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Detangling Your JavaScript An Intro to JS Refactoring

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Chris Powers Engineering Manager at Groupon @chrisjpowers

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A Conversation

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“Are you using JavaScript or jQuery?”

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What is “Tangled” JavaScript?

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It is not BROKEN code!

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Broken code doesn’t work.

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Tangled code does work, but...

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Tangled code will become “broken” code eventually because...

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Tangled code is hard to read and understand.

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Tangled code is hard to update and maintain.

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Tangled code is easy to accidentally break.

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“Tangled code is code based on lost requirements.” - Noel Rappin

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Tangled code was shaped by forces that YOU aren’t aware of

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Got Tangled Code? Do you...

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Option #1: Big Bang Rewrite

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Option #2: Detangle (Refactor)

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ALWAYS Detangle! NEVER Rewrite!

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(well, almost)

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Rewrite good code. Refactor tangled code.

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Wat? Rewrite good code?

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Rewrites are good for fixing performance and architecture bottlenecks

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Rewrites are tempting

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Coders want to Code!

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OMG guys, let’s rewrite this in Coffeescript and Ember and D3!!!

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Writing code is easier than reading code.

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You CANNOT rewrite code you don’t understand.

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Your rewrite will likely miss requirements

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In your client’s eyes, your rewrite will be worse than the original.

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What is Refactoring?

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Methodically improving code quality without altering behavior.

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Making your complex code simple.

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Simple code is...

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#1 Tested

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#2 Reveals Intent

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#3 DRY - Each piece of knowledge exists in only one place

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#4 Small

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87% of refactoring is improving naming

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What ISN’T Refactoring?

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Making changes to untested code is not refactoring.

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That’s just changing shit.

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Turning JS into Coffeescript is not refactoring.

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That’s just... silly.

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Let’s Start Detangling! Ready... Set...

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Before refactoring, you may take 30 seconds to rage.

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It’s cool, I’ll wait.

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Okay, now STOP IT!

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You don’t know what forces affected this code, you might have done the same.

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A certain level of respect for the code is necessary.

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First Things First: Set a Goal

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How much code needs to be refactored? How deeply?

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Write a Test!

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Why write tests?

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Makes the code simple

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Ensures Behavior Does Not Change

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Forces Developer to Understand Requirements

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Defines the public API, if originally unclear

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Refactoring #1 Name the Anonymous Functions

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Refactoring #2 Document Responsibilities with Comments

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“Comment Driven Refactoring” (patent pending)

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Refactoring #3 Extract Methods

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Refactoring #4 Improve Variable Names

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Refactoring #5 Add Local Vars to Improve Legibility

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Keep Extracting Functions

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Refactoring #6 Add Clarity with Underscore.js

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Refactoring #7 Isolate Display Logic

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Refactoring #8 Isolate DOM Manipulation

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Refactoring #9 Hide “Private” Methods in Closures

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Refactoring #10 Scope Public Methods in Namespaces

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Refactoring #11 Use Nested Namespaces

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Refactoring #12 Extend Namespaces (Don’t Overwrite)

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Refactoring #13 DRY Up Namespace Initialization

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Got questions? @chrisjpowers