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How (Not) To Build An OSS Community * Hello * Enjoying PyCon? Food Coma? * Talk about something near & dear: community

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Who? Daniel Lindsley Run several communities Haystack / Tastypie / Django Dash

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What Are We Talking About? * Building a community takes work * I've done this a couple times * Failed at building a couple * Struggle with this constantly

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Why Is This Hard? * Damn fleshy people! * So much less predictable than a computer * They won't necessarily do what you tell them * Short attention spans * Other competing projects * Limited time

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Let’s Start With Failures...

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* Time to hop into the time machine... * I started making OSS in college but it never went far. * Fresh-faced out of college & sick of all the other PHP web frameworks, I...

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Case Study #1: Remarkable Framework * You guessed it, wrote my own

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Case Study #1: Remarkable Framework PHP5 web framework * PHP 5 (when that was the new hotness)

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Case Study #1: Remarkable Framework PHP5 web framework Better than the other early options * It was pretty good

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Case Study #1: Remarkable Framework PHP5 web framework Better than the other early options No one ever used it * I built it, but no one came

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Case Study #1: Why did it fail?

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Case Study #1: Why did it fail? Limited docs * A tutorial by itself isn’t enough * JKM has lots of good thoughts on this

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Case Study #1: Why did it fail? Limited docs No public VCS, just tarballs * Opaque development

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Case Study #1: Why did it fail? Limited docs No public VCS, just tarballs Lack of exposure * This is something that only builds with time/influence * POLITELY get it in front of other more prominent members

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Case Study #1: Why did it fail? Limited docs No public VCS, just tarballs Lack of exposure Lack of support channels * IRC * Mailing lists * The Twitters * Etc.

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Case Study #1: Why did it fail? Limited docs No public VCS, just tarballs Lack of exposure Lack of support channels No place to report issues * I’d never used a real bugtracker, because LOLcollege * SourceForge was still hot, so you know this is antiquity * And it was PHP, just before Zend Framework, CakePHP & the others came out.

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Case Study #2: Haystack Django library for Search Decent usage 1.1k GH stars 140k PyPI downloads * Three years later, I worked on making search in Django better * Some things were done differently

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Case Study #3: Tastypie Django library for RESTful APIs Again, decent usage ~1.9k GH stars 136k PyPI downloads * 1.5 years later, now it was time to tackle RESTful APIs... * Applied the same approach, to a different outcome.

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went better?

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went better? Lots of docs * Tutorials, limited guides, good-ish API docs

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went better? Lots of docs On GitHub within 2 weeks of initial commits * GitHub drew early adopters & made the development transparent * BitBucket is just as good

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went better? Lots of docs On GitHub within 2 weeks of initial commits IRC + mailing list

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went better? Lots of docs On GitHub within 2 weeks of initial commits IRC + mailing list Announced to others * Twitter announcements fueled a lot of initial interest * Other people started talking about them

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went better? Lots of docs On GitHub within 2 weeks of initial commits IRC + mailing list Announced to others Had its own site/domain * Don’t underestimate a vanity URL * Promise a designer favors (or better yet, get them using your stuff so they feel obligated to help)

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went wrong? * They haven’t been without their warts though

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went wrong? Single committer * How scalable is a single node? * SPOF

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went wrong? Single committer Weak release notifications * Didn't post updates to the site on releases

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went wrong? Single committer Weak release notifications Some early docs issues * Use Read the Docs & be happier

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Case Study #2 & 3: What went wrong? Single committer Weak release notifications Some early docs issues No contribution guidelines * Very little form to the pull requests, requiring lots of cleanup

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Noticing Common Themes?

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How You Start A Community a.k.a. Why you came to this talk...

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Uniting Purpose A fragmented community quickly tears itself apart. * This often falls out of the software itself, as it was built for a purpose * But be warned that some users will have other ideas about how to use it * Accommodating (most) everyone puts you in a better position * Fewer hostile forks

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Focused Purpose Move together or be torn apart by momentum. * Be careful not to turn it into an end-all unless you’re sure it can be * Spin off advanced/specialized functionality as a plugin that builds on top

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Documentation Just because you built it doesn’t mean they will come. * Except for rare situations (absolute need or so sexy!), without this, no one will use it * Case in point: It’s why many of you know about Flask but virtually no one knows about Itty * Lack of docs means most people will get frustrated & move on

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Communication Will make or break you. * This goes along with focus * People want to know it’s actively developed on, what the future holds, how to get help, how they can help * IRC * Mailing lists * Website * Twitter

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Feedback Like a guitar amp, sometimes it’s too loud. * Users need a forum in which they can voice their issues, their needs, where they find shortcomings, what they’d love to see * Lots of good ideas * Sometimes lots of bad ideas * Separate the wheat from the chaff, but do it NICELY * Ticket trackers * Spend time chatting with the heavy-duty users as well as the newbies

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Show Progress If no one can see it, no one will use it. * Again, people want to see active development * Everyone dreads the creaky old library no one has given any love & could break at any moment * Should feel like a celebration, both for you & for the community

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Make Contribution Easy It’s the only way you’ll get any contribution at all. * GH/BB model of fork & pull req * Define **how** others can contribute * I suck at this one

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Listen Graciously accept both positive & negative feedback. * You should consider yourself a success when you acquire haters * Remember there are lots of happy people who are quietly using the software * I’m super-thin-skinned, so I struggle with this one nightly

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I did promise PAINFUL lessons learned, didn’t I?

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What You Absolutely, Positively, Should Never Do Under Any Conditions

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Feel Obligated Unless they’re paying you. * I struggled with this, trying to provide support at all hours, even late at night * You burn-out very, very quickly * If they're not paying you, you don't owe them * You need to reserve time for yourself

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Not Letting Others In * If you even start feeling like you're behind, it's time to get help * This isn't as easy as it sounds * Addressing quality/style/commit style/attribution/triage/etc.

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Not Documenting Enough Hint: There’s never enough documentation. * It's not enough to just have technical documentation * You actually need community documentation as well * LICENSE, AUTHORS * Standards for code * Steps to filing an issue * Steps to creating a patch/pull request * Possibly a style guide?

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Not Communicating Enough Consider hiring a town crier. * Users aren't staring at your repo all day * Make it easy for them to get the information they need * Blog posts * Mailing list announcements * Tweets * Et cetera * Responsiveness in tickets as well

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Long Release Cycles I am the worst. * I'm so, so guilty of this. * Let go sooner * If a major bug fix lands or there's a new feature, push it out the door * Don't wait for something that's "big enough"

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Lack Of Empathy You might be the first thing they stumbled on from Google. * Remember that they're likely not an expert * They likely don't know the codebase * Just like you, they probably just want things to work so they can get on with their day

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Not Listening Set aside your ego & open your mind. * Sometimes the community is right * Listen to their concerns * Be open to new ideas

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Conclusion Running a community is not rocket science

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Conclusion Running a community is not rocket science ...but it is a lot of social science

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Conclusion Running a community is not rocket science ...but it is a lot of social science Be understanding

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Conclusion Running a community is not rocket science ...but it is a lot of social science Be understanding Provide a venue

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Conclusion Running a community is not rocket science ...but it is a lot of social science Be understanding Provide a venue Be passionate

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And win!

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Thanks. Questions? @daniellindsley