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Open data is data that is made available by organisations, businesses and individuals for anyone to access, use and share. Open data has to have a licence that says it is open data. Without a licence, the data can’t be reused. The licence might also say: ● that people who use the data must credit whoever is publishing it (this is called attribution) ● that people who mix the data with other data have to also release the results as open data (this is called share-alike)

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Real Time data commons

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Context of Scale - Traditional tech architecture will not scale to these volumes - People and devices need to find data easily “20 Billion IoT devices to be connected by 2020” — Gartner Expected no of Daily Messages - 333x the size of Twitter - 94x the size of WhatsApp IoT

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No content

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■ HTTP like ■ Over UDP ■ Use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE ■ coap:// CoAP

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No content

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MQTT ■ PUB/SUB Protocol ■ Tiny Packets on the Wire ■ Suitable for low bandwidth devices

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Topics /users/yods/home/livingroom/light1 /users/yods/work/fridge

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Topic Matching Show me all data for my office ■ /users/yods/myoffice/* Show me all data from the lights in my office ■ /users/yods/myoffice/+/lights

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MQTT Security - TLS - Device Authentication - Provenance (**Only OpenSensors)

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Machine to Machine

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Acme Car Park

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Machine to Web

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Transducers “composable algorithmic transformations”

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Take one reducing fn and return another Do something with a seq of data to reuse functions on different data sources

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(defn xform [xs] (->> xs (map #(+ 2 %)) (filter odd?))) (reduce + (xform (range 0 10)) (def xform2 (comp (map #(+ 2 %)) (filter odd?))) (transduce xform2 + (range 0 10))

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Build pipes of channels

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Why? Faster - XML parsing example (defn dothread [doc] (->> [doc] (mapcat :content) (filter #(= :chapter (:tag %))) (filter #(= "Introduction" (get-in % [:attrs :name]))) (mapcat :content) (filter #(= :para (:tag %))) (mapcat :content) (filter string?))) Threading Benchmark Evaluation count : 22646520 in 60 samples of 377442 calls. Execution time mean : 2.685036 µs Transducer Benchmark Evaluation count : 50155860 in 60 samples of 835931 calls. Execution time mean : 1.276018 µs

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Why? Lightweight - Ability to create sophisticated analytics on the fly lumbering frameworks

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Thank You @yoditstanton