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Hady Osman, @hadynz

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Hady Osman, I work at Datacom Java Developer turned Backend C# Developer turned Frontend Developer turned Web Consultant turned Engagement Manager turned ?

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Lazy Loving husband Struggling Passionate futsal player Author of XBMC plugins that poach scrape TV On-Demand video streams Chases Leads a team of slack dedicated volunteers that run Auckland Eid Day

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1. Visual Studio Evolution 2. Visual Studio IDE + Web Essentials 3. Mobile Services + Push Notification

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2010s 2000s 1990s Any Team, Any App The Developer

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for Serious Web Development

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• HTML Editor • Browser Link + extensions • Page Inpsector • Support for KnockoutJS • Support for LESS STYLESHEETS JAVASCRIPT HTML TYPESCRIPT COFFEESCRIPT LESS

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Hady Osman @hadynz