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Structured Concurrency Presented at Hydra Distributed Computing Conference, 2019 elizarov @ Roman Elizarov relizarov 1

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Speaker: Roman Elizarov • Professional developer since 2000 • Previously developed high-perf trading software @ Devexperts • Teach concurrent & distributed programming @ St. Petersburg ITMO University • Chief judge @ Northern Eurasia Contest / ICPC • Now team lead in Kotlin Libraries @ JetBrains elizarov @ relizarov 2

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A short story of Kotlin Coroutines design 3

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Inspired by async/await async Task PostItem(Item item) { var token = await RequestToken(); var post = await CreatePost(token, item); ProcessPost(post); } C# async modifier Returns a future 1. awaits a future other async functions return future 4 2. awaits a future

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Inspired by async/await async Task PostItem(Item item) { var token = await RequestToken(); var post = await CreatePost(token, item); ProcessPost(post); } C# 5

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Inspired by async/await async Task PostItem(Item item) { var token = await RequestToken(); var post = await CreatePost(token, item); ProcessPost(post); } C# Suspension points! But what about generators with yield return? 6

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Kotlin DSL: Initial prototype fun postItem(item: Item) = async { val token = await(requestToken()) val post = await(createPost(token, item)) processPost(post) } Kotlin Coroutine builder Coroutine scope 7 Regular function

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Kotlin DSL: Initial prototype fun postItem(item: Item) = async { val token = await(requestToken()) val post = await(createPost(token, item)) processPost(post) } Kotlin Coroutine builder await function Coroutine scope Suspending functions 8 Regular function

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Kotlin DSL: Initial prototype fun postItem(item: Item) = async { val token = await(requestToken()) val post = await(createPost(token, item)) processPost(post) } Kotlin 9

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Kotlin DSL: Initial prototype fun postItem(item: Item) = async { val token = await(requestToken()) val post = await(createPost(token, item)) processPost(post) } Kotlin async / await à future 10

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Kotlin DSL: Initial prototype fun postItem(item: Item) = generate { val token = yield(requestToken()) val post = yield(createPost(token, item)) processPost(post) } Kotlin async / await à future generate / yield à sequence 11

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Suspending functions? fun postItem(item: Item) = async { val token = await(requestToken()) val post = await(createPost(token, item)) processPost(post) } Kotlin 12

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Suspending functions everywhere! fun postItem(item: Item) = async { val token = requestToken() val post = createPost(token, item) processPost(post) } Kotlin Returns a future 13

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Suspending functions everywhere! suspend fun postItem(item: Item) { val token = requestToken() val post = createPost(token, item) processPost(post) } Kotlin Suspending function modifier 14

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Suspending functions everywhere! suspend fun postItem(item: Item) { val token = requestToken() val post = createPost(token, item) processPost(post) } Kotlin 15

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Suspending functions everywhere! func postItem(item Item) { token := requestToken() post := createPost(token, item) processPost(post) } Go 16

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Prototyping libraries DSL for concurrency 17

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #1 func say(s string) { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) fmt.Println(s) } } func main() { go say("world") say("hello") } Go 19

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #1 func say(s string) { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) fmt.Println(s) } } func main() { go say("world") say("hello") } Go 20

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #1 func say(s string) { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) fmt.Println(s) } } func main() { go say("world") say("hello") } Go 21

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A DSL for Concurrency: Prototype suspend fun say(s: String) { for (i in 0..4) { delay(100) println(s) } } fun main() = mainBlocking { go { say("world") } say("hello") } Kotlin 22 Suspending function modifier Suspending function

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A DSL for Concurrency: Prototype suspend fun say(s: String) { for (i in 0..4) { delay(100) println(s) } } fun main() = mainBlocking { go { say("world") } say("hello") } Kotlin 23 Suspending function modifier Suspending function Coroutine builder Another builder

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A DSL for Concurrency: Now suspend fun say(s: String) { for (i in 0..4) { delay(100) println(s) } } fun main() = runBlocking { launch { say("world") } say("hello") } Kotlin 24

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #5 func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 25

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #5 func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 26

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #5 func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 27

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #5 func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 28

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A Tour of Go Concurrency #5 func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 29

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A DSL for Concurrency: Prototype suspend fun fib(c: SendChannel, quit: ReceiveChannel) { var x = 0 var y = 1 whileSelect { c.onSend(x) { val next = x + y x = y y = next true // continue while loop } quit.onReceive { println("quit") false // break while loop } } } Kotlin 30

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A DSL for Concurrency: Prototype suspend fun fib(c: SendChannel, quit: ReceiveChannel) { var x = 0 var y = 1 whileSelect { c.onSend(x) { val next = x + y x = y y = next true // continue while loop } quit.onReceive { println("quit") false // break while loop } } } Kotlin 31 Library types

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A DSL for Concurrency: Prototype suspend fun fib(c: SendChannel, quit: ReceiveChannel) { var x = 0 var y = 1 whileSelect { c.onSend(x) { val next = x + y x = y y = next true // continue while loop } quit.onReceive { println("quit") false // break while loop } } } Kotlin 32 Library types Select DSL

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What more to wish? Is concurrency support a solved problem? 33

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launchUI { try { // suspend while asynchronously making request val result = makeRequest() // display result in UI display(result) } catch (exception: Throwable) { // process exception in UI } } Thread-bound UI programming 34

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launchUI { try { // suspend while asynchronously making request val result = makeRequest() // display result in UI display(result) } catch (exception: Throwable) { // process exception in UI } } Thread-bound UI programming 35

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launchUI { try { // suspend while asynchronously making request val result = makeRequest() // display result in UI display(result) } catch (exception: Throwable) { // process exception in UI } } Thread-bound UI programming 36

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launchUI { try { // suspend while asynchronously making request val result = makeRequest() // display result in UI display(result) } catch (exception: Throwable) { // process exception in UI } } Thread-bound UI programming 37

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launch(UI) { try { // suspend while asynchronously making request val result = makeRequest() // display result in UI display(result) } catch (exception: Throwable) { // process exception in UI } } Thread-bound UI programming 38 Coroutine context

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launch(UI) { try { // suspend while asynchronously making request val result = makeRequest() // display result in UI run { display(result) } } catch (exception: Throwable) { // process exception in UI } } Thread-bound UI programming 39 Higher-order function Coroutine context

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await higher-order function 40

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await higher-order function 41 await Run(() => { Display(result); }); C# Lambda

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await higher-order function 42 var task = Run(() => { Display(result); }); await task; C# 1. Function called first 2. Then await

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await higher-order function 43 var task = Run(() => { Display(result); }); await task; C# 1. Function called first 2. Then await A call to regular function

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await higher-order function 44 run { display(result) } Kotlin Context is passed along the suspend callstack A call to suspending function

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Cancellation The stumbling block of concurrency design 45

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A Tour of Go Concurrency func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 46 A CancellationToken

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A Tour of Go Concurrency func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) { x, y := 0, 1 for { select { case c <- x: x, y = y, x+y case <-quit: fmt.Println("quit") return } } } Go 47 A CancellationToken A boilerplate

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48 quit chan

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Pervasive cancellation context? 49 type Context interface { // … } Go

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Pervasive cancellation context? 50 type Context interface { // … // Done returns a channel that's closed when work done on // behalf of this context should be canceled. … Done() <-chan struct{} } Go At Google, we require that Go programmers pass a Context parameter as the first argument to every function on the call path between incoming and outgoing requests.

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Lifetime prototype 51

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Lifetime prototype 52 interface Lifetime : CoroutineContext.Element { // … } Kotlin

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Lifetime prototype 53 interface Lifetime : CoroutineContext.Element { fun cancel(reason: Throwable? = null): Boolean } Kotlin

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Lifetime prototype 54 interface Lifetime : CoroutineContext.Element { fun cancel(reason: Throwable? = null): Boolean fun onCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): Registration } Kotlin

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Job prototype 55 interface Job : CoroutineContext.Element { fun cancel(reason: Throwable? = null): Boolean fun onCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): Registration } Kotlin

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Job prototype: explicit cancel 56 val job = launch { say("world") } Kotlin

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Job prototype: explicit cancel 57 val job = launch { say("world") } job.cancel() Kotlin

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Job prototype: explicit cancel 58 val job = launch { say("world") } job.cancel() Kotlin delay(…) throw CancellationException()

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Job prototype: higher-order operators 59 withTimeout(duration) { doSomething() } Kotlin job1 job2 Prototype worked like a charm

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Children coroutines Nesting concurrent computations 60

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Concurrent decomposition 61 val job1 = launch { say("hello") } val job2 = launch { say("world") } Kotlin These jobs are resources

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Concurrent decomposition 62 val job1 = launch { say("hello") } val job2 = launch { say("world") } val jobs = CompositeJob() Kotlin

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Concurrent decomposition 63 val job1 = launch { say("hello") } val job2 = launch { say("world") } val jobs = CompositeJob() jobs.add(job1) jobs.add(job2) Kotlin

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Concurrent decomposition 64 val job1 = launch { say("hello") } val job2 = launch { say("world") } val jobs = CompositeJob() jobs.add(job1) jobs.add(job2) jobs.cancel() Kotlin

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Job prototype Lifetime pattern 65 interface Job : CoroutineContext.Element { fun cancel(reason: Throwable? = null): Boolean fun onCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): Registration } Kotlin

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Concurrent decomposition 66 val jobs = CompositeJob() Kotlin

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Concurrent decomposition 67 val job = Job() Kotlin

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Concurrent decomposition 68 val job = Job() launch(job) { say("hello") } launch(job) { say("world") } Kotlin Job is a coroutine context!

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Concurrent decomposition 69 val job = Job() launch(job) { say("hello") } launch(job) { say("world") } job.cancel() Kotlin

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Concurrent decomposition 70 val job = Job() launch(job) { say("hello") } launch(job) { say("world") } job.cancel() Kotlin !

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Concurrent decomposition 71 val job = Job() launch(job) { say("hello") } launch(job) { say("world") } job.cancel() Kotlin Job becomes a CancellationToken !

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Context propagation 72 suspend fun doSomething() { } Kotlin

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Context propagation 73 suspend fun doSomething() { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin !

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Context propagation 74 val job = launch { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin ! !

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Context propagation 75 val job = launch(UI) { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin ! ! !

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Error propagation? 76 val job = launch { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin !

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Error propagation 77 val job = launch { say("hello") say("world") } Kotlin It can fail

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Error propagation 78 val job = launch { say("hello") say("world") } Kotlin It can fail

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Error propagation 79 val job = launch { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin It can fail It can fail They can fail concurrently Success or failure of this composite job can be known only when all children complete cancel(ex) cancel(ex)

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Job: the real thing 80

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Scope 81 val job = launch { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin

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Abstracting concurrent decomposition 82 val job = launch { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin

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Abstracting concurrent decomposition 83 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin

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Abstracting concurrent decomposition 84 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin It can fail

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Abstracting concurrent decomposition 85 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } Kotlin It can fail But call returns normally! !

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Scoping concurrency: prototype 86 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { withScope { // new job in the context launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } } Kotlin Throws exception on failure Encapsulated concurrent decomposition

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Scoping concurrency: prototype 87 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { withScope { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } } Kotlin

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Scoping concurrency: prototype problems 88 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { withScope { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } } Kotlin Error-pone

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Scoping concurrency: prototype problems 89 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { withScope { launch(coroutineContext) { say("hello") } launch(coroutineContext) { say("world") } } } Kotlin Error-pone Verbose

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Scoping concurrency: solution prototype 90 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { withScope { launch { say("hello") } launch { say("world") } } } Kotlin Extension function

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Scoping concurrency: solution prototype 91 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { withScope { // this: CoroutineScope launch { say("hello") } launch { say("world") } } } Kotlin Extension function

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Scoping concurrency: solution 92 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope launch { say("hello") } launch { say("world") } } } Kotlin Extension function

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Scoping concurrency: solution 93 val job = launch { sayHelloWorld() } suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope launch { say("hello") } launch { say("world") } } } Kotlin !

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Scoping concurrency: solution 94 suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope for (w in listOf("hello", "world")) { launch { say(w) } } } }

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Scoping concurrency: solution 95 suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope for (w in listOf("hello", "world")) { launch { say(w) } } } }

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Scoping concurrency: solution 96 suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope for (w in listOf("hello", "world")) { launchSay(w) } } } fun CoroutineScope.launchSay(w: String) = launch { say(w) }

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Scoping concurrency: solution 97 suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope for (w in listOf("hello", "world")) { launchSay(w) } } } fun CoroutineScope.launchSay(w: String) = launch { say(w) }

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Scoping concurrency: solution 98 suspend fun sayHelloWorld() { coroutineScope { // this: CoroutineScope for (w in listOf("hello", "world")) { launchSay(w) } } } fun CoroutineScope.launchSay(w: String) = launch { say(w) } But name for all of it?

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Control flow with goto 101

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Structured Programming 102

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Control flow with go 103

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Structured Concurrency 104

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Structured Concurrency 105 coroutineScope { } launch { … }

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Structured Concurrency Parent always waits for children completion • Resource cleanup • Never loose a working coroutine • Error propagation • Never loose an exception 106

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Structured concurrency everywhere? Similar problems, similar solutions 107

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Structured concurrency everywhere 108

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Structured concurrency everywhere 109 async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: // … Python CoroutineScope / Job

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Structured concurrency everywhere 110 async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: while True: incoming_connection = await server_socket.accept() nursery.start_soon(connection_handler, incoming_connection) Python launch

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Structured concurrency everywhere 111

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Structured concurrency everywhere 112 ServerSocket listener = ... try (var scope = FiberScope.cancellable()) { while (...) { Socket s = listener.accept(); scope.schedule(() -> handle(s)); } } Java CoroutineScope / Job launch

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Structured concurrency everywhere 113

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Structured concurrency everywhere 114 var g errgroup.Group Go CoroutineScope / Job

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Structured concurrency everywhere 115 var g errgroup.Group for _, url := range urls { // Launch a goroutine to fetch the URL. url := url // g.Go(func() error { resp, err := http.Get(url) if err == nil { resp.Body.Close() } return err }) } Go launch

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Structured concurrency everywhere 116 var g errgroup.Group for _, url := range urls { // Launch a goroutine to fetch the URL. url := url // g.Go(func() error { resp, err := http.Get(url) if err == nil { resp.Body.Close() } return err }) } // Wait for all HTTP fetches to complete. if err := g.Wait(); err == nil { fmt.Println("Successfully fetched all URLs.") } Go scope completion

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Next steps? 117 Get rid of unstructured concurrency launch { … }

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Next steps? 118 Get rid of unstructured concurrency GlobalScope.launch { … }

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More reading • Coroutines design document • Library guide • Library source and issues • Ongoing improvement work! 120

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Thank you Want to learn more? Questions? elizarov @ Roman Elizarov relizarov 121