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Cameron Dutro, May 2024 Isomorphic View Components Re-imagining the Rails front-end

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Who is this guy? Cameron Dutro GitHub, Inc @[email protected]

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Who is this guy? ViewComponent maintainer Primer maintainer primer/view_components primer/react primer/css

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My journey to GitHub • Sep - Dec 2010: Fluther • 2011 - 2014: Twitter • 2014 - 2020: Lumos Labs • 2020 - 2021: Salesforce (Quip) • 2021 - now: GitHub Rails renaissance

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Rails renaissance • Hotwire • Turbo, Turbo Native • RailsWorld announced • ViewComponent was having a moment

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ViewComponent A framework for creating reusable, testable & encapsulated view components, built to integrate seamlessly with Ruby on Rails. “ ”

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ViewComponent example # app/components/greeting_component.rb class GreetingComponent < ViewComponent::Base def initialize(people:) @people = people end end <%# app/components/greeting_component.html.erb %>
<% @people.each do |person| %> <%= render( first_name: person[:first_name]) last_name: person[:last_name] )) %> <% end %>

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Rux # app/components/greeting_component.rux class GreetingComponent < ViewComponent::Base def initialize(people:) @people = people end def call
{ do |person| end}
end end Star 385

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The story continues • February 2024: I ported GitHub’s global user nav drawer to React • It’s a fantastic experience; React is awesome

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The story continues • March 2024: Sin City Ruby conference in Las Vegas • Jason Charnes live-codes an interactive site builder using Rails front-end tooling • Company tried to use Stimulus, Hotwire, Turbo, etc, but ultimately wrote the feature in React • Painful watching Jason switch between so many fi les, connecting things with IDs, etc

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ViewComponent interactivity • Render server-side • Use Web Components to attach dynamic behavior • Use github/catalyst to reduce Web Component boilerplate

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Web Component example import {controller, target} from '@github/catalyst' @controller class PrimerTextFieldElement extends HTMLElement { @target inputElement: HTMLInputElement @target validationElement: HTMLElement @target validationErrorIcon: HTMLElement toggleValidationStyling(isError: boolean): void { if (isError) { this.validationElement.classList.remove('FormControl-inlineValidation--success') } else { this.validationElement.classList.add('FormControl-inlineValidation--success') } this.validationSuccessIcon.hidden = isError this.validationErrorIcon.hidden = !isError this.inputElement.setAttribute('invalid', isError ? 'true' : 'false') } setError(message: string): void { this.toggleValidationStyling(true) this.setValidationMessage(message) this.validationElement.hidden = false } }

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Limitations of Web Components • Imperative, jquery-like code • Find elements, add/remove classes, hide/show, etc • Easy to make a mistake or miss an edge case • Lots of event listener gotchas • Hard to re-render since there’s no template • Di ffi cult to synchronize data model and view layer

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React • Mature; large ecosystem • Declarative template, event handlers, refs, etc • Much less error-prone code, easier to reason about • Data binding (updating state updates the view) • Simply magical - no more querySelector().setAttribute() • Template (JSX) lives inside the component

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After working in React again, I came to a harsh realization:

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React is much, much better than Hotwire, Stimulus, or anything else the Rails front-end has to offer.

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No content

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React Problems • Dynamism makes it more di ffi cult to write accessible components • No such thing as “static” content • Tends to take over the whole page • Large bundle sizes • Performance concerns on low-end devices • You don’t get to write Ruby

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React competitors • Angular • Svelte • Vue • Solid • Qwik • Preact • Next/nuxt

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Takeaways • Components are good • Reactivity is good • Declarative is better than imperative

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Isomorphic view components What if we could render view components in the browser? “ ” me after Sin City Ruby

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My dream class TodoComponent def call



end end

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My dream class TodoComponent def call



{ set_state(edit: true) }}> Edit
end end

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My dream class TodoComponent def call
{if @edit else



{ set_state(edit: true) }}> Edit end}
end end

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My dream class TodoComponent def call
{if @edit { save_changes }}> Save else



{ set_state(edit: true) }}> Edit end}
end private def save_changes Net::HTTP.post_form(...) end end

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View components in the browser • Need a Ruby runtime • Need some way to update the view when state changes • Need a way for Ruby to call JavaScript functions and wrap JavaScript objects

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Ruby runtimes • ruby.wasm • MRI Ruby compiled to Web Assembly (WASM) • Large download (~50mb) • Opal.js • Required transpiler step • Sort of a large footprint last time I checked (~400k) + transpiled code

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Prior art • Volt • Appears to be unmaintained • Hyperstack • Personally not a fan of the syntax • Built on top of React

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Garnet.js • TypeScript implementation of YARV, the Ruby virtual machine • No transpilation - runs Ruby code directly • Smaller footprint (~95k) + Ruby code • Uses the new Prism parser

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Garnet.js • Passes the test suites from several gems • Small but capable subset of the Ruby standard library • Decent performance

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Neato • Experimental front-end framework for Rails • Uses Rux for templating • Compiles templates to tagged template literals • Uses Garnet to run Ruby code • Uses Lit for rendering and state management

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Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components. At Lit's core is a … base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system that's tiny, fast and expressive. “ ”

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• Lightweight: 5kb • Built on Web Components • Supports isolating CSS styles via browser-native shadow DOM • Uses tagged template literals for templating • “You can build just about any kind of web UI with Lit” -

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TodoListComponent class TodoListComponent include Neato::Component state :todos def initialize(todos:) @todos = todos end def call { do |todo| end} end end

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TodoComponent class TodoComponent include Neato::Component state :todo, :errors, :edit refs :name_input, :duration_input def call {if @edit <> {if @errors.include?(:name)

Name {@errors[:name].first}

end} > else @todo[:name] end} … end end

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TodoComponent class TodoComponent def call ... {if @edit { save_changes }}> Save else { set_state(edit: true) }}> Edit end} ... end end

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TodoComponent class TodoComponent private def save_changes response = Neato.fetch("/todos/#{@todo[:id]}", { method: 'PUT', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: "todo[name]": name_input.value, "todo[duration_mins]": duration_input.value ) }) if response.ok? set_state(todo: response.json[:todo], edit: false, errors: {}) else @todo[:name] = name_input.value @todo[:duration_mins] = duration_input.value set_state( errors: response.json[:errors] ) end end end

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Demo time!