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AngularJS The bridge between today and tomorrow's web

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• @toddmotto • GDE • Lead engineer @ Mozio • Google, Intel, Rolling Stone • Open source (ngStyleguide, conditionizr)

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The story • Yesterday, where we came from • Tomorrow, where we’re headed • Today, what’s available • Angular future thinking/mappings • Angular today • Angular tomorrow

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Oh my!

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Awesome letters

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Where are we now?

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• , • WebGL, • getUserMedia • ServiceWorker • Geolocation (kinda) • Fullscreen API • WebSockets

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• local and session storage • History API • Indexed DB • Web SQL (kinda) • Native form validation (required, email etc) • FormData • Dataset (custom data-*)

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• HTML5 semantics • File/FileReader API • classList API • Drag and drop • postMessage • contenteditable

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And breathe. HTML5 is huge.

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To make things even more difficult for us...

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Frameworks and Model-View-Whatever

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• Angular • Knockout • Ember • React • Backbone

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Why frameworks?

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We're still missing stuff! • Templates/Encapsulation/Components • Two-way data binding/Model data • Promises and Class-like components • Modules • Dependency Injection (DI) • Software patterns (MVC/MVVM)

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So where are we going?

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Incoming... • Web Components (HTML5) • Object.observe (ES7) [deprecated] • Native Promises (ES6) • Modules (ES6) • Classes (ES6)

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Web Components Custom Elements

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Web Components: Custom Elements

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Web Components Templates

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Web Components: Templates :host { position: relative; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; }

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Web Components Shadow DOM

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Web Components: Shadow DOM ▾ ▾#shadow-root (user-agent)

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Web Components HTML Imports

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Web Components: HTML Imports

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ES7 Object.observe - deprecated

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ES7: Object.observe - deprecated // // Let's say we have a model with data var model = {}; // Which we then observe Object.observe(model, function(changes){ // This asynchronous callback runs changes.forEach(function(change) { // Letting us know what changed console.log(change.type,, change.oldValue); }); });

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ES6 Promises

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ES6: Promises // var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (/* everything turned out fine */) { resolve('Stuff worked!'); } else { reject(Error('It broke')); } }); promise.then(function (result) { console.log(result); // "Stuff worked!" }, function(err) { console.log(err); // Error: "It broke" });

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ES6 Modules

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ES6: Modules // MainCtrl.js export default function () { = 'AngularJS' } // app.js import {MainCtrl} from './MainCtrl.js'; console.log(; // 'AngularJS' angular.module('myApp', []) .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);

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ES6 Classes

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ES6: Classes class ExampleController { constructor() { this.model = { name: '', power: '' }; this.heros= []; } add(hero) { this.heros.push(hero); } }

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So... Where's Angular?

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Angular Custom Elements

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Angular: Custom Elements

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Angular Templates

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Angular: Templates function googleMap () { return { scope: {}, bindToController: { longitude: '=', latitude: '=' }, template: [ '
', '
', '
', ].join('') }; } angular.module('app').directive('googleMap', googleMap);

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Angular "Shadow DOM"

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Angular: "Shadow DOM"

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Angular HTML Imports

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Angular: HTML Imports function googleMap () { return { scope: {}, bindToController: { longitude: '=', latitude: '=' }, templateUrl: '../google-map.html' }; } angular .module('app') .directive('googleMap', googleMap);

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Angular $scope.$watch

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Angular: $scope.$watch function MainCtrl ($scope) { $scope.model = {}; // Object $scope.$watch('model', function (newVal, oldVal) { // newVal and oldVal }); } angular .module('app') .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);

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Angular Promises

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Angular: Promises // $q underneath $http .get('/someurl') .then(function (response) { // :) }, function (reason) { // :( });

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Above and beyond specs Building on top of the web platform

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Angular: Dependency Injection function MainCtrl ($scope, $rootScope) { // use $scope and $rootScope } angular .module('app') .controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl);

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Angular: Declarative bindings

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Angular: DOM creation/destruction

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Angular: JS Objects as DOM

{{ vm.someModel }}

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Angular: Expressions

{{ }} | ({{ user.notifications.length }})

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Angular: Automated events
  • Compose email
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    Angular: Component lifecycles • Automatic event binding/unbinding • Creation/destruction of DOM and ($scope) Model data • ng-ifs, DOM stored in memory

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    Angular: Routing function Router ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/inbox', { templateUrl: 'views/mailbox.html', controller: 'InboxCtrl as vm', resolve: InboxCtrl.resolve }).when('/email/:id', { templateUrl: 'views/email.html', controller: 'EmailCtrl as vm', resolve: EmailCtrl.resolve }).otherwise({ redirectTo: 'inbox' }); }; angular.module('app').config(Router);

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    Angular: Modules/submodules angular .module('app', [ 'ngRoute', 'Auth', 'growl' ]);

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    Angular: Form validation Submit

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    Angular 2

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    Angular 2: ES6 + TypeScript import {Component} from 'angular2/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: '

    Hello world!

    ' }) export class AppComponent {}

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    Angular 2: Syntax
  • {{ item.label }}

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    Angular 2: Classes export class Todo { constructor() { this.todos = [ { label: 'Learn Angular', complete: false}, { label: 'Deploy to S3', complete: true } ]; } updateIncomplete() { return this.todos.filter(item => !item.complete).length; } deleteItem(index) { this.todos.splice(index, 1); } }

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    Preparing for Angular 2

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    Angular 2: Preparing • Use controllerAs and bindToController • Use new component() method • Integrate ES6 and/or TypeScript • ngForward and ngUpgrade

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    Takeaways • Angular helps deliver the future now • Frameworks will always be ahead of the web • Libs/frameworks help sculpt the future • Angular 2, ES6 + TypeScript is coming • Prepare for it now!

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    Thank you @toddmotto