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How We Send Alert To the right People DevOpsDays Taipei 2022

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About Me Tsung-Ting, Wu ken.wu SRE Software engineer

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Agenda Issues Issue with alert sending we encounter Alert Orchestration Concept and solution Conclusion Summary and takeway

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Company A Organization Structure ● Startup(3+ years) ● Service Team: 4 ● RD: 30(Ops: 4, SRE: 1) ● You build it, You run it

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Data Pipeline

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Team in pipeline

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Monitoring Prometheus + AlertManger

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Service B worker Lost No consumer on Queue

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Issue 1 Notify Team B their worker does not consume job ● manually mention team b member in channel ● No alert activity ● who is the responder ? ops_channel pipeline_team_channel

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Issue 2 No one knows who is already read/received the alert ● manually mention team b member in channel ● No alert activity ● who is the responder ?

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Issue 3 Alert Routing issue with other team ● Different Team may have different way to collect metric and receive alert ● No Standard way to deliver alert to others in the same company

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Issue 4 Alert Routing with Multiple region/dc tw-1 eu-1

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Issues Issue 1 Multiple Region/dc Management Issue 3 No standard way to deliver alert across teams Issue 2 lack of Alert Observability alert management should decouple with monitoring tool

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Alert Orchestration Alert Centralization Alert Routing On-call management & Alert Escalation Incident Management

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SRE Conference 2022 - How to Build a Healthy On-Call Culture

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Opsgenie ref:

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Opsgenie ref: Detect Response

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Grafana OnCall ref:

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No content

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Alert Centralization Team based integration

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Alert Centralization ● All Alert in one place ● Ack !!!! ● Alert Activity

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Alert Centralization ● All Alert in one place ● Ack !!!! ● Alert Activity

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Alert Centralization Alert Activity Log Alert Fired notify next user in Team A notify on-call user in Team A no ack

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Alert Escalation Notify users in a desired order Alert Fired notify next user in Team A notify on-call user in Team A no ack notify Admin in Team A no ack

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Alert Escalation P1 Alert

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Alert Escalation ● daily/Weekly rotation ● Work-hour and off-hour rotation On-call management

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Alert Escalation ● usecase 1 ○ P1: Phone call ○ P2: App ○ P3~P5: email ● usecase 2 ○ off-hour low priority alert :email Notification method

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● Alert policy in opsgenie ● Alert enrichment/silence ● Global Policy and Team based Policy ● processed by ○ alert message title ○ tag ○ Key-value Alert Routing routing and enrichment

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routing and enrichment ● Enrich alert ● Global Policy and Team based Policy ● processed by ○ alert message title ○ tag ○ Key-value ○ etc Alert Routing

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Opsgenie ref:

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Incident Management Alert associated with Incident Timeline

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Opsgenie ref:

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Incident Management Post incident analysis

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Recap Prometheus + AlertManger

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Recap(cond.) Issue 1 Multiple Region/dc Management Issue 3 No standard way to deliver alert across teams Issue 2 lack of Alert Observability alert management should decouple with monitoring tool

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Alert Lifecycle ref:

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Takeaway ● Define alert label first(e.g reigon, service) ● Actionable alert / Alert Severity/ Alert Priority ● Use managed service ○ Pagerduty, opsgenie, grafana OnCall(cloud) etc. ● Opsgenie must use Standard plan to use advanced alert routing feature

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik. Thanks! CREDITS: this presentation template was created by slidesgo, Flaticon, Freepik tsungtwu @tsungtwu