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G2.1 – Causative Verbs Lesson 1/1 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc. ESL Lesson Plan

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© 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc. Thank you for downloading your free Off2Class lesson plan! This teacher-led lesson plan is designed using the communicative approach - perfect for teaching students online or in any screen-enabled classroom. To access the Teacher Notes and Answer Key, or to assign homework, click here to set up your free Off2class account. Don’t forget to join the discussion on Facebook to get access to other great tools for online ESL instruction.

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A causative is when a subject causes someone / something else to do something My brother let me drive his car. My brother: causes the action to happen let: the causative verb me: the agent that is performing the action drive: the action © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Common causative verbs are let, make, have and get subject (causing the action to happen) causative verb agent performing the action I let her have a cookie before dinner. They made me do my homework. I had the painter decorate the house. I got the mechanic to check the brakes. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Let means ‘to allow someone to do something’ John let me borrow some money. Will your parents let you go to the party? subject let agent bare infinitive I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What about you? When you were a child, what did your parents let you do? Did they let you stay out late? Did they let you eat whatever you wanted? Did they let you spend time with your friends on weekdays? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Complete with a bare infinitive + extra information if necessary A B Her friend let her... His boss lets him... C His dad won’t let him... © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Allow, permit and enable can be used in a way similar to let… Her parents let her stay out late. Her parents allowed her to stay out late. …but allow, permit and enable are followed by infinitives. = Her parents permitted her to stay out late. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Complete with let or allow. You might need to change the tense 1. She doesn’t _____ her children watch violent movies. 2. Her parents won’t _____ her get a puppy because they are allergic. 3. The boss _____ his employees to wear jeans on Fridays. 4. The teacher _____ her students to use a dictionary during the exams. 5. The police officer wouldn’t _____ her enter the building. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Make is used as a causative verb to mean ‘to force someone to do something’ My teacher made me apologize for what I had said. She made her children do their homework. subject make agent bare infinitive © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Complete with a bare infinitive + extra information if necessary A B His parents made... Her parents made... © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Complete with a bare infinitive + extra information if necessary A B The movie made... Reading the card made... © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Force and cause can be used in a way similar to make… Her parents made her go to school. Her parents forced her to go to school. …but force and cause are followed by infinitives. =

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Choose make or force 6. When they were children, their parents _____ them wear matching outfits. 7. She _____ her boyfriend to go with her to the ballet. 8. The constant stress _____ her to quit her job. 9. Peter _____ his brother go with him, so that he wouldn’t be alone. 10.His sense of humor _____ her fall in love with him. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Have as a causative verb means… Dr Peterson had his nurse take the patient's temperature. Please have your secretary email me the information. subject have agent bare infinitive ‘to give someone the responsibility to do something.’ © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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It’s common to use have when we talk about services that are done for us How often do you have someone cut your hair? How often do you have someone wash your car? Have you ever had someone tailor your pants? Have you ever had someone clean your house? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Make logical sentences He had the mechanic… She had the doctor… …repair the toilet. …fix his car. She had the plumber… …arrange her travel plans. She had her secretary… …perform the surgery. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Get can be used in a similar way to have… I got the mechanic to check my brakes. I had the mechanic check my brakes. subject get agent infinitive …but get is followed by an infinitive. Get as a causative verb means ‘to convince someone to do something.’ The mechanic didn’t think it was necessary, but I finally convinced him to check the brakes.. I asked the mechanic to check the brakes.

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Choose have or get 11. Susie _________ her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible. 12. Can you _________ your secretary mail the package as soon as possible? 13. How can parents _________ their children to read more? 14. The government TV commercials are trying to _________ people to stop smoking. 15. She _________ the florist deliver the flowers to the hospital. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Let, make or have? 16. Sarah requested a copy of that expense report, so I _________ the courier take one over to her last week. 17. Dan thinks playing video games is a waste of time, so he won't _______ his children play video games. 18. Mr. Jones ______________ his secretary confirm his meeting on Thursday with Mrs Keating. 19. Luis ________________ me drive his new BMW. I couldn't believe how fast it was! © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Let, make or have? 20.Tommy didn't want to go to his cousin's birthday party, but his mom _________ him go. 21. I can't believe the zookeeper ___________ you pet the monkey. That was so cool! 22. I _____________ the editor recheck the article several times to avoid any mistakes. 23. Dr. Jackson ____________ the nurse monitor the patient overnight. © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Help can be used as a causative verb with either structure: He helped me to carry the groceries. subject help agent bare infinitive subject help agent infinitive Exercising helps me to relax. He helped me carry the groceries. Exercising helps me relax. = = © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.