http://svn.ruby-lang. org/repos/ruby/branches/ruby_2_0_0

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Getting the Source (git-svn) $ git clone \ git:// git $ cd ruby $ git svn init \ svn+ssh://svn@ci.ruby- $ mv .git/refs/remotes/origin/trunk \ . git/refs/remotes/git-svn $ git svn rebase

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Did you know... the patchlevel no. is incremented by hand

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all dates are in JST (UTC +9)

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Top 5 (Human) Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 | sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu 867 akr 710 svn <--- 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak

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Running Tests $ mkdir build $ autoconf $ cd build $ ./configure --prefix=~/tmp/xxx --enable-shared \ --with-openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl \ --with-readline-dir=/path/to/readline \ --with-zlib-dir=/path/to/zlib $ make test-all TESTS=-v

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Running Individual Test Files $ make test-all TESTS=drb/test_drb.rb

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Creating a Patch $ diff -pu original/ changed/ \ > ruby-changes.patch $ svn diff > ruby-changes.patch $ git diff > ruby-changes.patch

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Mailing Lists ( →

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● Ruby-Talk ● Ruby-Core ● Ruby-Doc ● Ruby-CVS

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Twitter is not a bug tracker

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Issue Tracker (

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Filing Issues ● Bugs are fixed on trunk first ● Can request backport once committed to trunk ●

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Create an Account / Login →

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Search for Existing Issues →

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Issue List

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No content

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Slide 92 text Maintainer’s List

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No content

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Security ● Email ● Responsible Disclosure ● Vulnerability/Use cases ● Affected Rubies

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Story: Insecure SSL Defaults ● Ruby get it’s default from OpenSSL ● Who’s responsibility is it?

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No content

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Ruby Core Developer Meetings ● Draft an agenda ● Pick a date (estimate) ● Ask Matz ● Ask ruby-core

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No content

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More Protips...

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English is not everyone’s primary language

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Nor is Japanese

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People on Ruby Core speak Ruby

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Issues are often consumed over e-mail

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A Potential Future

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Goals ● Trust ● Transparency ● Onboarding

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No content

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Moving to Git ● Backport Tools ● Redmine ● Version Log ● Others? ● Convince Core ● Profit…?

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Supporting Legacy Rubies

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Improve Onboarding Materials

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Testing Ruby 2.1.x

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Anybody can contribute to Ruby

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There’s more to contribution than C code

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May the Ruby be with you

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Thank You ありがとがざいます @hone02

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Bonus Round

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Ruby 3.0

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No content

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JIT Compiler?

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Static Typing?

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Static Annotations def connect(r -> Stream, c -> Client) -> Fiber … end

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Why Static Typing?

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Why Static Typing? ● Performance

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Why Static Typing? ● Performance ● Compile Time Check

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Why Static Typing? ● Performance ● Compile Time Check ● Documentation

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Why Not?

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Why Not Static Typing? ● It works™ without it

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Why Not Static Typing? ● It works™ without it ● It is against duck typing

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Why Not Static Typing? ● It works™ without it ● It is against duck typing ● It will be optional

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Why Not Static Typing? ● It works™ without it ● It is against duck typing ● It will be optional ● DRY