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Material Design with Polymer 2014-07-28 ୈ49ճ HTML5ͱ͔ษڧձ Ayumu Sato @ahomu

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ࠤ౻ า ͞ͱ͏ ͋ΏΉ

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ϋϯυϧωʔϜ ahomu @

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100ਓ͘Β͍͔ͱࢥͬͯͨΒ 350ਓืूͰϏϏͬͯ·͢ɻ

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Profile • גࣜձࣾαΠόʔΤʔδΣϯτ • WebϑϩϯτΤϯυΤϯδχΞ • PHPer + SE → Frontend + Node + Android + AWS͋ • HTML5 ʹ͓͚Δ༓ྶ෦һͷͻͱΓ • ࠷ۙͷ೰Έ͸ɺࣾ಺ͰΦοαϯʹݟΒΕΔ͜ͱʢΞϥαʔʣ

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Agenda • Google I/O ͷײ૝ • Material Design ͷ͓͞Β͍ • ίϯηϓτ • ΨΠυϥΠϯͷαϚϦʔ • Web Ͱ࢖͏ • Polymer • Papaer Elements

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Google I/O 2014

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ॳɾGoogle I/O

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ͪΌΜͱࢀՃ͠·ͨ͠ Registration ͔Βͯ͠ӳձ࿩ྗͷແ͞Λ௧ײ

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ӳޠ͕ୡऀͰ͸ͳ͍ͷͰ ࣈນ੮ͷ͓ੈ࿩ʹ

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͋ͱ͸งғؾͰ ʗ(^o^)ʘ

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Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development

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How we built Chrome Dev Editor with the Chrome platform

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Material science: Developing Android applications with material design

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Material design: Visual style and imagery

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Material design: Motion

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ͱͯ΋ҙ͕ࣝߴ·Γ·ͨ͠ ʢখฒײʣ

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Material Design ϚςϦΞϧσβΠϯ

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Android ?

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HTML5 ͱ͔

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Google Design

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͞·͟·ͳ؀ڥͰ ౷Ұ͞ΕͨମݧΛ࣮ݱ͢Δ

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across Platforms • Android • iOS • All browsers…

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across Devices • Smartphone • Tablet • Wearable • Automobile • All PCs…

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Material is the metapher

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Design metaphor inspired by paper and ink

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఻౷తͳάϥϑΟοΫσβΠϯ ! ۙ୅ٕज़ʹΑΔΠϊϕʔγϣϯ

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Material is the metaphor Bold, graphic, intentional Motion provides meaning

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Google Design

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Authentic Motion Responsive Interaction Meaningful Transitions Delightful Detail Animation

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Color Typography Icons Imagery Style

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Principles Metrics and Keylines Structure Layout

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Button Sheets Buttons Cards Chips Dialogs Grids … Components

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Selection Gestures Promoted Actions Settings Imagery Treatment Search Patterns

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Accesibility Usability

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• Animation • Style • Layout • Components • Patterns • Usability • Resources Layout Tempaltes Sticker Sheets Roboto Font Color Palettes Resources

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iOS 7 Design Resources

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2010೥ࠒ • ͳΜͰ΋͔ΜͰ΋ iOS ͬΆ͍ײ͕͡ྲྀߦΔ • ActionSheet ΍ AletView Έ͍ͨͳUIΛϒϥ΢βͰ࠶ൃ໌ • ͭΒ͍ • ͋ɺjQuery Mobile ͞Μ… • Android ͷීٴɺσβΠϯϦςϥγʔͷ޲্ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ ϑϥοτσβΠϯͷོ੝ͳͲͰϑΣʔυΞ΢τ

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Twitter Bootstrap

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2012೥ࠒ • Twitter Bootstrap ͷྲྀߦ • ਺ଟ͘ͷ؅ཧπʔϧ͕ Bootstrap Խ • ΤϯδχΞʹେਓؾ • ΦʔϓϯιʔεϓϩδΣΫτͷαΠτͱ͔΋ Bootstrap • ͜Ε͸͍·ͩʹଓ͍ͯΔҹ৅

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Microsoft Design

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࣮͸ • Microsoft ΋ཱ೿ͳσβΠϯΨΠυϥΠϯΛ๊͍͑ͯͨ • εΠεͷάϥϑΟοΫσβΠϯʹώϯτΛಘͯΔͱ͔ • Metro ͱ͍͏໊લ͕঎ඪ໰୊ͱ͔Ͱ Modern ʹͳͬͯΔͱ͔ • ݸਓతʹ޷͖ͳͷͰ͕Μ͹ͬͯ΄͍͠Ͱ͢ ( ˘ω˘)

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Flat Pixels (article)

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ʠ This style offers the best of both world: realism's affordances and subtle hints combined with the purity and simplicity off flat design.

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ࠓޙ • Material Design ͷৄࡉͳεϖοΫ͸ࢀߟʹͳΔ • ࣮૷͢΂͖۩ମత಺༰ͱ࣮૷ࡁͷίʔυ͕ଘࡏ͢Δͷ͕ڧΈ • Android L ΄͔ Android ϑΝϛϦʔͰ׆༂༧ఆʁ • Webϒϥ΢βͷੈքʹ͸ਐग़Ͱ͖Δ͔ʁ • ͕͢͞ʹ౰࣌ͷ iOS ΄Ͳͷঢ়ଶ͸๚Εͳ͍ؾ͕…

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On the Web Webʹ͓͚ΔϚςϦΞϧσβΠϯ

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Material design with Polymer

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Paper Elements Core Elements

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Paper Elements Demo

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Elements Collections

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! !

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Hello my-app

This is Drawer This is Main

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●●● ■■■ ●●● ■■■

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Polymer Designer

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> :host { display: block color: white; }

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Unlock the next era of UI development with Polymer

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Is this project related to Angular JS?

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ʠ Nope. Polymer isn’t like things that have come before. Polymer is the first of a new kind of library taking advantage of Web Components.

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How is polymer related to Material Design?

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ʠ Polymer played a key role in material design’s development: it was used to quickly prototype and iterate on design concepts.

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Is polymer Production ready?

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ʠ Polymer is currently in “developer preview”.

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͓ͬ͠Όʔ ϚςϦΞϧͬͧ͆͆͢

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ΉΉΉ… • Web Components ࣗମ͕ Chrome 36 ͕΍ͬͱ͜ରԠ • Platform.js ͋Δ͚Ͳɺ͍͔ʹ΋ Developer Preview • ϞόΠϧͰ Polymer/Web Componentsେৎ෉͔ • γϟυ΢ͱΞχϝʔγϣϯͷଟ༻͸ϒϥ΢βWebͷఱఢ • Material Design ͦͷ΋ͷ͕ɺAndroid L ʹ޲͚ͯ͜Ε͔Β • Android ͷ UIWidget ྨ΋ɺ·ͩΑ͘͸ಈ͔ͳ͍

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: )

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• Material Design ͕ྲྀߦΔ͔͸ผͱͯ͠ษڧʹͳΔ • Web ༻ʹ͸ Polymer + Paper Elements Λར༻Ͱ͖Δ • Material Design ΋ Polymer (Web Components) ΋ൃల్্ • ϓϩμΫγϣϯ༻్Ͱීٴ͠͏Δͷ͸ɺ΋͏গ͠ઌͷະདྷ

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Thanks! @ahomu ! ⌂